The Paw Print
Volume 5 September 28, 2020
Federal Impact Forms are Due September 30, 2020
Save Around Begins September 29th, 2020
It's time for Save Around!! Those amazing coupon books with great deals on all the places we love. This year students will have a chance to win prize apparel pictured above. Surfside's save around fundraiser will run from September 29th-October 15th. Additional details will be in an upcoming email.
Cell Phones in Car Line
When you come through the car loop, please put your cell phone down. For the safety of our students and staff, the car loop is a cell phone free zone.
Clinic Quarantine Information
Students who go the school clinic and show any symptoms of Covid-19 will be sent home and required to quarantine for a period of ten days. The list of symptoms can be found below.
Students may return to school sooner if they meet the following criteria;
1. A medical release from your child’s doctor clearing them to return to school OR
2. A negative viral Covid-19 test (must be a PCR, not a Rapid Antigen test) AND
3. No fever (100.4 or greater) for at least 24 hours without medication
· Fever greater than 100.4
· Chills
· Cough
· Congestion
· Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
· Fatigue
· Muscle or body aches
· Headache
· New loss of taste or smell
· Sore Throat
· Nausea or vomiting
· Diarrhea
Sales Surtax Renewal
On the November ballot, Brevard citizens will have the opportunity to vote to renew the surtax. This money goes towards capital improvements within our BPS schools. Below is a poster containing the proposed improvements for Surfside, should the tax get approved. For more information on the sales surtax and a full presentation from Dr. Mullins, please visit www.brevardschools.org/surtaxrenewal.
Important Dates and Reminders
- Interims will be posted on September 30, 2020
- Federal Impact Forms are Due on September 30, 2020
- SAC Meeting - October 15, 2020 7:30am (Virtual)
- Picture Day is October 23, 2020
- The end of the first quarter is October 23, 2020
- Report Cards will be posted on October 30