DCMS Scoop
Deer Creek Middle School - May 22, 2024
- August 6th - DCMS Schedule Pick-up Day
- August 14th - 1st Day of School
- August 26th - DCMS Parent Orientation Night, 6-8pm
Medication Pick-up
Please remember to pick up all medications from the clinic. If you are up at the school for any reason stop by the clinic and grab those meds. Medicine that is not picked up will be given to our SRO to dispose. Thank you so much.
Chromebook Protection/Damages Update
If you have received an email from Mrs. Denney regarding damage to your student's school-issued Chromebook, be aware that the final day to purchase the Device Protection Plan for this school year is JUNE 1. The protection plan is $75 and covers 100% of the first damage as well as 50% of the second damage. If you think the damage done to your student's device will cost beyond $75 to repair, please purchase the protection plan by June 1 in My School Bucks.
ATTN 8th Graders
24-25 Enrollment Info
Tuesday, August 6th - DCMS Schedule Pick-up Day
-8th grade will be from 8-11am
-7th grade will be 12-3pm (Tdap clinic offered)
Monday, August 26th - DCMS Parent Orientation Night from 6-8pm.
Important DCMS Contact INFO
7th Explorers/7th Avengers/8th Ninjas
Marcus Smith, Assistant Principal marcussmith@dcsok.org
Jennifer Brickman, Counselor jenniferbrickman@dcsok.org
8th Thunder/8th Gladiators/8th The Squad
Taylor Upchurch, Assistant Principal taylorupchurch@dcsok.org
Kristi Kringlen, Counselor kristikringlen@dcsok.org
Kelly Mills, Counselor kellymills@dcsok.org
7th Spartans/7th Knights/7th Titans
Carla Young, Assistant Principal carlayoung@dcsok.org
Jennifer Brickman, Counselor jenniferbrickman@dcsok.org
Kelly Mills, Counselor kellymills@dcsok.org
DCMS Principal
Jenny Richards jennyrichards@dcsok.org
DCMS Athletic Director
Yohance Brown yohancebrown@dcsok.org
All teacher and staff emails follow the pattern of firstandlastname@dcsok.org
Follow us!
School Address:
Edmond, OK 73025