Judson ISD Superintendent Message
May 6, 2024

Dear Judson ISD Family:
It's a week to celebrate our teachers! There is nothing more important to a child's school experience than having great teachers. A great teacher not only changes a student's life but can have ripple effects that last for generations. We are blessed to have those kinds of teachers at JISD - ones that work tirelessly to equip students with the academic and social skills they need to be successful in their lives. Thank you for caring for our students. Your work is seen and appreciated every day. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
“If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.”
– Guy Kawasaki
PS. Don’t forget to participate in the Weekly Win located towards the end of the newsletter. The next winner gets two SAFC tickets!
Dr. Milton R. Fields, III
JISD Celebrates the Distinguished & Novice Educators of the Year!
On May 1, Judson ISD celebrated the Distinguished Educators and Novice Teachers of the Year at a special ceremony. The crowd was filled with family, friends and staff from each campus across the district supporting our outstanding educators.
Each year, the district recognizes teachers who embody the spirit and commitment that produces a level of educational excellence and simply make others around them better each day because of who they are and what they do. Each campus selected educators who fit the description for this special honor. The recognition for the Judson ISD Elementary Distinguished Educator of the Year was awarded to Ashley Brady and Secondary Distinguished Educator of the Year was awarded to Meghan Latimer.
"These teachers represent the best of Judson ISD. They inspire their colleagues, and they inspire their students through their educational excellence. We are extremely proud of this group of individuals," said Dr. Rob Fields, Judson ISD Superintendent.
We are excited to recognize this exceptional group of professionals. Congratulations to all of our outstanding educators, their commitment to excellence at Judson ISD is truly inspiring.
Give Blood, Save a Life.
Join us on Friday, May 10 for our annual Blood Drive in memory of Bryce Wisdom.
Blood donation only takes a few minutes and saves lives. Come donate, get a free t-shirt and leave knowing you have made a life saving difference for others.
Registration is required. Sign up here!
If you have any questions, please email Melanie Perales at mperales@judsonisd.org.
JSTEM Students Receive National Recognition
JSTEM Students Receive National Recognition
PLTW - Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a nationwide hands-on STEM curriculum provider announced today that students from Judson STEM Academy (JSTEM Academy) have been named the winners of the inaugural PLTW Community Impact Awards in the middle school category. Students include Marley Hemby, Abigale Kodzo, Victoria Cortinez and Annabell Cramberg. They were nominated for this national award by their teacher Angelena Watkins.
Students across the nation are doing impactful things in and out of the classroom. PLTW created its first-ever student award to recognize and celebrate the innovations, creativity and impact PLTW students are making within their school and communities. PLTW educators from across the country were encouraged to nominate a student or group of students who demonstrate how their PLTW skills and STEM learning were applied to a project that is making an impact within their community.
“Your contributions can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and strengthen the bond of your community," said Judson ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Milton “Rob” Fields.
“Projects like these help you embrace the opportunity to positively impact the community where you came from.”
Bright Beginnings
Superintendent Employee Advisory Committee Final Meeting of School Year
The Superintendent Employee Advisory Committee is the representative organization for the staff of Judson ISD and serves as a forum through which employees can express, discuss, and exchange ideas relevant to Judson ISD and its employees. The mission of the ESAC is to provide a forum for communicating ideas and information between employees and the superintendent.
The SEAC held their final meeting of the year with robust conversations on how to collaborate to provide the most optimal support to teachers and staff at Judson ISD! Thank you to all of our ESAC members for their continued support and dedication to excellence at Judson ISD
Summer School Information
We are receiving an abundance of applications for Summer School and Programs. Thank you to everyone that has expressed an interest in working this summer. Here are a few reminders:
Applications: The approval in Eduphoria only indicates that your application has been received. It does not indicate that you have been hired for the summer. Summer School principals will hire their own staff for each of the designated sites in April.
FAQ List: I have included a list of Frequently Asked Questions and responses to address several questions sent via email. Please click the link below: FAQs for Summer School and Programs 3.20.24.pdf
Celebrating JISD Child Nutrition - School Lunch Hero Day
On Friday JISD celebrated School Lunch Hero Day!
We honor and appreciate our hard-working staff in the Judson ISD Child Nutrition Department. Thank you to all our School Lunch Heroes for helping to feed our students and staff, everyday!
Our School Lunch Heros from across the district showed off their superhero outfits in style.
Superintendent Shining Star
Alexis Shockley, JECA, Senior
Congratulations to Alexis Shockley-Williams for being the JECA Superintendent’s Shining Star. Alexis is a senior who invests in others, treats everyone well and plans for success - the epitome of the JISD Leadership definition and Raptor Pride!
As a member of the San Antonio Mayor’s Fitness Council, Alexis secured grant funds for innovative fitness equipment for the JECA campus. She worked for over a year on the project that would leave JECA better than she found it.
Alexis is a young woman of character who invests time and energy serving her community and campus. She is in the Student Council, President of the National Honor Society, and is in the JROTC at Judson High School. Along with all of her campus and academic responsibilities, she also completes many hours of community service. She is a mentor and friend to her peers and always treats others with respect.
Metzger Middle School Celebrates 20th Anniversary
On Tuesday, April 30, Metzger Middle School celebrated its 20th anniversary, and they did it in a big way - with the world premiere of a piece written for the Metzger Band specifically for the occasion.
