Chattaroy Chatter
Week of December 2nd
11:20 AM Early Release Wednesday, November 27th
No School Thursday 11/28 & Friday 11/29
Updating a Change in School Dismissal
If you need to change how your child(ren) will get home after school, please update School Dismissal by 1:00 pm on that day, otherwise we follow the default choice that is already in place.
In the case of the rare, unforeseen circumstance after 1 PM, please email the office at If you do not receive a confirmation email, please call the office.
Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe.
You can also click on the link below for the CES Wish List
Lost & Found
Please have your child(ren) check the lost and found for any missing clothing. We have many coats, jackets and sweatshirts that have lost their way. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
27th ~ Early Release
28th & 29th ~ No School
13th ~ Winter Concert @ 12:15 PM
23rd - Jan 3rd ~ Winter Break, No School
Progress Reports Sent Home
We will continue to send out information when progress reports are sent home. Each grade level completes units and activities at a different pace, therefore progress reports will be sent at different times each month.
4th Grade ~ December 12th
3rd Grade ~ December 12th
2nd Grade ~December 12th
1st Grade ~December 12th
Kindergarten ~ December 12th
Scent Free School
Just a reminder that we are a scent FREE school. Please do not send your student with scented hand sanitizer or lotion. We also ask the students to refrain from wearing cologne, perfume, or body spray. We have staff and students that are sensitive and the scents can cause an adverse reaction. Thank you for your cooperation.
About Us
Location: 25717 North Yale Road, Chattaroy, WA, USA
Phone: 509-464-8250