2/3/25 OG NEWS

February 3, 2025
Letter Regarding Executive Orders
Please click here to view the letter from Dr. Lemon and Dr. McKay that was emailed earlier to parents regarding recent executive orders.
Student and Staff Spotlights/Stories
We are excited to announce that the Oak Grove team placed 3rd amongst all the Non-rated players on January 26th, 2025, at the 153rd Kumbaya Chess Tournament at Niles North High School. This tournament is officially recognized by the United States Chess Federation, the governing body of chess in the U.S.
Sangram S. tied for 3rd place, taking home an Honorable Mention trophy with an overall placement of 8th, and Raksith K. placed 10th in the event.
PowerSchool Offering Identity Protection Services
PowerSchool has announced that it will provide two years of credit monitoring and identity protection services to individuals affected by its recent cybersecurity incident. In the coming weeks, impacted current and former students, parents/guardians, and educators will receive direct email notifications from Experian on behalf of PowerSchool with enrollment instructions. Additionally, PowerSchool will launch a website and media release to ensure broad communication. No immediate action is required, but more details will be shared as they become available.
8th Grade Dance
Oak Grove would like to formally invite you to attend our annual meeting for the 8th-grade dance. Please click HERE for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Mercurio at mercurio@ogschool.org
Student Council
OGS Student Council will be hosting its 3rd annual Family Fun Day on Saturday, February 22 from 10am-1:00pm. We will have Bounce Houses, Giant Slides, Carnival Games, and much more. Come and join all the fun!
Role of Public Education & Immigration
I wanted to take a moment to inform our community as many questions have come up regarding recent legislation and immigration. Please see THIS message for additional details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ryan Murray at murray@ogschool.org.
Libertyville High School - Families with students in grades 6-8
Parents & Guardians of any Libertyville teens! Libertyville Connect Coalition values your input regarding teen well-being. Here is a short questionnaire. And, if you're interested in exploring these questions further, we'll be hosting focus groups on Wednesday, February 5. See here for more information and to RSVP. There are both virtual and in-person options.
2/4/25 - 8th Grade Schedule Preparation w/LHS
2/4/25 - 2/7/25 - JH book fair
Games of the Week-
2/4/25 - 7th (4:15) and 8th (5:15) Grade Boys Volleyball Vs Lake Bluff in the Patt Gym
2/5/25 - Wrestling Vs. Northwood at 4:30 in the Patt Gym
2/6/25 - 7th (4:30) and 8th (5:30) Grade Boys Volleyball vs Edgewood in the Patt Gym & Wrestling at Caruso at 4:30
2/8/25 Wrestling Tourney @ Shepard Middle School at 7:00 am
Looking for information about upcoming games or events? Please check the Oak Grove Athletics Calendar or contact our Athletic Director, Dave Karolewicz, at karolewicz@ogschool.org.
CogAT - Grades 3 & 5
Early Entrance to Kindergarten/First Grade
Applications are now being accepted for families wishing to explore early entrance to kindergarten or 1st grade for their child. When guardians request that their child be enrolled in Kindergarten or 1st grade at the start of the upcoming school year even though the child is not yet five years old (Kindergarten) or six years old (1st grade) on or before September 1, this is considered “early entrance.” More information and the application can be found on our website. The application window closes on March 3, 2025. For specific questions, please contact Alexa Dunn, Director of Teaching & Learning (adunn@ogschool.org).
The Son + One Rock ‘N Bowl Night will be held on February 15, 2025, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at Bowlero Vernon Hills. There are only 2 days left for ticket sales. Get them here!
The Frontier Soup sale is only open for a couple more days. Get your orders in now! Delivery will be the weekend of February 15.
The Junior High book fair is this week! Students in grades 5-8 will attend with their ELA classes following this schedule. Typically, book prices range from under $10 for value books to $30 for hardback new releases plus tax. Students can pay with cash, credit card, or Apple Pay. A few more volunteers are needed—please sign up here.
The Kindergarten and first-grade social will be held at Ultimate Ninjas in Libertyville on Friday, February 21, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Click here to register your child. Snacks and water will be passed out after the event.
The next PTO meeting is this Wednesday, February 5, at 6:00 pm (note the time change) in the PD Room and on Zoom. Please see the agenda and January meeting minutes for more information. A Zoom link will be sent via email.
Mark your calendars as the PTO will be hosting a fun run after school on April 25, 2025. Stay tuned for more details!
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.