November Counselor Corner
Helpful tips, tricks, and dates from the Counseling Office!
Dear Students
This month's theme in the counseling office is kindness and gratitude. Below you will find grade level updates from your counselors, as well as ways to incorporate more self love, kindness, and gratitude in your life. Also, be sure to follow Collierville SGA (collierville_sga) on Insta to participate in their Kindness Challenge!
PS: If you missed October's newsletter, you can still view it here: https://www.smore.com/f5dg0.
Last month's focus was on safe dating and healthy relationships. Visit your grade level Schoology page to view our safe dating panel & enter a gift card contest (uploaded on 10/30).
-Mrs. Perkins: Prevention Counselor (mperkins@colliervilleschools.org)
Grade Level Updates and Reminders
If you need to contact your counselor, you can visit the office during school hours, email (can be found on the website here), or call 901-854-2340. We are here to help you with academic concerns, social concerns, and emotional concerns!
9th-11th grade students: The deadline to register for the PSAT is November 18, 2020. The cost is $20 and you simply follow the steps below to register. We recommend all 11th grade students take the PSAT to compete in the National Merit competition.
1. Go to https://osp.osmsinc.com/ColliervilleTN/
2. Select “High School.” Then click “Collierville High School.”
3. Select “PSAT Test Registration Fee.” Then click “Add to Cart.”
- Self care is important, especially in the winter months! Be sure to do something each day that helps improve your mood (go for a walk, pet your animal, drink water, exercise)
- If you need academic help, reach out to your teacher and ask how you can improve your grade in their class. Do not wait until the end of the quarter to ask for help!
10th grade- Counselors: Ms. Smith (A-Johnson) and Mr. Moskal (Jones-Z)
- Governors School info was sent on 10/1- check the Class of 2023 schoology page! Apps for the Art School are due on 11/16 and all other apps are due 11/30 to your grade level counselor - no exceptions.
- The PSAT is on 1/26/21. Sign up info above. Deadline to apply is 11/18.
11th grade- Counselors: Ms. Krotzer (A-K) and Ms. Johnson (L-Z)
- The PSAT is on 1/26/21. Sign up info above. Deadline to apply is 11/18.
- Governors School info was sent on 10/1- check the Class of 2022 schoology page! Apps for the Art School are due on 11/16 and all other apps are due on 11/30 to your grade level counselor - no exceptions.
- Naviance logins were sent via email on 9/22. ALL JUNIORS need to set up an account. You will soon be receiving instructions on how to conduct college searches, complete a career interest inventory, and much more! Email your counselor if you need your login resent.
- Practice ACT scores are not yet in. You will receive your test and answers- we advise you use these results to identify areas you need extra practice in.
- All juniors will take a free, scored ACT test in March. If you want to take a scored ACT between now and March, sign up on act.org. You can find lots of practice resources on their site as well!
12th grade- Counselors: Ms. Czosek (A-L) and Ms. Loeffler (M-Z)
- Check the Senior Seminar Schoology course daily for updates! All your college questions are likely answered on this page!!
- TN Promise Applications are now due 12/1. We recommend all students apply- free college tuition is hard to beat!! More info can be found here.
- FAFSA opened on 10/1. All students should apply (required to receive any scholarships/financial aid). Check email for more info!
- We do not use SendEdu. Request all transcripts via Naviance.
- If a letter of rec from a counselor is required for your school, you must fill out this form. Last names A-L: click here Last names M-Z: click here
- Continue to update Naviance as you are accepted, deferred, & denied from schools. Need help with Naviance? Check out a tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RItX1Orav44