Hollinger's Island News
October 2024
October Attendance Incentive
All students that have perfect attendance in October will enter their name into a drawing for a chance to win special prize donated by Evonik. Regular attendance is critical to a student's academic success. Students are expected to be at school except in cases of emergency or illness. All students need to be on campus by 7:45 each day.
Happy Fall!
As we approach the end of the first quarter, I would like to provide you with some important information regarding upcoming dates and school information.
1. End of Quarter Date:
The final day of the 1st Quarter is October 11. Please note that all assignments, tests, and projects must be completed and turned in by this date. Teachers are working diligently to ensure that all students are aware of their remaining responsibilities.
2. Report Cards:
Report cards will be distributed on October 21. Please review your child’s progress and reach out to their teachers if you have any concerns or questions.
3. Parent-Teacher Conferences:
With the end of the quarter, this is a great time to schedule a meeting with your child’s teachers if you wish to discuss their academic performance. Please contact your child's teacher to set up a conference time.
4. Attendance and Behavior:
A gentle reminder that attendance and behavior are important factors in academic success. Please ensure that your child is attending school regularly and engaging positively in the classroom. If there are any ongoing issues, we are here to support you and your child.
5. Uniform Policy:
As we move forward in the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to our school’s uniform policy. The uniform policy is an essential part of maintaining a focused and respectful learning environment for all students.
Uniform Expectations:
Students are required to wear the designated school uniform each day. This includes:
- red shirts, khaki pants, tennis shoes
- Jackets and outerwear worn inside the building must also align with the school’s dress code. NO HOODIES ARE ALLOWED
Please refer to the student handbook or the school website for full details of the uniform policy.
Uniform compliance is a school-wide expectation, and we ask for your support in ensuring your child is dressed appropriately each day.
Consequences for Non-Compliance:
Students who do not follow the uniform policy will receive the following consequences:
- First Violation: Verbal reminder
- Second Violation: Verbal reminder and a phone call to parents.
- Third Violation: Written warning and loss of privileges
We hope to avoid these steps, but consistent adherence to the uniform policy is necessary to maintain the school’s standards.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
October 14 Teacher Work Day
There will be no school for students on Monday, October 14. Classes will resume Tuesday.
October 23-October 27 Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is designed to be an awareness campaign that gets information to the general public about the dangers of drug use. Red Ribbon Week is designed to be positive and fun.
November 1
Please join us for Fall Festival on Friday, November 1. We are looking for volunteers. Stay tuned for more information. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer.
Upcoming Dates:
November 5-Virtual Day-Students will not be in school on this day!
November 11-Veteran's Day Holiday
November 13-Santa Pics (pre-pay)
November 14-Thanksgiving Lunch
November 18-November 22 Book Fair
November 22-Turkey Trot
November 25-November 29 Thanksgiving Break
December 19 Classroom Parties/Christmas Program
December 23-January 3-Christmas Holidays (No School for Students)