Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up
December and January
December 20-Winter Parties 2-3pm
December 23-January 6-Winter Break
January 3-Tremont Elementary Service Learning Teddy Bear Toss for the Ronald McDonald House at halftime of UA Men's High School Game--more info below
January 7-School Resumes
Looking Ahead:
January 20-No School
January 22-Progress Reports Go Live in PowerSchool
Happy Holidays from the Tremont Staff
Elementary Explorations Update
Here is the latest edition of the Elementary Explorations newsletter.
Arrival Update-Planning Ahead
As we move into the second half of the year, we will continue to monitor the implementation of our new arrival time frame. Currently, we still have upwards of 50 students a day who are late for school. Our hope was that extending our arrival time from 7:45-8:15 would help alleviate some of the traffic and congestion that may have been causing our tardiness. Based on our data collection so far this year, it seems that the bigger problem is that many students are still being dropped of very close to the end of our arrival window. We know that the arrival time at Tremont can impact your childcare and we will be sure to make a decision regarding the 2025-2026 school year by spring break. However, if we continue to have the same rate of tardy students, it is likely that we will move our arrival time back to 8:00am.
Lost and Found-COME AND VISIT
Please come to Tremont and take a look at our lost and found! There are so many coats, sweatshirts and other random things there!
Service Learning-Teddy Bear Toss
We will hold our second annual Teddy Bear Toss during the halftime of the UA Men's Basketball game on January 3 starting at 7:30. This Teddy BearToss event is a heartwarming and fun way to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House.
During this event, participants can bring new teddy bears or stuffed animals to the Upper Arlington High School Gymnasium for the Men's Basketball game. At halftime, participants will throw their teddy bears onto the court. It creates a beautiful and memorable sight as hundreds of teddy bears rain down.
After the toss, the teddy bears are collected and donated to the Ronald McDonald House. This organization then distributes the stuffed animals to children in need, providing comfort and joy during difficult times. We hope this event will raise awareness about the Ronald McDonald House and the important work they do to support families with sick children in keeping families close.
We hope you can join us at the second annual Teddy Bear Toss on January 3rd!
Syntero Winter Workshops
Tremont PTO
Upcoming PTO Events: Mark Your Calendars & Save-The-Date!
1/14-1/16 Spelling Bee
2/7 Cake Bingo
2/28 Not-So-Silent Adult Social
Tremont Spelling Bee-January 14th, 15th & 16th
The Spelling Bee will be here before we know it! It is scheduled for January 14th (K-1st), 15th (2nd-3rd) and 16th (4th-5th). Last day to sign up is Friday, January 10th. Please click HERE to register your child online and HERE to view the study list for each grade. Volunteers are needed so please consider signing up below to help make this event possible!
Volunteers Needed for February's Not-So-Silent Social!
Volunteers Needed for this year's auction--formerly known as the Not-So-Silent Auction! The auction will happen in late February, and we are in need of volunteers for the following--please reach out to Meg Terwilliger if you're interested in getting involved!
1. Classroom Art (1 person): Each classroom is responsible for creating a piece of artwork that is part of the silent auction. Typically, each class has a parent that works with the teacher to manage and complete the art project with the class. This role has been working with each classroom volunteer to make sure each class has a project, the final project is photographed for the auction site and coordinates the 'gallery' at Tremont where all classroom art is displayed the week of the auction. We have guidelines for what the art can/should be, and templates for outreach and management of this effort.
2. Donations (4 people): This year all packages will be pre-established based on most popular packages in past auctions. Each volunteer will be responsible for 6 packages from start to finish. Includes contacting the business/donor for each item in the package, arranging for pickup of items, combining into a package or creating certificates (we have a template), and dropping packages off at Tremont for winners to pick up on Friday of the Not-So-Silent Social. We have a spreadsheet to manage solicitation and donations based on who has donated in the past. Volunteers would be responsible for 'back filling' if a business does not wish to donate again. For example, if Goodie Shop does not want to donate to the birthday party package, the volunteer would need to find a different business to donate a 'sweet treat' for that package.
From the District
Progress Reports for students with IEPs
Unfortunately, the Progress Report icon for students with IEPs in PowerSchool has been eliminated. This was out of Upper Arlington’s control. In order to access your child’s progress report, your child’s intervention specialist or speech language pathologist will share the report via an email from Same Goal after each reporting period. You should receive the 2nd quarter progress report by January 9th for students in grades 6-12 and by January 22nd for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
December 20, 2024
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