Talley Street Update
This week's news from Talley Street Upper Elementary

September 19, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
Family Trivia Night: September 19 @ 5:30 p.m.
Early Release: September 20 @ 12:15 p.m.
Fall Break: September 23-27
PTO Meeting: October 9 @ 6 p.m.
Walk n Roll: October 4 [DATE CHANGED]
Field Day: October 11
3rd Grade Movie Night: October 18 @ 6 p.m. [DATE CHANGED]
Family STEM Night: October 24 @ 5 p.m.
Communities in Schools' Literacy Trunk or Treat: October 29 @ 5:30 p.m.
How to Turn on Low Balance Lunch Notifications
- Log in to IC Parent Portal.
- Select the User Menu in the top right corner.
- Select Settings.
- Select Notification Settings.
- Check the boxes for notifications you want to receive.
Talley Family Trivia Night
You’re invited to the second annual Family Trivia Night fundraiser for the house system TONIGHT! Get your tickets now!
Important Information about Gifted Review
Each fall semester, the gifted review team looks at existing student data to discuss student needs and whether students may be evaluated for gifted identification. If you are interested in having the team discuss your child’s needs, you may complete a Recommendation for Review Form, found on the Gifted and Talented Services webpage, and return it to the Gifted & Talented Specialist at your child’s school by Wednesday, October 2. No additional information is needed.
The Gifted & Talented Specialists for Talley Street Upper Elementary are Lindsey Combs, Nicole Fiber, and Ashley Forman. For more detailed information about the review process and to obtain a copy of the Recommendation for Review Form, please contact the Gifted & Talented Specialists for Talley Street at lindsey.combs@csdecatur.net, nfiber@csdecatur.net, or aforman@csdecatur.net or visit the Gifted and Talented Services webpage.
Field Day: Call for Volunteers!
Talley Street Upper Elementary Field Day is approaching!
October 11, 2024 - All Grade Levels
We need your help to make field day a success, and the kids love to see you there. There will be a PLAYGROUND/BLACKTOP/GYM segment and a BACK FIELD segment for all grade levels. Students will travel with their homeroom teacher and an assisting teacher, and we just need your help to run the stations.
Schedules and links are posted below. Click on the grade level to be directed to the SignUpGenius. Feel free to email any questions to Coach Jeffferson (tjefferson@csdecatur.net) or Coach Johns (njohns@csdecatur.net).
5th Grade Schedule and Volunteer Link
- 8:30-10:40 a.m. - Back Field
- 12:30-1:40 p.m. - Playground, blacktop, gym
4th Grade Schedule and Volunteer Link
- 8:30-10:40 a.m. - Playground, blacktop, gym
- 10:30-11:40 a.m. - Back Field
3rd Grade Schedule and Volunteer Link
- 10:30-11:40 a.m. - Playground, blacktop, gym
- 12:30-1:40 p.m. - Back Field
- Don’t forget Trivia night is tonight! Bring a picnic dinner or snack on concessions and compete for a cash prize. You can buy tickets at the door or volunteer and get in free! Bit.ly/triviavolunteers
- The Talley Teacher Fund is still collecting. The total is up to $13,400! Help us reach the $20k goal by 9-28: bit.ly/teacherfund24
- Save the date for the Communities in Schools Atlanta’s 1st Literacy Trunk-or-Treat here at Talley on October 29th from 5:30-7:30. Talley staff and families can register for trunks starting today! http://bit.ly/talleytrunkortreat
- The district PTO/PTA Pride porches are returning to Oakhurst Porchfest on 10-19. Make sure to check them out that day, and consider signing up to host or prep: bit.ly/prideporches
- There is no lost and found rescue this week due to Fall break, but your kids’ lost stuff is still on the rack til we return. If you’d like to help us out signup here: https://bit.ly/4gfdQtU
- Event Photos for Yearbook: Are you heading to Family Trivia Night tonight, planning to take photos of your family and friends having fun? Did you take photos while volunteering at the Hispanic Heritage Month Fiesta yesterday? Please share them with us to include in the yearbook! Send photos to yearbook@talleypto.org.
Follow Us on Social Media!
Soccer - Fall Break Camp
DHS Soccer is hosting a fall break camp! See below for more information. Register here!
Lighten the Load for CSD Families
As fall break approaches, we're reminded of how DEF's Lighten the Load program began -- with an elementary school teacher who told us that one of her students dreaded school breaks because he and his siblings counted on having two meals a day at school. Our Lighten the Load program has evolved since then, but we're still committed to helping remove obstacles - like food insecurity - for our kids.
The number of weekend food bags we provide has DOUBLED this year, and we need your help to ensure we're able to continue to meet this need. This is our community, and these are OUR kids. Please consider donating to DEF, or purchasing items from our Lighten the Load wish list today.
DEF Provides Suicide Intervention Training for Anyone Interested!
ou probably know that September is Suicide Prevention Month -- but do you know that through Joe’s Fund, DEF’s behavioral health fund, we provide ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshops multiple times each year? These two-day workshops are open to ANY CSD staff member or Decatur community member. We held a refresher course just this week, and the next trainings will be: October 10-11, February 27-28, and March 13-14. Help us make Decatur a suicide-safe community - sign up using the QR code. Interested in supporting this important work? Donate here: https://decatureducationfoundation.org/donate/.
A Season of Giving
A Season of Giving is a neighbor-led organization that brings joy to local children and seniors through gift-giving.
- For Assistance: To apply for gift assistance, please complete our online application at Apply by October 31st. We are excited to support children through 12th grade again this year.
- Sponsor a Gift: Donors can purchase gifts based on individual wish lists for children or seniors. If you would like to be a sponsor, please fill out the form at Sponsor.
- Donate Directly: If you prefer, you can make a donation, and we will do the shopping for you. Simply Donate at our website!
- Volunteer: We would greatly appreciate your help! If you're interested in volunteering, please go to Volunteer and sign up.
- Need Help or Have Questions? If you encounter any issues with the forms or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at aseasonofgivingdecatur@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and generosity of the Season of Giving!
Social Media and Contact Information
You can find more information on the following Facebook pages:
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
Talley Street PE
And these Instagrams:
For news from our counselors, check out their website:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/.