Cardinal Connections - Families
September 7, 2020
Welcome Back to School, CVE Families
We hope you all are doing well and staying safe. This is such an unusual time for all of us. However, I believe we can take challenging circumstances and turn them into tremendous opportunities if we do it together. I'm enthusiastic to begin this new school year with our CVE family, and I want to welcome you back to a place we call home.
This year will be an interesting start to the school year, but I'm excited to see what we can accomplish this year. I know that starting in remote learning will be challenging for a lot of my families, and apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. I promise you that we will work hard to use this platform as an opportunity to teach and learn on a higher level than what we anticipate.
First Day of School - Tuesday, September 8, 2021 - Half Day
Period 1: 9:00 - 9:57 am (57 min.)
Period 2: 9:57 - 10:55 am (58 min.)
Period 3: 10:55 - 11:53 am (58 min.)
Staffing Changes at CVE
Laura Kroll (1st-grade teacher last year) will be teaching our 1st Grade CVVA students
Alyssa Strohm (4th-grade teacher last year) will be teaching our 1st Grade students
Janna Rees (2nd-grade teacher last year) will be teaching our 2/3 Blend class
Mary Bigham (3rd-grade teacher last year) will be out for the year
Kelli Roddy (5th-grade teacher last year) will be teaching our 4/5 Blend class
Tracy Rice (5th-grade teacher last year) will be out until February 2021
Megan Laichalk will be in for Tracy Rice this year and working alongside Kelli Roddy
Kim Collins (Science teacher last year) will be out for the year
Jennifer Rasky will be in for Kim Collins this year and working together with other science teachers in the district
Kelly Wright (AM Clerk) is no longer with CVE. She has transferred to the school I came from, Iroquois Middle School
Shelley Criscenti (Reading Para) will be out for the year
First Day of School Procedures Accessing Schoology
All Chippewa Valley students will begin online instruction starting Tuesday, September 8th, using the Schoology platform. School begins at 9:00 am each day. As in a traditional face-to-face setting, if your child will not be in attendance during the school day, please inform the school office staff by calling 586-723-5299.
On the first day of school, students will log in to their Schoology account. Once your child accesses their Schoology account, your child’s teacher will have directions posted to guide your family through the process.
To learn more about Schoology, including how to access the site and review/learn Schoology basics, visit: Schoology Overview, or click to watch the Schoology Video with directions on how to log in.
If you are still in need of your Schoology login information, please send an email to Antoniette Manoski at or Niyoka Wright at We will be sure to get you your credentials to get into the system.
o Visit:
o Login: enter your login information
o Password: enter your password
Clinton Valley Elementary News.....
- Ordered lockers for grades 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade
- The concrete in front of the school has been repaired
- Ordered t-shirts for the staff and students last year and plan to do it this year
- In the process of painting mural throughout the building to give the students and teachers a positive community to walk into and feel great about being part of the CVE family
- In the process of doing landscaping outside the front of the building
- Soffit repaired in the cafeteria
- Teachers received new Smartboards and Surface Go Tablets to effective deliver remote lessons to our students
- Ordered the IXL program for every student (math and ELA)
- Ordered Bridges Kits for every student
- Scholastic News subscriptions have been purchased from our PEN family
- Ceiling tiles replaced throughout the building
- Water fill stations will be installed in the next couple of weeks
- New Playground being installed in the next couple of weeks
Welcome Letters/Schoology Login Information
If you did not receive your Welcome letter due to an inaccurate email address or you would prefer to check to make sure the correct email address is in our system, please contact Sue Beck at and Nella Manoski at
Many of you have already received laptops from the district. However, there are still some families out there who have not. The goal of the district is to provide a laptop for each student who needs one for remote learning, but we know that at this time, the requests outnumber our available computers. The district has ordered new computers, but they will not arrive for several weeks. For those families still in need of technology, please sign-up by visiting: Technology Wait List.
