Tiger Tales
Thomas Page Academy's Newsletter, April 1, 2021
Principal's Message
Dear Thomas Page Community,
The Principal's Message for today looks very similar to our Principal's Message in the Hybrid Edition of Tiger Tales earlier this week; however, this letter contains some new, updated information, so I encourage you to read through each part, even if you read the edition from March 30. Below in Tiger Tales you will also find next year's instructional calendars, details for upcoming parent meetings, and other important information.
We look forward to opening campus to students by implementing a hybrid schedule starting during the month of April. The hybrid model is a combination of on-campus and distance learning. On March 19 a very important letter was emailed to parents from the district and school stating which cohort your child will participate in during hybrid learning: AM, PM, or continuing distance learning. Please locate this letter if you haven't already. If you cannot locate this letter in your inbox, please call the school office as soon as possible: 707.792.4860.
Hybrid Schedule
- AM cohort: on-campus learning 8:20 - 10:40 / off-campus learning 12:40 - 3:00
- PM cohort: off-campus learning 8:20 - 10:40 / on-campus learning 12:40 - 3:00
- Wednesdays: Distance Learning for all students in all grades, no on-campus instruction
Hybrid Start Dates
Students continue distance learning until their hybrid start date, by grade level.
- Kindergarten - 2nd grade and TPA 6th grade: April 12
- 3rd grade - 5th grade: April 19
- 7th grade - 8th grade: April 26
We will be offering transportation! Bus route information is now available on the West County Transportation website: https://www.schoolbusing.org/covid19-cohort-bus-routes. Every student on the bus needs to have their bus pass, and scan it upon boarding, in order to ride. We need to be able to see which students ride each day. Please also ensure CrisisGo has been completed verifying your child's health before your child boards the bus. Face coverings and physical distancing are expected on the bus to keep all safe. If your child rides the bus please talk to them about refraining from eating on the bus, as facial coverings need to stay in place at all times.
Children will receive meals at school prior to leaving campus. They will take their food home with them. There will be no eating on campus or on the bus during the hybrid model.
Each morning parents will receive an email from CrisisGo to the email inbox the office has on file. CrisisGo emails will begin sending next week so all can practice! Please complete the health screening made up of three simple questions each morning before sending your child on the bus or to school via carpool or parent drop-off.
All students enrolled at TPA, even those learning from home, need to complete the CrisisGo check-in each day.
Student Lanyards
Each student will have a lanyard containing a QR code connected to CrisisGo that they scan upon arrival showing the CrisisGo health screening has been completed. Students must bring their lanyard with them to school every day.
Safety Protocols
Face coverings - required by all students and staff every day
Extra clothing layers - Because windows on buses will be open and classroom doors will be open for ventilation, I recommend students bring extra layers of clothing with them to school, like jackets and sweatshirts.
Classroom setup -
- Desks are spaced apart to allow for distancing, and each desk is equipped with a plexiglass divider.
- Every room on campus has a new air filtration system that filters out germs and viruses in the air.
- Every classroom has hand sanitizer dispensers by the entrance to outside.
- Hallways are closed, everyone on campus will use doorways to the outside for classroom entrance and exit.
Arriving to school -
- Parents complete CrisisGo health screening, in parent's email inbox each morning, this allows students to scan their QR code for entry upon arrival to school.
- Students must thoroughly wash their hands before coming to campus.
- Once at school students scan their QR code in their lanyard, which is associated with their CrisisGo account.
- Students then walk through thermal temperature scanner.
- Students will also use hand sanitizer during this entry process.
- Parents who are here for drop-off and carpool continue to pull through the car loop in the parking lot and remain in the car.
- YMCA drop-off - please refrain from using or stopping in the bus loop. Please only utilize the carpool loop.
- Please arrive to school early, allowing time for check-in protocols.
- Students exhibiting symptoms will be distanced from others and supervised by a staff member, and parents will be called for immediate pick-up.
Two Points of Entry -
- Students who arrive on the bus will check-in in the Multi-Use Room upon arrival to school.
- Students who arrive to school via carpool and parent drop-off check-in outside the Principal's Office.
- Students who arrive to the YMCA before 8:00 will use the M.U. entry point.
- School staff will supervise student lines and ensure distancing.
Restroom Assignments-
Each grade level is assigned to a specific restroom on campus.
- Kindergarten: Classroom restroom
- 1st-2nd: C-Wing Restrooms
- 3rd-5th: B/A-Wing Restrooms
- 6th-8th: E-Wing Restrooms
- YMCA: Multi-Use Room Restrooms
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Our staff and faculty will explicitly teach our students our new health protocol expectations. We are ready and looking forward to rewarding and recognizing students with Tiger Rewards for meeting and exceeding our school-wide expectations and continuing our Tiger Reward raffle each Friday!