The celebration began with Principal Loretta Davidson welcoming a packed cafeteria full of Mustang families, including the grandchildren of Henry Metzger, the school’s namesake. And, while the 20th anniversary was the reason for the celebration, “Family” could have been the theme of the evening.
As people entered the cafeteria, guests were greeted by Mustang Cheerleaders and treated to the sounds of the Wagner High Band and Metzger Honor Orchestra and Band. The Metzger LOTC presented the colors, the Competition Choir sang the Star Spangled Banner and student art was showcased around the room. Former Metzger students and staff were in attendance, both in the audience and playing with the Metzger Bands.
The massive undertaking was largely due to the efforts of Metzger Head Band Director John Robertson.
“When Ms. Davidson told me it was going to be our 20th anniversary and we needed to do something big, I had some big ideas,” Robertson said.
Robertson met composer JaRod Hall the year before when the Mustang Honors Band played one of his pieces and Hall came to MMS to work on it with the students.
“After seeing him interact with the kids over just one hour, I knew I wanted to commission him to compose a piece for the 20th anniversary,” Robertson said
Weekly Wins: Staff Appreciation Giveaways
Get ready for your chance to win SAFC tickets! You can enter by sharing with us your favorite SA Sports Team. Bonus points if you add a photo of you at a SA sporting event.
Enter your submission via email to media@judsonisd.org.
The winner of this challenge will get 2 tickets to the May 11 SAFC game.
Deadline is Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
Stay tuned until next Monday to discover who our lucky winner is. We are excited to read everyone's responses, good luck!
This week's winner!
Judson ISD is excited to announce this Weekly Wins Winner, Ms. Ebonisha Davis from Wagner High School! We couldn't get a photo of her today because she's on a field trip with students, but here she is smiling like she knew she was going to win!
Here's what she's looking forward to this summer!
"I am most excited about getting to rewind, relax, reflect, and rebuild! This year was what seemed like a LONG year, but it was full of fun and experiences. I am excited about getting to regroup on the school's and district's vision and theme for next year as Wagner comes up on 20 years of being open!! It's going to be an exciting year!"
What's Happening Around Judson ISD
If you would like to be featured please fill out the Judson ISD Media Request form!
VMHS State BBQ Competition
Big congratulations to our VMHS BBQ team! They've made us proud by clinching 5th place in the ribs category out of 98 teams at their first-ever state appearance! What an incredible accomplishment for their inaugural year!
Inaugural MS Softball & Baseball Seasons
What a night! The inaugural softball and baseball seasons kicked off last week for our JISD middle schools. We are thrilled to bring the sports to our middle schools and look forward to the future. Great job by all our coaches and athletes! This is the JISD Experience!
ABC Countdown
Second grade ABC countdown is underway at Elolf STEAM Academy! Every day until the last day of school represents a letter with activities. Students showed off their Engineering skills with the Pringle-ringle for E-day. H-Day was spent with Hawaiian themed rotations. ABC countdown is a behavior and attendance incentive that is so much fun!
Battle of the Weekend
An overwhelming win for MAY THE 4th over Cinco de Mayo at Miller's Point Elementary for their #battleoftheweekend. There were even a few special guests - Darth Vader and Princess Leia came in to greet the students during lunch.
Teacher Appreciation Perks!
We'll be looking for great deals to celebrate our teachers! Here are a few to check out!
Whataburger is giving teachers a free breakfast item from 5-9 a.m. from May 6 to May 10. Any school employee can show a school ID and get a free Taquito, Breakfast on a Bun, or Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit and a WhataTeacher lanyard. In addition, 63 teachers will be selected to receive a $1,000 grant.
McAlister’s Deli is offering teachers a free iced tea from May 6-12 with ID.
Raising Canes is running a contest from May 6 to May 10 where teachers can enter for a chance to win one of 10 all-expenses-paid summer vacations to a dream destination of the winner’s choosing within the contiguous US. The submission link will be open from May 6 to May 10.
Salata - Educators can get 20% off their total on Tuesday, May 7 as well as 20% off catering orders of $200 or more from May 6-10. Educators can also get free delivery through DoorDash from May 6-10.
San Antonio Zoo is offering Texas teachers a FREE Standard Admission ticket to San Antonio Zoo and 50% off Any Day Tickets for up to four guests on the day of their visits between May 6-12. You must provide your teacher’s certificate or school ID badge to claim.
Academy Sports + Outdoors is offering 10% off for teachers both in-store and online through May 11. School ID will be verified at checkout.
7 Brew is offering a free drink card for customers who purchase $25 in gift cards from May 6-12.
Survey Question of the Week!
Would you like Communications to make Reels with your class?
Upcoming Events Around Judson ISD
April: Month of the Military Child, Stress Awareness, Autism Acceptance and Library Month
May: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Mental Health Month
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-12: Nurses Week
May 8: School Nurse Day
May 12: School Communicators Day
May 12: Mother's Day
May 12-18: National Police Week
May 15: National Employee Health and Fitness Day
May 18: Speech Pathologist Day
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
May 28: Judson Early College Academy Graduation
May 29: Last Day of School
May 30: Judson Learning Academy Graduation
May 31: Judson HS Graduation
June: LGBTQ Pride Month
June 1: Veterans Memorial HS and Wagner HS Graduation
June 16: Father's Day
June 19: Juneteenth Holiday