The Buzz
Autumn Term - 9th November 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
Thursday already and I must admit that myself and the staff are looking forward to the weekend, it's been a busy week!
We were so pleased to welcome Ofsted to school, we had been waiting a while and we had so much to share with the team; they looked into every aspect of school life. Please read my letter which gives more information regarding the inspection process.
The positive behaviour of the children was noted by the team; you should be very proud of your children, during the inspection they were the best they could be and I know school staff were very proud of them.
We are grateful and a little humbled by the levels of support shown from you, our school community. The 247 parents who responded to the parentview survey was fantastic but the 100% of parents who would recommend us to another parent was even better-thank you!
I very much look forward to sharing the report with you when I am able, hopefully before Christmas.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the fireworks event on Friday and then to a busy rest of the term.
🌟Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out to the following children
AM Nursery Alfie
PM Nursery Liam
RC #
RF Frankie
RK Martina
RP Theo
1B James
1C Alvaro
1D Jelssie
1Y Tahlia
2C Jackson
2H Max
2J Charlie L
2MC Seth
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
Kidz Fit
Today and tomorrow we are lucky enough to have Kidz Fit in to teach the children about the importance of health and fitness.
🟨 Nursery
This week in Nursery we started our week by sharing news about any fireworks we saw at the weekend. We spoke about Bonfire Night on 5th November and the celebration of Diwali, the Festival of Light.
We enjoyed sharing our focus book 'The Best Diwali ever' and enjoyed acting out the story in our PE lesson, using our balancing skills, big arm movements and co-ordination. We were very creative, making Rangoli pattern paper plates with sticky jewels, pen and tissue paper.
We enjoyed drawing our own Firework displays with chalk and also created a Nursery poppy display for Remembrance Day.
We learned about 2D shapes in Maths, naming them and looking at the number of sides each shape had. We then looked for those shapes around the classroom, as shapes are everywhere. We have been excited about our Borrowed books and are looking forward to changing them too.
🟥 Reception
Happy Diwali! The children loved learning and celebrating this ‘festival of light’. We learnt that Diwali is celebrated around the world by millions of people every year and is one of the biggest festivals in the Hindu calendar. The children took part in lots of creative activities such as drawing chalk rangoli patterns outside and firework paintings as well as using their very funky fingers to sculpt their own Diya lamps. We saw such wonderful designs with lots of sparkles and beautiful colours - what a perfect way to celebrate this wonderful festival.
🟦 Year 1
Continuing with our topic, ‘The World Outside Your Window’, we have been looking at the school playground and exploring its many features. We used a map of the grounds to identity these features and recorded these on our worksheets.
In English this week, we have been comparing the characters from our focus book ‘Room on the Broom’, using the conjunction ‘but’ to write comparative sentences about the witch, the dragon and the cat. We then looked at creating our own recipe to help the witch make a new broomstick, creating a list of ingredients using bullet points. We then used these to write our list as a sentence, using commas to separate the items.
This week, we have been continuing with our focus on using various representations and manipulatives to practise our addition skills in maths. We have been using ten frames, bar models and part-whole models to help us work out number problems, write number sentences and represent these in various ways.
In computing, we have been discovering how we can use the shape and line tools within a painting program to recreate the work of an artist. We looked at the work of the abstract artist Piet Mondrain, and thought about the colours and shapes he used in his artwork. We then discussed how we might use these in our own work before using the Chromebooks and the tools on the toolbar to create our own versions.
In science this week, we have been focusing on identifying the different physical properties of materials. We worked in groups to look and feel different materials including, wood, glass, plastic, metal, paper and fabric. We then labelled the properties of each material on our sugar paper.
🟩 Year 2
Another wonderful week of learning in Year 2 this week as we have been on a journey through the Amazon rainforest. We have been busy describing everything we could see, hear and how we felt being on such an exciting adventure.
We have really impressed our teachers using expanded noun phrases in our descriptions. We loved continuing learning about colours in Art and looking at complimentary colours. We have designed poppies using complimentary colours. We are all super excited for our kidz fit workshops to end the week- we love PE!
🌻 Wellbeing
Helping Children with... Friendships
15th &17th November MHST Workshop: Helping Children with friendships Sign up form
Helping Children with... challenging behaviour
6th & 8th December MHST Workshop: Helping Children with challenging behaviour Sign up Form
If you are interested in either of the above online workshops, that are being run by Achieving for Children, please click on the links to sign up.
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please call SPA on 0208 547 5008 or out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000.
Helpful School Information
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815