The Greencastle Gazette

Greencastle ES Principal's Message (September 8, 2024)
A Message from Mrs. Dean
Well, it's been a great start to the new school year. Students are doing a great job adjusting to their new routines. Please remember, if you are a walker please cross at the crosswalk. We want to make sure families are getting to and from school safely. Thank you to everyone—students, parents, and staff—for your cooperation and enthusiasm.
***Important Reminders:***
1. **Grades 3 - 5 Back-to-School Night & FREE Health Screening ** Wednesday, September 11th. The free health screenings start at 5:30 p.m. and Back to School Night starts at 6:30 p.m. Please arrive early so that you can participate in the free health screening sponsored by the African American Health Project. All screenings are taking place in the multipurpose room (cafeteria.)
2. **FERPA Student Directory Withholding**: If you prefer to withhold your student's directory information, please see the information below and submit form MCPS Form 281-13 by September 12, 2024.
3. **Important Vaccination Requirements** - Please read below for more information.
4. **Last Week to Purchase Spirit Wear** See message from PTA President Mrs. Carroll posted below for more information.
5. **ParentVue** -Synergy ParentVUE is the Parent Portal that serves as the primary home-to-school communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access into myMCPS Classroom, and more. Please make sure you are signed up. If you need support visit the MCPS Technology and Information Support for Parents.
6. **Download the Remind App**: To stay updated with all MCPS and Page communications, download the Remind App. This is the best way to receive important alerts and announcements right on your phone.
Thank you for your attention, and let’s make it another great week!
Mrs. Dean
Mark Your Calendar - IMPORTANT DATES
Wednesday, September 11 @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: Back to School Night: Grades 3 - 5
Saturday, September 21: Annual Burtonsville Day Parade & Celebration
Friday, September 27: Early Release Day (Students dismiss @ 12:55 p.m.)
Thursday, October 3: Non-Instructional Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, October 18: Professional day for all staff; No School for Students
Monday, November 4: Grading and Planning for the end of term; No School for Students
Tuesday, November 5: General Election Day—Schools and offices closed; No School for Students
Grades 3-5 Back to School Night & Free Health Screenings: Wednesday, Sept 11
We will host Back to School Night for Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade families. Please join us Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m.. During BTSN night families will travel to their classroom or BTSN location to watch the video message from the principal. After the message families will visit classrooms or grade level locations to hear grade level information sessions and learn more information about extracurricular activities.
Greencastle is excited to partner with the African American Health Program. This program aims to improve the health of African Americans in Montgomery. Greencastle is committed to the health of our students AND their families. Therefore, you have the opportunity to get a confidential health screening for the family. This health screening screens for pre-diabetes, blood pressure and a few other areas. This is open to all families regardless of status. Please consider signing up for a screening during Back To School Night. Screening starts at 5:30 in the cafeteria
Directory Information Withholding - DUE by September 12, 2024
Each year, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is required by law to inform parents/guardians and eligible students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,(FERPA), as well as their rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
FERPA requires MCPS to give parents/guardians and eligible students the opportunity to request that directory information be withheld. PPRA requires educational institutions to notify parents/guardians and eligible students of their rights concerning the district’s conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. The PPRA notice for distribution to parents/guardians can be found on the MCPS website, and is available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Amharic.
Schools can provide directory information for public listings such as honor roll, awards, and other notices in the newspaper or on the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) website. A student’s name, address, and telephone number may also be released to organizations of any combination of parents, teachers, and students of a school. Unless you tell them not to, schools can release the information without your prior consent.
Directory Information includes the following items: student’s and/or parent’s name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number; student’s date of birth; major field of study; grade level; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; degrees and awards received (including honor roll); most recent school attended; dates of attendance; photograph, or other likeness; the weight and height of members of athletic teams; and other similar information.
If you do not want the school to release your directory information, complete the information below and return this notice to your school by September 12, 2024. MCPS Form 281-13 (Traditional Schools). Annual Notice for Directory Information and Student Privacy, contains the appropriate information, and also is available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Amharic
2024-2025 Required School Vaccinations
Important Vaccination Requirements
All school age children must provide documentation of required vaccinations or a permitted exemption. Maryland State law requires all Maryland students new to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and those entering Grade 7 provide documentation of required, age-appropriate vaccinations or a medical or religious exemption. This documentation is required within 20 calendar days from their date of admission.
Students who have not received their vaccinations may enter school if they provide evidence of an appointment to be vaccinated by Monday, September 16, 2024, (or 20 calendar days from their day of admission) must be excluded from school until such documentation is provided.
Please see the list of required vaccination here - Back to School Immunizations Requirements
MCPS Things to Know
ESSA: Requesting Professional Licensure Qualifications of Staff
Our school is fortunate to receive supplemental funding through Title I, a federal grant program for schools that serve communities with students who have high economic needs. The federal legislation that establishes Title I regulations is known as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). ESSA requires Montgomery County Public Schools to inform you that you have the right to request information about the professional licensure qualifications of your child’s teacher, long-term substitute teacher, or paraeducator (formerly titled instructional assistant).
If you wish to request licensure information about your child’s teacher, paraeducator, or long-term substitute teacher, please submit a written request to the principal at your school. Your written inquiry may include information about the following qualifications:
• Degree status and subject area of licensure.
• State of Maryland licensure status, including conditional licensure status.
• Qualifications of paraeducators or long-term substitute teachers who may be working with
your student.
Your request will be forwarded to OHRD and you will receive a written response from that office
within thirty (30) business days.
Please contact the principal if you have any questions.
Burtonsville Day - Saturday, September 21
Represent your ETHNIC HERITAGE @ the 2024 Annual Burtonsville Day Parade!!! Saturday, September 21st!
Come Dressed to Represent & Share the SITES & SOUNDS of your Native Culture; Bring the Exciting Energy of your Native Lands and Let's Dance & ENJOY as we Celebrate our Diversity and the Rich Cultural Fabric of our EAST COUNTY/NEC Community!
Parade Route starts at 10AM @ Paint Branch High School and Ends at 11AM @ Marilyn Praisner Recreation Center where an amazing Festival carries on till 3 & it's Free! Come out and line the parade route to see, celebrate and join in the fun!
NOW, if you want to BE IN THE PARADE and REALLY REPRESENT YOUR HERITAGE collectively please email us at parade@burtonsvilleday.org or register here https://forms.gle/oC1tF5UJpAQjEJp38 .
***SSL Hours available for students participating in the Sea of Solidarity Section of the Parade! Just show up wearing BLUE with your Crew to represent your school community. Ask your school and student leaders for more information on how to participate or email parade@burtonsvilleday.org!
A Word from Our PTA President, Mrs. LaKeisha Carroll
To contact the PTA, email GreencastleesPTA@gmail.com
Don’t forget about our summertime membership promotion! You can join the PTA for just $6, but this price won’t last long.
Also, Spirit Wear is on sale until September 13th! We strongly encourage online purchases. Be sure to grab some Greencastle swag so you’re ready for Spirit Week!
Registration is now open for Cheer Madness and Kaizen Karate. Spaces are limited, so register your kids ASAP if interested.
Be sure to follow us on our socials and stay up to date.
Instagram: Greencastle_PTA
Facebook: GreencastlePta
X: GreencastlePTA
Visit the School Website for More Information
Visit our updated school website to find updated information about general school policies and procedures pertaining to the opening of school. Please review this information with your student(s) to ensure a smooth beginning. Please continue to check our website regularly for more information at: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/greencastlees/