Until we can have more computers available to distribute, we ask that if you have a personal device available for remote learning for a few weeks while you wait to check out a district device. If you can share devices until we have more accessible, it will help us meet the demands of our families in the most need.
Windows computers, Mac computers, Chromebooks, iPads, and Android tablets are all devices that will work with the district’s remote learning programs.
Class Placement 2020-2021
Each year, creating balanced classrooms is a complex process as we work to meet the academic and social needs of all our students. This year, our Clinton Valley Elementary staff has worked to ensure proper student placement regardless of a remote, hybrid, or traditional setting. Due to scheduling constraints and many other factors, changes to class placement cannot be accommodated at this time. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Virtual Curriculum Night, September 9th
Our Virtual Curriculum Night will be held on:
Wednesday, September 9th
5:30 - 6:30 - ECSE, Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd
6:45 - 7:45 - 3rd, 4th, & 5th
Curriculum Nights are scheduled for the first week of school. All families are invited to attend grade level virtual presentations.
Curriculum Night will be the opportunity for your family to learn more about remote learning, your child’s grade level curriculum, virtual learning expectations, and ways to become involved.
If you are unable to attend Curriculum Night, the presentation will be recorded and available on your child’s Schoology account.
Materials Distribution
Our Materials Distribution will be held on:
September 14th - 5:00 - 7:30 pm - ECSE, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, & 2nd Grade
September 15th - 5:00 - 7:30 pm - 3rd Grade, 4th Grade & 5th Grade
During the first week of live daily instruction, our teachers will focus on supporting the social-emotional well-being of our children, building relationships, building community, teaching technology, and developing expectations.
During material pick up, families will receive resources to support instruction at home. This night will be an opportunity for you to wave to our staff from your car.
ECSE Program Times
PM Session - (1:01 PM - 3:44 PM)
If your child has not attended school before this year, and you have not yet registered for school, you must complete the registration process as soon as possible. Sue Beck, Secretary at 586-723-5204, to enroll your child. You will need to provide:
Immunization Records
Original Birth Certificate
Two Current Utility Bills
Morley Candy Fundraiser
Unfortunately, as of right now, PTO will not be able to hold many of the events that they did last year. I can tell you that we had already begun some of the planning work over the summer. The goal was to give our Clinton Valley students some of the opportunities that other schools have, and just because we are in shutdown mode with not being able to host the many events that we had, doesn't mean we can't find other ways to make things happen for our students.
This year we found another way to raise funds for our kids, and it sounds like a pretty great way to raise funds. Dan Morley from Morley Candy came in a couple of weeks ago to go over this new touchless fundraiser. We are asking our families to participate in selling Otis Spunkmeyer and Winter Wishes (Morley Candy). I have included the Fundraiser letter below. Please click on the image, and it will open it up to a PDF. Once it opens into a PDF, the clickable links will work. Please register and share the fundraisers with five or more supports. Everyone who sells five or more items will receive a candy bar with either $1, $5, or $10 attached. There is a video embedded in the letter that goes over how the fundraiser work. Please review it, and let's get excited about what this fundraiser can do.
Click on the image to access the document and then download to access the embedded links
Half Day Schedule
Our Half Days begin and end this year from 9:00 - 11:53 am
October 21, 2020
October 22, 2020
October 23, 2020
October 30, 2020
February 12, 2021
March 24, 2021
March 26, 2021
April 1, 2021
June 14, 2021
June 15, 2021
Food Service & Meal Benefits
Over the past months, we understand families may have experienced economic hardship. At this time, CVS will be providing FREE meals to students up to 18 years old as we transition back into remote learning.
This FREE meal service will continue until further notice. However, we highly encourage families to complete a meal benefits application by visiting: so benefits can continue once the FREE meal service is discontinued.
If your children received meal benefits (free/reduced lunch) during the 2019-2020 school year, your family must reapply for support to continue service during the 2020-2021 school year. Please complete your application by October 16th as soon as possible to ensure the continuation of support.
Meal Service will take place from 9 – 11 am Monday – Friday on days that school is in session. Click to view Meal Distribution Locations