Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: September 6, 2024
Playground Updates!
One of the common themes in the elementary student listening sessions over the 2022-23 school year was the desire for upgraded playground equipment.
Starting with Memorial, which had playground funds raised by the PTA over several years, the district’s playgrounds are getting facelifts. The focus has been increasing play areas, adding equipment, creating more accessible play features, and improving safety.
Just before school opened, Buel (pictured) completed an addition to its all-weather play area with buried truck tires to add climbing and jumping opportunities.
Other schools have gotten, or will get, some new equipment or soccer goals and/or refreshed paint for games like wall ball, four-square and hopscotch. All schools will get Gaga Ball ball pits.
Charting the Path Forward
The MSD Strategic Plan is the district roadmap for student achievement and success. Take a look here at the 2023-26 plan.
Heat Advisories
When temperatures soar, there are various steps the district takes to keep our schools and athletic fields safe.
MSD follows guidance from OSAA on activities during high heat days, which includes providing cooling strategies like shade, misters, fans and extended water breaks on the field for athletes during high heat.
At Memorial and Adams -- our two oldest schools that don’t have air conditioned classrooms -- staff uses fans to blow in cool air in the mornings and keeps shades drawn and lights down as much as possible.
Talking about School Violence
With this week’s school shooting in Georgia and the lockdown at the high school yesterday, your children may have anxiety about their own safety at school.
Here’s some information from the National Association of School Psychologists with ideas on how to address fears and questions when children are exposed to threats of school violence or news about it.
Non-Discrimination and Harassment
Did you know that MSD has specific policies that promote non-discrimination and an environment free of harassment for both students and staff?
Find details on the policies and other guidance here.
New Year, New Friends
Today, Newby 5th graders hosted a “Me Museum,” a project highlighting things about themselves illustrated with artifacts from home.
After completing their displays at their desks, students toured around their own classroom and the other 5th grade classrooms to learn about other students. See more photos on the MSD Facebook page!
What is the McMinnville Education Foundation?
Each year, the McMinnville Education Foundation (MEF) sponsors their biggest fundraiser, a family fun run called Runtoberfest. The fundraiser makes programs possible like Elementary Science Experiences, Battle of the Books, Artist-in-Residence and teacher mini-grants.
What are teacher mini-grants? Take a look at some of the classroom activities and resources that would not have been possible without these grants. And register here for Runtoberfest!
Handling Problematic Behaviors
Dealing with challenging behaviors from your child (or teen) can be difficult for any parent. Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) is used in MSD classrooms and can be helpful when also used at home.
Parents can learn how to use CPS in a free, online eight-week training series beginning this month. There are also series for families with children experiencing autism and/or IDD.
Click for more information and training dates.
Join Cub Scouts!
Boys and girls in K-5 are invited to Pack 454’s open house events this month. Over three evenings, attendees will learn about first aid, build a first aid kit and visit the fire station.
Find out more under the Peachjar button on your school’s website.
County Parks Community Meeting
Yamhill County Parks invites you to participate in a community meeting. The meeting will collect input for a 20-year plan to enhance, maintain and add to county parks, recreation opportunities and open space.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Yamhill County OSU Extension Service at 2050 NE Lafayette Avenue in McMinnville. Can’t make the meeting? You can also share your input online. The survey will be open until Sept. 30.