Discussions At Home
Please discuss with your child(ren) the importance of thorough handwashing, physical distancing, mask wearing, and following directions given by school staff prior to your child's hybrid start date.
Schedule Adjustment
The week prior to your student's scheduled hybrid start date, their teacher(s) have professional development trainings and appointments each day in preparation of opening the hybrid model. Because of the professional development opportunities occurring the week before hybrid begins, your child's class schedule will be adjusted. During this week, please expect shorter class meetings on Google Meet and more asynchronous activities.
Parent Meeting
We will have a parent meeting in English and Spanish on Thursday, April 8 at 6:00 pm at this link: https://meet.google.com/rxd-rwsv-ceq. The meeting will review the information included in this letter for opening to hybrid learning. I can answer any questions you may have at that time or any time, feel free to email or call me: Lynzie_Brodhun@crpusd.org / 707.792.4860.
We are so excited to see our students on campus again and to open to hybrid learning! Please reach out any time with questions or concerns.
Lynzie Brodhun, Principal
TPA Parent Support Meeting
Mark Your Calendar!
- Hybrid Learning Cohort Assignment Letter: letters go out to parent emails March 19, 2021. All families should email Principal Brodhun or call the school office if you did not receive a letter.
- Trimester 2 Report Cards: available in PowerSchools on March 30. If you would like a paper copy, please stop by the TPA Office, we have them available.
- TPA Parent Meeting: Hybrid Opening, April 8, 2021, 6:00pm, at this link: https://meet.google.com/rxd-rwsv-ceq. Meeting will be help in English with Spanish interpretation.
- PTA Meeting: April 12, 5:30 pm, at this meeting link: https://meet.google.com/ikr-ztnt-umq
- DELAC Meeting: April 14, 6:00 pm at this meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81593745848?pwd=N0gwYWF5TVpuK2FhQTFtb2dQSW9yUT09
- TPA Parent Support Meeting with Maria Freebairn-Smith, April 15, 9:00am and 6:30pm. Links to follow!
- TPA Family STEAM Night! - May 4, 6:00-7:00 pm
Our PBIS Expectations Music Video Contest has begun!
Celebrating Our Students!
Safe Classroom Setup
Family Walk-Through!
Zacks - April 7, 12:30 - 1:00
Riggins - April 7, 1:00 - 1:30
Graves - April 7, 1:30 - 2:00
Sullivan - April 7, 2:00 - 2:30
Williams 3rd grade - April 7, 2:30 - 3:00
Winship - April 8, 12:30 - 1:00
Nakano - April 8, 1:00 - 1:30
Miller - April 8, 1:30 - 2:00
Godleski - April 8, 2:00 - 2:30
Pace - April 8, 2:30 - 3:00
Williams 6th grade - April 9, 12:30 - 1:00
Pengel - April 9, 1:00 - 1:30
Rerecich - April 9, 1:30 - 2:00
Dedekam - April 9, 2:00 - 2:30
Johnson - April 9, 2:30 - 3:00
Families with children in multiple classes at TPA, may select one time and participate in the walk-through together for convenience.
Student Clubs - Online Mondays at 3:00!
STEAM Club, all grades
‘Among Us’ game club, grades 3-5
Club para el juego, Entre Nosotros
‘Among Us’ game club, grades 6-8
Club para el juego, Entre Nosotros
New Club!
Anime Club, grades 6-8
Club de animé
Art Club
Club de Arte
Gaming Club, grades 3-5
Club de videojuegos
Gaming Club, grades 6-8
Club de videojuegos
Chatting Club
Club de chat
Writing Club
Club de escritura
It's not too late for your child to start a club if they do not see one of interest listed above. Simply reach out to Ms. Miller, Ms. Godleski, or Ms. Brodhun. Special thanks for Ms. Miller and Ms. Godleski for initiating student clubs! Thank you!
2021 - 2022 Instructional Calendar Attached:
News and Tips from Our Wonderful CRPUSD Nurses!
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Thomas Page Academy
The Thomas Page Academy community supports the intellectual, physical and emotional development of our students. We will challenge ourselves to be a quality school that positively impacts student learning through changes and improvements in our educational design and delivery of services. Our school community believes in the potential of every student. We believe our unified effort will enable all students to learn and achieve in a manner that will prepare them to become caring and successful citizens of the 21st century.
Lynzie Brodhun, Principal
Email: lynzie_brodhun@crpusd.org
Website: https://tpa.crpusd.org/
Location: 1075 Madrone Avenue, Cotati, CA, USA
Phone: 707.792.4860
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThomasPageAcademy