Maple Minutes
September 2024
We have had a wonderful start here at Maple Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year. It has been wonderful getting to know all of the amazing students and seeing their learning journeys begin. Thank you for all of your support getting students back into the routine of school and helping to make this start such a successful one. Mrs. Meyer and myself are looking forward to a great year at Maple!
Dr. Taylor Jahn, Principal, jahnt@smithville.k12.mo.us
Mrs. Abbey Meyer, Assistant Principal, meyera@smithville.k12.mo.us
This month in Encore
Technology and Innovation
It’s been a fun and busy start to the year! We have been busy working on getting to know each other, establishing procedures and expectations. I’m looking forward to working with these amazing students this year!
Looking ahead …
Warrior Preschool/Early Childhood
We will begin looking at patterns, building patterns, and continuing the pattern.
Kindergarten students will be learning about how to use our ipads safely and we will talk about what an open mindset is and how it can help us not only in Innovation lab but in all that we do!
First Grade
First grade students will be reviewing programming with our Ozobots and we will jump into technology skills with the chromebooks. They are so excited to start using them!
Second Grade
Students in second grade will be reviewing technology skills learned in first grade and work on collaboration skills.
Third Grade
Third grade students will start working on a Google Slides Stop Motion Animation that is a celebration of Dot Day!
Fourth Grade
Students will begin a programming unit with our Sphero robots.
Fifth Grade
Students in Mrs. Hensley’s class are starting to work on our first big project where we design and build a prototype house for a family that students researched.
Sixth Grade
Programming students have started working on our choice projects and will continue to see how many projects they can complete this quarter!
You can see more by following our journey on twitter: @sara_freeman, instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mes_tech_and_innovation_lab , facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MESTechandInnovationLab
Physical Education
Pre K - We will continue to introduce new equipment so our students can find more confidence and get comfortable while playing with their classmates.
K - Our classes will continue to learn different ways our body moves. We have been having so much fun finding out what equipment does what in our big room.
1st - We are starting to play recess games in our classroom. Our friends love finding new games to play and this will allow them to feel comfortable when we are outside during recess.
2nd - We are starting to play recess games in our classroom. Our friends love finding new games to play and this will allow them to feel comfortable when we are outside during recess.
3rd - This group will continue to learn our warm up routine and learn the correct way to do some of our workouts. We are also starting volleyball next week. These students start off by rotating through stations, where we perform certain skill sets for this activity.
4th - This group will continue to learn our warm up routine and learn the correct way to do some of our workouts. We are also starting volleyball next week. These students start off by rotating through stations, where we perform certain skill sets for this activity.
5th - Our 5th grade students are also starting volleyball next week. We will be splitting up into stations to continue to work on our skills for this activity. They will move on to more group activities and team games after the first day of volleyball.
6th - We will be moving into team oriented games revolving around certain volleyball skills. They will also get to show their skills off in a class volleyball tournament in the next couple of weeks.
Music with Mrs. McNair
Warrior Preschool/Early Childhood -
We will be practicing our steady beat skills by moving, playing new instruments, and singing.
K -
Kindergarten students are taking a pretend field trip to the farm! Each week, a new animal will visit us in the music room and bring a new classroom instrument for students to play. We are also working on identifying the 4 different voice types: speaking, whispering, shouting, and singing.
1st graders are going to be creating “steady beat art” to show that they can feel the steady beat. We are also working on singing the pitches “So” and “Mi”. Students will be reviewing musical opposites this month including: high vs low, fast vs slow, and loud vs quiet.
2nd graders are finding different ways to move and play to the steady beat, we will incorporate different movement “levels”: high, medium, and low. We are also reviewing quarter note, quarter rest, and eighth note pair. Students will start to label different dynamic markings such as piano and forte.
3rd graders are reviewing quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair, half note, and half rest. We are going to be working hard on singing with a healthy and supported tone. Students will also be singing the pitches “So”, “La”, and “Mi”, and will have an opportunity to compose a song using those three pitches.
4th graders are reviewing the different instruments in the music room. They will have the opportunity to sing and perform with classroom percussion, including our new xylophones. We will begin learning a new rhythm pattern that will be labeled as “Sync-O-Pa”. Students will also be identifying and demonstrating different tempo markings such as allegro, andante, largo, and presto.
Students in Mrs. Ray’s class are jumping into our Ukulele Karate unit. They have the opportunity to learn how to play the ukulele at their own pace, and as they achieve new levels, they will earn a virtual karate belt. Eventually, they will be composing their own song with the chords they have learned, for the ukulele.
Our current Music Composition 6th graders are learning how to use digital creation platforms. They will be using BandLab to create custom loops and lo-fi tracks in several different genres of music.
Library Learning Journey with Mrs. Sissom
Warrior Preschool/Early Childhood- Warrior preschool & Early childhood will begin reading stories about Fall and how we can take care of our books.
Kindergarten Kindergarten students will be listening to stories about Fall and all of the fun things that go along with it, while working on station time and building creations.
