What I learned at TXLA Tech Camp!
Search with Kyle Pace
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Voice Search
same words, not necessarily in that order
Wikipedia is usually first
Not the only source but it is first because it is so popular
Knowledge card: on the right hand side quick pertinent info
you can send info to your phone
People also searched for
Ways to reduce search results:
- quotation marks around search term; exact phrase
- -travel for "Great wall of china" -food
- site:.edu
A google a day
Google search online class
google custom search
mood match the presentation design elements
Nikki Robertson
Social Media
teach, model, lead
Jennifer Hogan
Holly Sutherland
Yik Yak
instead of blocking: flood with positive messages
My terrific teachers!
Kyle Pace
Nikki Robertson
Amy Mayer
Amy Mayer: Engaging Professional Development for Teachers
fried technology g suite needs assessment
need to hear it again
need time to practice
i don't know
magnify text;
you can make it anonymous
time during a faculty meeting to figure out overall what this staff needs
#2 help them set goals
ITP form
Individualized Technology Plan
interview process
interview them face to face
send in student products as evidence that you used it with students
provide feedback
let's taco bout summer pd 4/25 33:30
fried.tech/summerPD Plans
#friedfan twitter chat
from failure to fabulous
tell me about a time when you made a big mistake: 1st and 4th grade buddies
6/22 5/20 txgoo summit
kid lit tv