The Westgate Wire
May 17, 2024
D25 Art Show at the Memorial Library!
LMC Library Books Due
We need your help! We had 304 books still checked out as of the end of the day on, May 9th. Please be sure to return any Westgate library books as soon as possible. Thank you for continuing to make our collection available for all students!
Help Needed for the Fun Fair
We are in need of volunteers to be our Westgate mascot and/or participate in the dunk tank. Please let Allie Yoder ayoder@sd25.org know if you are able to represent Westgate at the ABC/25 Fun Fair!
Online Registration for the 24-25 School Year is Now Open!
Parents should have received an email inviting them to submit their 2024-2025 online registration. Feel free to reach out to the Westgate Office if you have questions!
School Supplies for the 24-25 School Year
SHOP NOW for your 2024-25 school supplies. Avoid the stores and get all your school supply shopping done online. EPI school supply packs contain all the items and brands our teachers require. Not only is this convenient for you, but it is a fundraiser to help our school. Order now with our School ID of WES344 at https://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks/
Thank you Westgate PTA for an AMAZING Westgate Palooza Event!
Important Upcoming Dates
No School-School Improvement Day-5/24
No School-Memorial Day-5/27
PTA Cappanari's Ice Cream Event-5/28
Last Day of School- 5/31