ASN January 8, 2025

January 8, 2025
This E-Blast is full of school news and school-related community announcements that are not building specific. All announcements that interest families of multiple schools are published here, allowing each individual school to focus their e-blasts on announcements that are specific to their families only.
Please email any submissions to All_SchoolsNews@WaylandPS.Org no later than end of day on Friday for distribution on the following Wednesday. All Schools News is published every other week during the summer.
School Committee
Dates To Remember
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1/29 Lunar New Year - No School
2/17 - 2/21 Winter Break
School Committee Meetings
January 8, 27, 30, February 3, 5, 26
Public welcome! The agendas will be posted here. (Please note this information may change. Please check the website before attending)
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
Save the Date!
We would like to invite all Wayland families with children who will be 5 years of age as of August 31, 2025 to a Kindergarten Information session (virtual) to learn more about the Kindergarten programs offered for the 2025-2026 school year. Information regarding our programs may also be found on the Kindergarten Information website.
You will learn about the opportunities and unique characteristics of our programs and Principals from each of the three Wayland elementary schools will be available to answer your questions. Also in attendance will be Wayland’s METCO Director and after school program (BASE) Director.
Important Dates:
Kindergarten Information Meeting:
Already occured on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Spanish Immersion Information Meetings:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7:00 - 7:45 PM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10:45 - 11:30 AM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Please note: This meeting is not required for Kindergarten enrollment, rather an opportunity to provide information to families with soon-to-be Kindergarteners! However, in order to participate in the Spanish Immersion lottery, a parent/caregiver MUST attend one of the two Spanish Immersion information sessions.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Luncheon
Join our Wayland METCO Community Celebration Luncheon!
This is an incredible opportunity for us to gather as a community to celebrate our AMAZING Wayland METCO Students.
Come and enjoy:
- Senior Reflections from Wayland METCO Class of 2025
- Performances from current METCO Students
- Artwork and statements from our Wayland METCO Students
- Performance by WHS Honors Jazz Combo
- Lunch catered by Murl’s Kitchen
Junior Broadway Performance
Wayland Junior Broadway is proud to present "Matilda, Jr."
Friday, January 24th at 7pm and
Saturday, January 25th at 5pm.
In the Wayland High School Auditorium
Champion Soccer School
Four sessions for grades K-8 from July 14 - August 8 (9am-3pm) at Claypit Hill (TBD); grades 9-12 at Wayland High from August 11-15. Registration will be open as of 7:30 pm on January 16th.
Conservation Department
The Wayland Conservation Department has launched a new newsletter to help keep residents up to date about events, new volunteer and educational opportunities for adults and kids.
Arts Wayland
Check out the art exhibits, music, classes, performances and Community events currently being offered by ArtsWayland!!!
Wayland Public Library
December 7, January 18, February 8 2:00p.m. -3:00 Pp.m.
Spanish Storytime and Craft. Spanish vocabulary sheets will be provided to help learn new words! Children in kindergarten through 2nd grade are invited to attend with their caregivers.
Check out the many classes, events and enrichment opportunities at the Wayland Public Library this week by clicking the orange button below.
Wayland Schools Community Programs: Spring 2025 Enrichment classes
WSCP is offering classes designed to inspire, engage, and support children beyond the school day. This season, WSCP is offering a variety of creative, STEM-focused, and skill-building activities tailored for students in grades K-5.
Loker - https://secure.smore.com/n/w9vqj
Claypit - https://secure.smore.com/n/wq8b2
Happy Hollow - https://secure.smore.com/n/5pbzd
Boston Ability Center: Tween and Teen Community Game Night
This winter, the Boston Ability Center will be hostincommunity groups for neurodivergent tweens and teens! The vision of this group is to provide a neurodiversity affirming alternative to traditional social skills groups, enabling youth to meet peers in a setting focused on fun and friendship. This winter, we'll be doing a series of Nintendo Switch video game nights as well as a movie and crafting night. If you have individuals in mind that you believe could benefit from a group like this, please help spread the word!
Youth Soccer Registration
Registration for the Spring 2025 season for players in grades K through 12 is now open at https://www.waylandsoccer.org/fall-2024-season-info
Please note, not all announcements included in the Wayland All Schools News are school sponsored, but are community based, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political, and are included here as a service to the Wayland school community.