GWS Weekly Newsletter
November 22, 2024
Governor Winslow Elementary School
Email: cmullen@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org
Location: 60 Regis Road, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5060
From Mrs. Hubbard, Principal
With Thanksgiving right around the corner we have a lot to be grateful for at GWS. Our 5th grade PeaceLeaders shared this video with students and staff to remind us to count our blessings.
Superintendent Sullivan honored our administrative assistants as Educators of the Week. Our school community is extremely thankful for our wonderful ladies in the front office. They greet visitors with a smile and help manage the operations of a very busy elementary school. We love Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Mullen at GWS!!
This week at GWS...
Important Dates
Wednesday 11/27: Gr 4 Thanksgiving Assembly, 9:30AM/ Early release, 12:05PM (no lunch served)
Thursday 11/28-Friday 11/29: Thanksgiving break
Tuesday 12/3: Storm Team 5 Enrichment presentation (Gr. 2-5)
Friday 12/6: Trimester #1 ends
Sheryle Faye Enrichment presentation (Gr. K-5)
Thursday 12/12: Band/Strings/Chorus Winter Concert, 9:30AM
Friday 12/13: Trimester #1 report cards posted to Aspen
Thursday 12/19: Holiday spirit day
Friday 12/20: Gr. 2 Performance, 9:30AM
Early release, 12:05PM (no lunch served)
Monday 12/23 - Wednesday 1/1: Holiday break
Thursday 1/2: Classes resume
Kids Fit at GWS
GWS Kids Fit is in session until December 20th and there is still time to join! Use THIS LINK to register.
Aspen Parent Portal
**Extremely Important: Please complete the Student Workflow and Parent Workflow as soon as possible as this is how we reach you in an emergency.**
Click here for instructions on our Aspen portal
New families should have received their login information via email from our Aspen team. Please check your email for your credentials. All families can contact aspen@mpsd.org if you have any questions accessing the parent portal.
School Lunch
Click here to view the November menu.
Click here to view important information from the school nutrition department.
PTO News
Attention Grade 5 Families
It's time to get rocking and rolling on creating an exciting yearbook for our GWS 5th graders!
- Each family to send along 10 photos of your 5th grader
- Include at least 2 toddler pictures
Thanks in advance!
The Yearbook Team
Square 1 Art
Check out your student's SQUARE1 ART (click here for a direct link), these unique pieces of art make great holiday or birthday presents! Don't forget to order by November 27th!
Around the District
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior
MEF Fall Giving
For over ten years, Marshfield Education Foundation has provided opportunities for enhanced learning by working in partnership with Marshfield’s educators to fund grants that complement the social, emotional and academic development of our students.
As we enter the season of giving, we hope you’ll consider supporting the Marshfield Education Foundation with a donation to our 5th Annual Fall Giving Campaign.
Donate Today!