September 27, 2024
Greetings from Pastor John
We are right about in the middle of our series on the Sermon on the Mount. This Sunday we will be in Matthew 6:19-24. We will be talking about storing your treasures in heaven. Why that matters and what it looks like for us. We will plan and organize and follow what it is we love the most and what we find the most important. Our hope is that as we find God the most important in our lives, everything in and around us follows in the way in which we invest in the treasure of the Kingdom of God.
See you Sunday
Click below for Sunday morning's Live Stream
Prayer and Praise
September 25 -October 2, 2024
● Pray for our lead Pastor John as he continues to preach through the Sermon on the Mount.
● Praise the LORD for Jane Penney’s salvation and long life of Christian service.
● Pray for our Governing Board as they support Pastor John and focus on the business aspects of our church.
● Praise the LORD for the birth of TJ and Debbi Steen’s grandson, Andy, last weekend. Pray for the continued recovery for Ashley as well.
● Praise the LORD for Carol Walton’s return to her home after a long stay at Life Care.
● Pray for the families and churches affected by Hurricane Helene this week.
● Pray for our fall activities including Grief Share, Ground Floor Discussions, Community Groups, Alpha Course. Peace Making Workshop and Trunk or Treat.
● Pray for God’s will in our upcoming elections.
● Pray for our church finances - that our giving will meet our budget requirements.
● Pray for safety this fall for all our election candidates plus teachers and students in their schools.
Family Discussion Starters:
We are part of God's Kingdom: Matthew 22, Luke 14
•Did everyone accept the king’s invitation to the wedding feast? Who did come?
•Why was the one man thrown out of the wedding?
•What does Jesus clothe us in? (See Isaiah 61:10.)
Because we have come to know God as our good and perfect King, we live joyfully and obediently under His reign, proclaiming Christ to the world so that others might enter into the kingdom.
• HEAD: How do we explain to others how evil still exists even as the kingdom is here?
• HEART: What are things we can praise God for regarding the good works He is doing through the kingdom today?
• HANDS: In what ways do you need to connect your words and actions together in a greater way to show Christ’s rule in your life to point others to Christ?
Voices from Church History
“At his call the dead awaken,
Rise to life from earth and sea;
All the powers of nature shaken
By His look, prepares to flee.
Careless sinner, what will then become of thee?”
John Newton (1725–1807)
Below is a copy of the Adult Daily Devotional.
September 27, 2024
October 6, 2024
Charlie Klepladlo with Cru
Charlie Klepadlo is inviting all his participating churches to be a part of an opportunity for matching funds for Cru. What follows is what his matching gifts are going to as well as a link if you want to financially participate with Charlie at CRU.
From Charlie:
The matching funds were used extensively for evangelism. We are able to host several different types of outreaches throughout the year including tabling and giveaways at Thanksgiving, Christmas (near end of semester), Valentine's Day, and Easter.
The funds covered food items and especially many hundreds of books like The Case for Christ Answer Booklet and articles that were given away. We've also began to use the funds heavily for discipleship. The funds are also available to help students attend retreats and conferences or mission trips as they become available.
We need to raise $2500 by September 30th. So far we have raised about $1250 or half the amount we need. A generous church has said they will match anything we raise towards the second half.
This means that any gift is effectively quadrupled!
The link for giving towards the matching funds is:
Please let me know if you make a gift and its amount as it takes several days for me to hear about a donation and I'm trying to track how much more we need in real time.
Thank you for praying about this! I really appreciate your partnership, prayers and generosity!
In Him,
The first meeting of the new semester for the medical students
The first meeting of the new semester for the dental students
Medical students
Click Above to Register
Faith Alliance Church
Location: 833 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508)222-0856