24/25 Quarter 1
October 25th, 2024
Quarter One Newsletter
Keep in Mind . . .
1) Attendance is key!
- We want your student to be here every day. It is very important to give us a call if they aren't going to make it so we can keep accurate attendance. Messages, in any language, can be left after hours so just give us a call at anytime! Being on time to school, in addition to being an important character trait, also helps with reducing disruptions to the classroom.
2) Max effort!
- It is important to give your max effort while here at school. We encourage and challenge our teachers to design highly engaging lessons and activities which push students to do their best. This is also why it's so very important for students to be engaged with class and not with their phones. Phones are allowed at lunch and during passing period. They are not to be out in the classroom. Thanks for helping us stress the importance of eliminating distractions.
3) Not sure? just ask!
- Our philosophy is to take a "Team Approach" with you at home to get the most out of our students. We all want your student to succeed and maintain a strong line of communication with you. Email, call, or stop by anytime if you have a question or concern.
Things to ask your student . . .
2) ALICE Training - We had our initial ALICE Training of the year last week in a short assembly in the auditorium. ALICE is our response to a crisis in the building. We went over what it stands for and the main idea of ALICE - make the best decision you can with the information you have to keep students safe.
3) IXL Goals - Students have been asked to complete 20 minutes a week on IXL and if they can make that goal for the month, we have a celebration at the beginning of the month. Ask your student if they're making their weekly IXL goal!
September and October Seniors of the Month!
Cooper Wheeler
Cooper is a member of our National Honor Society. He also participates in Golf and is a Football manager.
After high school, Cooper plans on going to Kansas State to major in Computer Engineering.
Carter Meerpoohl
Carter is involved with Band (Drum Major), Editor of the school newspaper, NHS President, Choir/Notables (He's "Ren" in the upcoming musical, "Footloose"), StuCo, and KAYS. He is also involved in Cross Country and Track.
After high school, he plans on majoring in music at a university.
Important Dates for Quarter 2
October 29th - Character Strong lesson #4; first half of CRT
October 30th - Reality U (10th grade students)
November 1st - No School (Staff Development)
November 5th - Character Strong lesson #5; first half of CRT
November 12th - Career/Adulting Day
November 13th - Blood Drive in JV Gym
November 14th - 16th - High School Musical
November 20th - Signing Day in the main Gym
November 26th - Character Strong lesson #6; first half of CRT
November 27th - 29th - No School (Thanksgiving)
December 9th - Board of Education Meeting at 6pm
December 9th - Winter Vespers Band Concert
December 10th - Character Strong lesson #7; first half of CRT