The Sabin Star
November 18th, 2024 Volume #3 Issue #6
Reminders from the Office
Vaccines play a crucial role in protecting our students from serious illnesses and help keep our community safe. Parents/ Guardians of students who are due to receive vaccines should receive a letter in the mail. Please check if your child’s vaccinations are current, including their recommended flu shot, and contact your medical provider or any of the resources listed below.
Multnomah County Student Health Centers
Multnomah County Vaccination Clinic (English)
Safety Reminder: The days are getting shorter and it's staying dark longer. Please drive carefully in school zones, especially when students are present. Make sure traveling students are visible and walking on the sidewalk wherever possible.
Safety patrol will temporarily be taking a pause. We are looking for adult volunteers to help supervise morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. We will focus on 17th and Shaver & 18th & Shaver for patrol until further notice. Please reach out to Mr. Gardiner or the PTA if you would like to volunteer! It's a great way to meet members of the community!
PBOT Safe Routes to School
Follow on Social Media
PPS 2020 Bond Classroom Modernization: Sabin ES
Work is scheduled in our building over the next three weeks. Workers are installing the main electrical and telecommunication pathways.
If you have any questions or would like more information on this or any PPS Modernization please visit:
3rd graders working on Wit & Wisdom, PPS's Elementary English Language Arts Curriculum.
Model 1: The Sea
Essential Question: Why Do People Explore the Sea?
Sabin's Amazon Wish List!
Would you like to contribute to Sabin school, but are short on time to volunteer? Consider purchasing an item for delivery from the Sabin ES Amazon Wish List! This is a list of frequently necessary items - snacks, clothing, and health items - that are in high demand at school. (We are currently very short on larger clothing sizes for grades 4 & 5 who need a change of clothes.)
Thanks for supporting our Sabin Stars.
Grades 4-7 Big Library Read, Nov. 7-21
Students in grades 4-7 are invited to join the Global Big Library Read event, on November 7-21! Dive into Montgomery and the Case of the Golden Key by Tracy Occomy Crowder. Access free copies of the eBook and digital audiobook through Sora (on Classlink)—no waitlists or holds. Be part of this worldwide reading adventure and share your thoughts using #biglibraryread. Don’t miss out on this exciting book club experience!
3rd Grade Boys Basketball
Parents of 3rd Grade Boys-
We are seeking to start a Sabin Stars basketball team for 3rd grade boys through Portland Parks and Recreation Golden Ball league and wanted to send out a notice for anyone interested. All the information on Golden Ball can be found here: https://www.portland.gov/parks/sports/goldenball
Basics of the league/season:
Seven games played on Saturdays, January 18 through March 1, 2025. The league is divided into two halves, the first 3 weeks, followed by a realignment if necessary, and no break between halves. Games are played at various Portland Public Schools and Parks Community Centers. Game sites may vary from the first half to the second half.
I have submitted the paperwork to register the team with Portland Parks and Recreation but there is no guarantee of us getting a team in Goldenball if there are too many teams. We should be notified by the PP&R around the end of November. If we are lucky we will be able to practice at Sabin.
Next steps and Cost:
We already have 5 students interested in playing and at least two other parents interested in helping coach. We are seeking a total of 10 players on a first-come, first serve basis. If we have more than 10 total we may want to start a second team so that kids can all get playing time.
I was a coach of my daughter’s team at Sabin for a few years and found the league and overall experience to be great for the kids and enjoyable as a parent.
There is a cost of $450/team for the season along with cost of basic jerseys but don’t want cost to be an impediment to joining the team for any kid. Please reach out if you have any questions about the fees or waiving the cost.
Sabin Stars Basketball is committed to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in all its educational and employment activities. The District prohibits discrimination based on perceived or actual race; national or ethnic origin; color; sex; religion; age; sexual orientation; gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; veteran’s status; familial status; economic status or source of income; mental or physical disability or perceived disability; or military service.
Please text, call or email me if you are interested or have any questions at (503) 307-1137 or dmoryc@americanrivers.org.
David Moryc
Father of Felix Moryc,
Mrs. Ward’s 3rd Grade Class
PE Corner
Schedule your conference with Coach C here:
Want to show your child’s teacher or a staff member some love? We have a list of staff’s “Favorite Things” Reach out to Ms. Vawter if you’re interested! kvawter@pps.net
Follow us on Instagram!
Dinner Table Questions
Coming up...
Nov 19th - Picture Retakes 8:45
Nov 20th - EARLY RELEASE @ 11:50
Nov 20th- PTA Meeting 6:30 - 7:30
Nov 21st - IB Assembly
- K-2 12:30 - 1:00
- 3-5 1:15 - 1:45
Nov 21st- BBPAC Meeting 5:30 - 7:00
Nov 25-26- Parent Teacher Conferences (schedule conferences with your student's teacher)
Nov 25-29- No School
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net