First Grade First grades will be listening to Building Block book nominees as well as fun Fall stories. They are excited to start checking out their very own books.
Second Grade Students will be listening to Building Block book nominees, and reviewing how to check-out books, and how we take care of our books.
Third Grade Third grade students will begin listening to chapter books, and practicing finding “just right” books.
Fourth grade Students will become familiar with the new Mark Twain book nominees and start reading a few in class.
Fifth grade Fifth graders are also being introduced to the Mark Twain book nominees and we will start reading a few. Students are encouraged to read the Mark Twain books to go on a field trip in March. More information to come.
6th grade - Sixth grade students voted to read our first Truman book called, The Fort, by Gordon Korman. We are enjoying the story and once finished reading, we have several more on our Truman book nominees we will begin. So far the first Truman book has been great!
Art News
Kindergarten Students have been learning about the Art Room. Students have been learning about lines. So far we have learned the names of lines, moved like lines, drawn lines, and paint lines.
Students will move on to turning lines into patterns, and creating art made with shapes.
First Grade Students have been also working with lines and shapes, but they are learning how there are different studios located in the art room. Their drawing studio is starting out small, and will be expanding with more options. The collage studio is opening, and the painting studio is starting to open.
Second Grade Students are focusing on adding more craftsmanship into their work. Some multi-step projects will take more than one week to complete. Soon they will be working on landscapes showing foreground, middle-ground, and background.
Third Grade Students are very eager to begin working on their choice of artwork. I am trying to focus on the curriculum goals early so we can soon have that choice available in our schedule. They will choose from drawing, painting, and collage. This group is very eager to build, so we will also spend a little time to learn what is appropriate for art, and how those goals may be different from Technology and Innovation.
Fourth Grade Students have started with color wheel order, and printmaking. They are jumping right into making great art and cleaning up thoroughly. This will be a good transition into tempera painting. We will move on to mixing colors, tints and shades, and inventing new colors.
Fifth Grade students are moving right along with their trimester class. They began with Value drawing showing different tints and shades of colors. They used a self paced packet to learn the concepts and vocabulary of 1 point perspective drawings. They are working on collage and discovering the variety of items available. (I accept lots of items families might be interested in purging from their home collections.)
Sixth Grade Students have a self paced curriculum. They enter as a level 1 with 10 to 12 different choices on projects. They fill out a contract to promise they properly use the materials and supplies. When their project is complete they fill out a reflection and earn a badge. Once they complete 3 projects from level 1, they receive a whole new level of options. There are 4 different levels in total, and they come up with great ideas!
Growing up Maple PTO Fundraiser
Our Growing up Maple Fundraiser is halfway through! This fundraiser is our donation based PTO fundraiser where every penny donated goes straight to Maple teachers and students. This fundraiser will continue through September 20th, so there is still plenty of time to get those donations in!
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! Currently we have raised about 10% of fundraising goal, but we have a lot of time left to earn our building prizes. Those goals and prizes are:
$8000=Mystery Prize-Each teacher will choose a prize for their class.
$10,000=Prize above + Popsicle Party
$12,000-Prizes above + Trip to Heritage Park
$14,000-Prizes above +Inflatable Recess
AND, the class that raised the most money gets to be "assistant Principals for a Day" and silly strong Dr. Jahn at a school assembly. Your student will be bringing home another information and donation page, so be on the lookout and share with others. Funds from PTO have helped to purchase many beloved items here at Maple included the rock wall in our gym, drums for the music classroom, math manipulatives in 5th grade and help to fund our amazing class parties!
There are many ways to donate to this fundraiser. You can scan the QR code below and donate via the @MaplePTO Venmo account. You can also send in cash or check with your student labeled with the student's name and that it's for the PTO fundraiser. Let's keep those donations rolling in!
Maple School Store
Maple School Store-Get your School Spirit Wear here!
Maple Elementary Store 2024. Fall online ordering for Maple Elementary ends on Monday, September 9th (11:59 PM CDT).
