Message from the Mill
May 2024

PMES Art Extravaganza
EXCITING NEWS - The annual Puckett’s Mill Art Show and Fine Arts Night will be back on Wednesday, May 8th from 5:30- 7:00 PM! Some of the free activities for those attending will be face painting, crafts in the art room, a scavenger hunt, and a performance by the Osborne Middle School Honor’s Orchestra. Your child’s framed artwork will be available to purchase for $30. There are two options for purchasing; skip the line by ordering from the virtual show available from 5/1-5/9. The link to purchase is
or scan the QR code on the flyer. The second option will be purchasing online at the art show on 5/8. This will be for online card purchases, no cash/ check transactions will be accepted. All profits will go towards supporting the Puckett’s Mill art program.
Volunteers Needed:
If you are a parent interested in volunteering at the art show you can sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ADAC29AAFFC52-artshow
2024-2025 Transportation
Please complete the Transportation Parent Authorization fillable form if you meet any of the criteria below for the 2024-2025 school year. Please email the completed form to Michele Kay at Michele.Kay@gcpsk12.org by June 5th.
- Riding school bus to a location other than your home address
- Walker
- Car Rider
- Day Care Bus
No action is needed if you ride the school bus to your home address or if you have already submitted the form to Ms. Kay for the 2024-2025 school year. Please submit one form for each student attending Puckett's Mill Elementary School.
News from the Media Center
It's hard to believe that we have just a few days left of library book check out! Our last day of check out is Friday, May 10th and books will be due on Tuesday, May 14th. You can see what your child has checked out from the Media Center in the parent portal. Fines for lost books can be paid via cash, check, or MyPaymentsPlus. Click here for a guide. Outstanding books will stay on their account next year and even at the middle school, so let's get them taken care of in the next few weeks!
Stay tuned for more information about summer reading and our annual collaboration with the Gwinnett County Public Library!
Cafeteria News
We will not be able to accommodate lunch room visitors May 16th through the end of the school year due to end of year parties and elections.
Thank you for your help with this.
"One Step Closer to a Cure"
2024 Relay for Life Footprints Challenge
Who: Grades K-5
What: For each $1 donation, you will get a paper footprint displayed on the wall with your name. You may purchase as many as you’d like. Donations can be made on MyPaymentPlus.com. (Listed under School Fundraiser)
When: Wednesday, May 1 - Friday, May 10
Why: To help raise money for Relay for Life
***The class with the most footprints wins a cupcake party!***
Student Registration
- Kindergarten: Do you have a new rising Kindergartener coming to PMES in the fall? Follow these steps to get them registered.
- Returning Students: Residency Affidavits are due July 12th. Letters and emails were sent to families that need to complete this task the week of April 15th. For more information , please visit the county website HERE.
Georgia Special Needs Scholarships: SB10 and SB47
What: Under state laws passed by the Georgia State Legislature, parents of students who receive special education services or accommodations under a Section 504 Individual Accommodation Plan may request to transfer their child to another public or private school in Georgia.
Who: Any student who currently receives special education services, grades PK-11th and any returning 12th grader, as well as students who are eligible for a Section 504 Plan and are in grades Kindergarten-11th.
Where: This information, forms, as well as parent letters are accessible on the GCPS (Gwinnett County Public Schools) website: https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/23585
Important Reminders
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is bursting at the seems! Please encourage your child to stop by the lost and found rack if you are missing any articles of clothing. All items not picked up by 5/31 will be donated. Parents can stop by the school any school day between 9 AM to 2 PM or 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Transportation Changes
The completed form should be sent to school with your student and turned in to their teacher when they arrive at school. Thank you for your help to ensure the safety of our students.
Birthday Treats
Parents are welcome to send in with their student or DROP off STORE BOUGHT, individually, pre- wrapped treats for birthdays celebrations.
Puckett's Mill Elementary School
Email: mina.banfield@gcpsk12.org
Website: pmesonline.org/home.htm
Location: 2442 S Pucketts Mill Rd, Dacula, GA, United States
Phone: 678-765-5110