Eagle Family Weekly News
November 10 - 16
Who is in Your Circle?
Life Lessons in Hopscotch
The video below is shared with permission. When I received the short clip on Thursday, I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes. There are a some things I want to highlight:
- Our East Lake paraprofessionals are THE best! They love our students. They serve in many capacities to ensure our students are set up for success every single day.
- Our East Lake students are THE best! This video warms my heart because of the sincere encouragement from our students for our students.
Really, this made me- pause and think about why our circles are so important. Are you surrounded by people who want the best for you? Encourage you? Motivate you to push past your comfort zones to better yourself? Are you doing life with people who truly celebrate your accomplishments? Better yet, how are you providing that level of support to people around you?
I encourage you to take some time this week and reflect on your circle. If you aren't near people that push your thinking, challenge you to do hard things, and support your efforts to grow...it might be time to consider a new circle. If you know you are right where you are supposed to be, you might consider pausing to say, "Thank You" to those who make you better. Life is too short and you are too valuable to not be surrounded by people who recognize and appreciate your awesomeness.
If nothing else, I hope you'll watch this video and smile. Our Eagles are amazing!
Let's make this week a great one, East Lake!
Attendance Matters
I am sharing with you this chart considering Chronically Absent students at East Lake as of today. Chronically absent students have been out of school for 10% of enrolled school days. While these absences can include both excused and unexcused absences, it's important that we raise awareness of the impact absences can have on students and their long-term school (and life) success. As an adult, you might be able to imagine how difficult it is to maintain work quality when you are playing "catch up." It's really no different for our students!
For everyone, please consider prioritizing school attendance. This can be done by intentionally scheduling family vacations and doctor appointments outside of the school day. We really do appreciate your partnership in ensuring your student is present and ready to learn each day.
We have been in school a total of 64 days. Let's see if we can decrease these numbers of Chronically Absent students, especially in grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.
If you think your child is at risk for chronic attendance concerns, please know we are here to help.
Please reach out to any of the following for support:
Dana Flowers, Principal
Corletha Varian, Assistant Principal (Primary Admin for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th Grades)
Melissa Southern, Assistant Principal (Primary Admin for 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grades)
Crystal Rivers, School Counselor
Miriam Jenkins, School Counselor
Marga Kirschner, MHWF (we know her as our Heart Coach!)
Other News
Progress Learning
We often are asked “how can I help my student at home?” Besides the common answers of monitoring homework, practicing sight words, and reading together, we have a wonderful new learning platform our students are using at school, and we would love for you to encourage them to use it at home, as well. Click the link here to learn more about Progress Learning.
More Talk: Less Talk (Flowers wants 20!)
I believe this challenge is so important because it requires intentional effort to focus on family time. In a world where we all rely heavily on our cell phones, we've got to break the habits and focus on the people in front of us. Let's keep this challenge going!
Click here for the survey each day your family participates. We will do another prize drawing just before Thanksgiving break.
November Wellness Calendar
Books & More with Ms. Burge
Media Festival Projects
Media Festival Projects are due November 20, 2024. Students who wish to submit a project should complete the Google Form in the Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NzIxMzEzMTU4Mjkx?cjc=y2kwqyq
Have you heard of BEANSTACK?
- Beanstack is a digital reading log
- Students enter time spent reading
- Students can use the timer or enter the time manually
- Students can log on the Beanstack app when away from school/chromebook.
- Students can always open Beanstack from their Classlinks page (at school or home)
- The videos below demonstrate how to download and use the app.
- When students complete challenges, they will receive a small reward. How awesome is that? Log your reading and get a prize!!!
Need help getting started? Check these links out:
Getting started with the Beanstack mobile app: https://zoobean.wistia.com/medias/tsocnfmheh
How to log in to your school account and log your reading on the mobile app: https://zoobean.wistia.com/medias/7ga473grhe
This Week
- Veterans Day (everyone is encouraged to wear red, white, and blue)
- BOE Study Session (4 pm) Meeting (7 pm)
- PTO Meeting, 3:00 p.m.
- Grade Period Ends
GO BLUE for World Kindness Day (wear any shade of blue and jeans)
Thankful Thursday: send a paraprofessional a note of gratitude.
- Jeans + You Matter shirt
- School Council
Upcoming Events: Mark Your Calendars
- November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)
- December 6: PTO Jingle Jam
- December 16 - 20: PTO Holiday Shop
- December 20: Early Release Day
- December 23 - January 8: Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
Spirit Wear on Sale!
We still have some awesome East Lake shirts on sale in the front office. We have a variety of sizes and styles (long sleeve, short sleeve, and hoodies, too!) First come, first served.
Repeated Announcements from Previous Newsletters
Food Resource for Families
From the Family Guide...
Birthday Celebrations
- We recognize two parties per year in our classrooms. Outside of those school-planned events, parents may not bring outside food to share with students who are not their own.
- For birthday celebrations, parents may choose to send in Goody Bags for each classmate (without any food or candy within) for teachers to distribute. This allows all students to participate regardless of food allergy, etc.
- Neither teachers nor students are permitted to delivery birthday (or any other) invitations to students in the class.
Cell Phones
- Student cell phones (and other digital devices, including AirPods and smart watches) are to be turned off and left in student backpacks for the duration of the school day, which includes transportation on the school bus.
Code of Conduct
Each year, there are adjustments made to the HCS Code of Conduct. This is the guide used to determine consequences for behavior violations, and can be a helpful reference tool for conversations with school staff and with families.