September 2024 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
Public Hearing
The evening began with a Public Hearing regarding the FY25 Final Budget. The District budgeted $38,330,108 in revenues and the expenditures are budgeted at $37,972,160. It is estimated the District will add $357,948 to the fund balance for FY25.
Regular Board Meeting
As a new feature at regular monthly meetings, student leaders led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. This month's student leaders were the members of the National Junior Honor Society Executive Board.
Gabriela Whipple, Board President, stated that the Board met prior to the regular meeting to engage in a workshop with the Illinois Association of School Boards. The session revolved around public school advocacy, and was followed by a self-evaluation meeting. The Board also reviewed its working agreements and communication protocols.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent of Schools, previewed the District's opening Parent University presentation of the year which was taking place the following evening. She also remarked on kindergarten students participating in their annual Fall Fest, which featured various crafts, games, and sensory activities. Additionally, the middle school marching band and color guard will be performing in the Mundelein High School Homecoming Parade later in the week. Finally, the Board was recognized for earning the Board Governance Recognition from Illinois Association of School Boards for their effective governance behaviors and commitment to obtaining further knowledge and skills to effectively lead the District.
Board of Education Recognition
This month's recognition was held for Fremont staff members Raquel Carmona, Aileen Duffy, and Lori Northup who spearheaded the renovation of a courtyard at Fremont Elementary School to make it a more inviting outdoor learning space for our students.
Student Growth and Achievement Update
An annual update on our student growth and achievement scores was presented. During the 2023-2024 academic year, FSD79 demonstrated marked growth for the third consecutive year. Our Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) scores from this past year saw significant jumps in English Language Arts (ELA) and math scores. In ELA, an additional 8% of students met or exceeded state standards and we are now above pre-pandemic benchmark at 61% (in 2019 it was 54%). In math, we had an additional 2% of students meet or exceed standards and we are approaching this pre-pandemic benchmark as well (41% in 2024 compared to 46% in 2019). In analyzing our NWEA MAP scores, we saw similar positive trends. For reading, 5 of our 8 grade levels increased their national achievement percentiles from the year prior, while math saw 4 of our 8 grades increase their national achievement percentile. This growth is a testament to our dedicated educators, students, families, and school community.
Informational Items
The District partnered with PMA financial advisors to develop a fund balance plan that would meet the goal of long-term financial health while managing significant enrollment growth. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that the District maintains adequate fund balances in order to:
- Provide sufficient cash flow for daily financial needs;
- Offset significant economic downturns or revenue shortfalls;
- Provide funds for unforeseen expenditures related to emergencies;
- Provide funds for short-term and long-term capital needs, delaying the need for a referendum; and
- Provide funds for anticipated enrollment growth expenses, delaying the need for a referendum
The plan will be recommended to the Board for approval at its regular November meeting.
FSD79 welcomed its staff back for the start of the school year with Institute Days on August 13-14. In addition to an Olympic-themed Opening Day program that introduced a focus on leadership for this year, programming included sessions on workplace behavior, safety and security trainings and procedures, professional learning communities, paraprofessional professional development, collaborative sessions, and the Meet and Greet with families.
Parent University: Semester One
The District is once again collaborating with its PTO on the Parent University engagement series. Programming will take the form of in-person presentations, virtual presentations, a parent book club, and other resources. Topics for the first half of the school year included social-emotional health and wellness, cyberbullying, and literacy.
Educational Long-Range Facility Plan (ELFP) Update
The District's Steering Committee met on August 28 to review a draft phased approach to the facility plan. At the upcoming September 30 meeting, the committee is slated to review estimated costs, gain consensus on a recommended plan, and prepare presentations to the community and the Board of Education. A community forum is scheduled for October 17 at Fremont Intermediate School to garner feedback before presenting the plan to the Board for approval at its November 18 meeting.
FY24 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report
Allison Stempien, Executive Director of Human Resources, stated that the State requires posting of an annual salaries and benefits report for all licensed personnel. The FY24 report was shared and will be posted on District's website.
First Reading of Proposed Board Policies
PRESS Issue 116 was primarily procedural shifts with little policy change regarding Title IX. Staff is collaborating to update processes to reflect the recent policy changes. It was recommended that the Board adopt the PRESS policies as presented.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
- Fiscal Year 2025 Final Budget
- Resolution Authorizing Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings
- Resolution Authorizing Disposal of School District Personal Property
- Intergovernmental Agreement for Assignment of District Employee with D75
- Intergovernmental Agreement for Assignment of District Employee with D120
- Intergovernmental Agreement for Mutual Assistance in Response to Crises in the Public Schools of Lake County, IL
- Purchase of a New District Maintenance Vehicle
- Second Reading of Proposed Board Policies
To view the Board Packet materials from the September 23, 2024 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Website: fsd79.org
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79
YouTube: youtube.com/FSD79