Henry Happenings
Summer Update - July 31, 2023

September 22, 2024
Principal Message
As we embrace the beauty of fall, I want to take a moment to share my excitement for the upcoming season and all it brings. This time of year is a wonderful opportunity for growth, reflection, and connection within our school community.
With the change in season, we look forward to engaging our students in new learning experiences, activities, and opportunities to foster their creativity and curiosity. We encourage you to embrace this time with your children—enjoy the outdoors, explore autumn crafts, and make lasting memories together.
Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to a fantastic fall filled with learning and joy!
Make sure to keep reading below for more information on: Reader in Me, Notes from Nurse Munch, and a special note from our PTO!
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
September 24 - Reader in Me Online Submission Deadline
September 27 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
October 1 - PTO Tab Top Collection Day
October 2 - PTO Restaurant Night at Culver's
October 3 - 5th Grade MOSAICS to Litzsinger Ecology Center
October 5 - VICC Family Meeting City Museum 10 AM
October 10 - Early Release Day, 2:05 PM Dismissal at Henry
October 11 - No School (Fall Break)
October 14 - No School (Fall Break)
October 18 - PTO Trunk or Treat
October 22 - Reader in Me Online Submission Deadline
October 24 - All-District Choir Concert 7:30 PM
October 25 - Half Day, 1:05 PM Dismissal at Henry
Reader in Me Digital Log Form Due Tuesday by 9 AM
The Reader in Me Digital Submission Form for the 9/24 due date is open until Tuesday at 9 AM.
How to submit online? Keep track of your students reading minutes. You will submit your students total minutes read for each period through this Google Form each month.
Please note, the Google form opens 9 a.m. the Friday prior to the dates below and will close at 9 a.m. on the due dates below. Only one submission per student will be accepted per due date. We will no longer be accepting paper logs.
Fall 2024 Due Dates
- Tuesday, Sept 24, 2024
- Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024
- Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024
Please see the flyer for more details. Questions, Kellie Steko at kemstl1978@gmail.com.
Dreambox Challenge Ends Friday, Forms Due by October 4th
Students should return completed forms to classroom teachers by Friday, October 4th.
*Your child can login to Dreambox at home through Clever by using his or her login information or Clever badge. Once you log into Clever, your child can access Dreambox. Click this link that takes you to Parkway Clever.
Collections for the Library Display Case Sought
Does your child have a collection that they would like to display in the library? We have a new display case (thank you PTO!) to display collections at school. Please click this link to sign up for a week for your child to display their collection. All details are on the google form.
Notes from Nurse Munch
Student Flu Shot Clinic October 17th
Nurses from the VNA will be at Henry Elementary on October 17 from 9:15- 11:00 am for our annual Flu Shot Clinic.
Please see the below forms for vaccine information and accepted insurances. If you would like for your child to receive this immunization at school, please complete and return the consent form (below) along with a copy of your insurance card by October 15th.
A paper copy of the consent form was also sent home with your student on Friday, September 20th.
Dental Safari Coming to Henry on October 30th
Dental Safari Company, a mobile dental corporation, that travels to schools to provide dental wellness checkups, and urgent care treatment, for children is coming to Henry on October 30th. To take part in this service, a dental consent would need to be completed and signed. Please visit www.dentalsafariforms.com to complete the online form or return the consent form sent home on 9/6 to Nurse Munch.
Grandparents Cafe Tuesday, September 24
If you are a Parkway grandparent raising students, please join us for the Grandparents Cafe, a group that focuses on providing support and resources for grandparents raising school-aged grandchildren. Presenting at the first meeting will be the University of Missouri ParentLink Kinship Program. Dinner and childcare will be provided.
Date: Tuesday, September 24 – 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Welcome Center Board Room (760 Woods Mill Rd. Ballwin, MO 63011)
RSVP: Click this link or call 314-415-6510 (Jane) or 314-415-6060 (Michelle)
Food Pantry Sign-Up 2024-2025
For the 2024-2025 school year, the Parkway Food Pantry will continue to distribute food boxes monthly. This school year, families may choose one date each month to come pick up food. Please see the dates below.
2024 Food pick-up dates:
- September 4th, 4-6pm OR September 17th, 9:30-11am
- October 1st, 4-6pm OR October 15th, 9:30-11am
- November 19th, 9:30-11am OR 4-6pm
- December 17th, 9:30-11am OR 4-6pm
Request to receive food here. Contact foodpantryrequest@parkwayschools.net or (314) 415-7156 with any questions.
PACCD 24-25 Meeting Dates
🐾 Henry PTO 🐾
Culver’s Restaurant Night Volunteers Sought for 10/2
We have a Culver's "Share Night" (restaurant night) on Wednesday, October 2nd. As part of Culver's “Share Night,” they require that we have 1 adult volunteer and 4 youth volunteers per hour for the duration of the event.
As a volunteer, you will receive a Culver's apron and nametag, and then be responsible for delivering food to customers. (You will wash your hands and will need to continue to wash hands during your shift.)
We recommend the youth volunteers be in grades 2-5 as they will be walking outside to deliver food to customers and will need to be able to find the correct car and number. If you have a student who is younger and wants to sign up, you can do that but you need to plan to stay and assist the student as well (even if the 1 adult volunteer is signed up for the hour).
**PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT IF YOU SIGN UP THAT YOU KNOW FOR CERTAINTY YOU CAN ATTEND. Culver's is counting on the volunteers and it will be difficult to replace on short notice.**
Please sign up here. Sign ups are on a first come, first serve basis.
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Instagram: @pkwyhenrybulldogs