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August Chameleon Chronicle 2024
Welcome Back Edition
Join us for our Meet the Teacher event on Thursday, August 8th! New families are welcome starting at 4:30 p.m. and returning families may arrive starting at 5:00 p.m. The evening will end at 7:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and staff. Students in kindergarten through third grade will be meeting their homeroom teacher. Students in fourth and fifth grade will meet their whole team of teachers. School supplies may be dropped off at this time. Be sure to stop by the office, cafeteria, multi-purpose room, and the fine arts hallway as well. We look forward to welcoming you and kicking off a fantastic school year together!
Dear Howe Hall AIMS Families!
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! We are so glad that your family is part of the Howe Hall AIMS Family. We are looking forward to a great year. Our theme for the year is We are Better Together! WE Are Better TOGETHER!
Parents are permitted to walk students to class on the first day of school only. Please understand that we will be signing all visitors in through the Raptor System so you will need an ID and patience. Parents must enter and exit the school at the front office. Be sure to stop by the office the night of Meet the teacher so we can scan your ID to help speed the process up the morning of the first day of school. We will begin scanning IDs at 7:00 a.m. and will release to class at 7:15 a.m.
We will have staff available to help students find the classroom once they are in the building. Our objective is to have routines and procedures in place to keep everyone safe and build life skills of perseverance and independence.
PTA Spirit Wear Sale Going on Now
Arrival will begin at 7:15 this year!
Teachers and staff will be ready to greet you beginning at 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday, August 14th. Please note that parents/guardians will only be permitted to walk their children to their classrooms on the first day of school. If you are walking in with your child on the first day, please be safe and cross at the crosswalk and walk on the grass until you can walk on the sidewalk to the front office.
Be sure to fill out the student information sheet and the color tag with the names of those that can pick up your child from school. This tag should be attached to the bookbag and the information card returned to school the first day. Remember to put the yellow dismissal card in your car so you are ready for dismissal pick up at 2:30 p.m. The yellow cards will need to be placed on your dash.
Arrival and Dismissal
Morning Arrival
Please read below to learn more about our new process!
Drop-off is the first step to ensure your student has a successful day. Please make sure you have reviewed with your student how you will handle the morning goodbye so that he or she is prepared to hop out of the car and head into the school building. Practice unbuckling the car seat or seat belt with your child and grabbing all supplies so that when it is time he or she can hop out of the car with all of the items needed for the day. Staff members will be on duty beginning at 7:15 a.m. in each location to ensure a safe transition from the car to the school building. Please do not permit students to get out of the car until staff are on duty.
We have three options for morning drop-off: Chameleon Care, Back Lot (Kindergarten through first grade, plus older siblings), and Side Lot (2nd -5th grade). Once students understand where classrooms are located and how to navigate the building, parents may use either the back or side lot for morning drop-off but must use the grade-specific pick-up location unless permission has been granted from the principal.
Chameleon Care is available for our families that have registered to attend. Drop-off will be in front of the school by the visitor parking spots from 6:30-7:15 AM only. Drop-off after 7:15 will be only permitted in the car drop-off lanes. The only families permitted to drop in front of the school are the ones that will attend morning care from 6:30 AM -7:15 AM. There will be a Chameleon Care staff member standing near the door to greet students heading to our morning program.
Back Lot is for any students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade who want to eat breakfast at school in the morning and any other kindergarten through first-grade students. This car line is designed for parents to enter from Price Street and follow the flow of traffic towards the school. We ask that cars stop before the bridge so that cars can exit the loop. The back lot holds between 10-12 cars, so be mindful when you see that it is full.
Side Lot is for the students in second through fifth grade who do not want breakfast from the cafeteria. Students are asked to stay inside the vehicle until the staff is on duty and directs them to exit the car. Students will walk down the sidewalk and enter the building at the steps closest to the field/ playground area. We unload approximately 10 cars in a single file line next to the sidewalk of the school. Cars will form two rows on the back side of the loop so we can keep traffic from backing up on Howe Hall Road. We rotate each row to ensure the quickest drop-off possible, so please fill in all available areas in line.
We appreciate your help keeping our students and staff safe and ask that you refrain from being on the cell phone, signing your child’s papers, or being distracted while in the car line during drop off or pick up. Please do not get close to the awnings as it is safer for our staff if you allow space for them to step off the sidewalk when cars have stopped.
We have three options at dismissal: Chameleon Care, Back Lot (K-1, siblings, and outside daycares) and Side Lot (grades 2-5). Please use the grade level assigned dismissal location. All requests for a change in location must be made by email to mcalista@bcsdschools.net for consideration. We will be collecting data during the first few days of school to balance the dismissal locations.
1. Chameleon Care is available for our families that have registered to attend. Students will need to be picked up by 6:00 PM. Students must be registered and accounts must be in good standing to attend. Students will be signed out using the Procare App.
2. Back Lot is designed for our kindergarten through first grade students and older sibilings due to the close proximity of the K-1 classrooms. This car line is designed for parents to enter from Price Street and follow the flow of traffic towards the school. We ask that cars stop before the bridge so that cars can exit the loop. Back lot holds between 10-12 cars so be mindful when you see that it is full. Students will be called to numbers and the teacher on duty will load the car. Students need to be able to independently buckle the seat belt or car seat.
3. Side Lot is for the students in second through fifth grade. Students will wait in a designated area until thier car is called. Students need to be able to independently buckle the seat belt. We load approximately 11 cars in a single file line next to the sidewalk of the school. Cars will double stack on the back side of the loop so we can keep from backing up traffic on Howe Hall Road. When you enter side lot if there are cars stacking up, please pull into the shortest line. We rotate each line to ensure the quickest drop off possible. If the lot is full when you arrive please pull into the American Legion parking lot. When space is available your will be able to enter the car line. Please pull all the way up the number that was called.
For dismissal, we ask that the person picking up your child has the yellow card with your last name in the front windshield of the car. Please call the front office if you need additional cards or to create car pool pickup cards. If the person picking up in the line does not have the yellow card we will need identification and the name to be listed on the colored bookbag tag provided at Meet the Teacher. We appreciate your help keeping our students and staff safe and ask that you refrain from being on the phone, or being distracted while in the car line during drop off or pick up. Please do not get close to the awnings.
From the Desk of Mrs. Odgers
Please be sure to complete all of the steps for returning students and for new enrollments so your child will be placed in a homeroom class before Thursday, August 8th.
From the Desk of Nurse Foiles
Please see the BCSD Student Handbook or Policy JGDC and JGDC-R for more information about medication at school. For more information, be sure to reach out to our school nurse Amber Foiles at foilesa@bcsdschools.net or by calling the school at 843-820-3899.
From the Desk of Ms. Aymee Wilhite
If your child needs to pay for lunch, please send the money with the student or add it through My School Bucks https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action?clientKey=&requestAction=home. Contact the school if you need assistance. For information about Free and Reduced Lunch Applications please go to https://berkeleynutrition.net/?page=lunchapps.
Important Events
Welcome Back Chameleons!