Frozen Friday
2024-2025 Maple Elementary Staff
Principal: Dr. Taylor Jahn
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Abbey Meyer
Administrative Assistants: Mrs. Alison Camacho and Mrs. Heather Waters
Nurse/Health Room: Mrs. Annie Frazier
Counselor, Room 122: Mrs. Christina Hough
Part Time Counselor: Ms. Emily Johnson
Behavior Interventionist, Room 119: Mrs. Ashli Ellis
EC, Room 101: Mrs. Genna Cornelisse
Warrior Preschool, Room 106: Mrs. Heidi Uptegrove
Warrior Preschool, Room 102: Mrs. Jeanie Martin
Kindergarten, Room 113: Ms. Syndey Goss
Kindergarten, Room 115: Mrs. Sarah Claytor
Kindergarten, Room 114: Mrs. Sarah Madden
1st Grade, Room 139: Mrs. Rhonda Henshaw
1st Grade, Room 141: Mr. Aaron Bowlin
1st Grade, Room 140: Ms. Makenzie Kelly
2nd Grade, Room 136: Mrs. Autumn Marriott
2nd Grade, Room 138: Ms. Jenna Spence
3rd Grade, Room 135: Mrs. Emily Callahan
3rd Grade, Room 134: Mrs: Amber Medley
3rd Grade, Room 133: Mrs. Abrielle Bartley
4th Grade, Room 129: Mrs. Cortney Saxton
4th Grade, Room 131: Mrs. Jennifer Stone
5th Grade ELA, Room 147: Ms. Loren Ray
5th Grade Science and Social Studies, Room 149: Mrs. Hannah Hensley
5th Grade Math, Room 151: Mrs. Sheri Greenfield
6th Grade ELA, Room 146: Ms. Taylor Broleman
6th Grade Science and Social Studies, Room 148: Mrs. Amy Elliott
6th Grade Math, Room 150: Ms. Amanda Bradberry
Art, Room 125: Mrs. Jenny Haddock
Music, Room 117: Mrs. Reba McNair
PE, Gym: Mr. Zack Anderson
Library: Mrs. Brea Sissom
SLP, Room 105: Mrs. Heather Peterson & Stephanie Simon
SPED, Room 126: Mr. Greg Chastain, Mrs. Jina Arellano
Essential Skills, Room 130-Jessi Smith & Marci Riley
Process Coordinator: Mrs. Amanda McClusky and Mrs. Kristen Gromacki
OT/PT, Room 104: Mrs. Susan Holden & Mrs. Natalie Lloyd
Quest, Room 103: Mrs. Paige Scheibe (Grades 5-6)
Quest, Room 128: Mrs. Kassie Reade (Grades 1-4)
Technology and Innovation, Room 116: Mrs. Sara Freeman
Title I Reading, Room 120 & 124: Mrs. Lesa Quinn & Kim Roske
Custodians: Sarah Parks, Jack Green, Willie Kerley
Instructional Assistants-Essential Skills Classrooms: Mrs. Courtney Matthews, Mrs. Randa Blakeslee, Mrs. McKenzie Simmons, Mr. Lance Helton, Mrs. Carmen Williams, Mrs. Janelle Nelson, Ms. Elizabeth Edwards
Instructional Assistants-Resource Classrooms: Mrs. Kim Miller
Instructional Assistants Early Childhood: Corrie Cox, Dannel Blackwell, Sara Woolery
Instructional Assistant-Reading, Room 124: Mrs. Josie Benedict
Recess/Cafeteria Aides: Ms. Carolyn Steenrod, Mrs. Jessica Chetto, Mrs. Jessica Thomason, Mrs. Ashleigh Dunlap
Kitchen Staff: Ms. Anna Curtis (manager), Ms. Marisol Morena, Ms. Desiree Renz
2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement
The 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement form have been uploaded in PowerSchool and can be found under forms and enrollment . Please take a moment to review and acknowledge the 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement form with your child(ren).
2024-2025 School Calendar
Chrome Book Insurance
3rd-6th grade students will be in a take-home 1:1 program which means they will each be assigned a specific Chromebook. Devices will be handed out at back-to-school night. Students will only be permitted to take their device home if they have purchased insurance.
Insurance is offered to families as a part of student enrollment and fees. It is $15 per student to register. This fee is waived for students who qualify for the free or reduced meal plan. If a device is broken, there is only a $25 deductible. If insurance has been purchased, you will be charged no more than $25 to fix the device unless the damage was intentional. Chromebook insurance sign up is now a part of your enrollment and fees when you register your student in PowerSchool. Insurance from the 23-24 school year expires on September 20th, 2024.
Innovation Learning Before and After School Childcare
Innovation Learning, Smithville School District’s before and after school childcare provider, would like to invite you to enroll in our school year programs by going to www.innovationlearning.com. They provide a program designed to inspire kids to be the innovators of tomorrow through science, technology, engineering, arts, math, and physical fitness activities designed to teach them communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills. The program operates from 6:00 am to the start of the school day and after school to 6:00 pm on regular school days. Programming is available on days when school is closed, early release days, and inclement weather days. For more information, call Jason Gilbertson, Area Director, at (816) 825-6166 or our Customer Service line at (866) 239-3661
Screen Sanity Parent Night
Student Healthy Snack Guidelines
The Smithville School District follows the SmartSnacks guidelines for student treats and events. Any snacks provided for birthday treats and classroom events need to follow under these guidelines. The district has information regarding these guidelines as well as an approved snack list available on our website.
Important Upcoming Dates
September 10th-Fight Like a Princess Day-Wear Gold to School
September 13th-Warrior Community Tailgate at the Football Field
September 18th-Monthly Board Meeting 7:00 at Central Office
September 20th-Homecoming-Early Dismissal at 1:15
September 23rd-No School-Staff professional development day
September 24th-Fall Picture Day