Horizon Happenings
August, 2024
Welcome Back to School!
We really missed you!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I we are so happy you are a part of our Horizon family! Some of your smiling faces are familiar and some are brand new for students and staff alike. We are really looking forward to a fun-filled and engaging year of learning growth!
We are excited to work with each and every one of you providing a rigorous educational year filled with a focus on supportive aligned learning. The school year will be filled with AVID learning strategies that will help your student become more organized, confident and self-assured.
At Horizon we have a community of caring for all of our students, so it you have any questions or need additional support for your student please do not hesitate to reach out to your students teacher or us in administration. We are here to help!
Please take a few moments to read through the newsletter each month so that your are aware of everything happening here at Horizon. Another great resource is following both the District and Horizon Facebook.
We will expect to see Kindergarten students on the 19th and 20th for the rest of our Horizon students.
See you soon!
Jill Taylor, Principal
Amber Boone, Vice Principal
Practice Healthy Habits and Attend School Every Day!
Help your young student build relationships, establish healthy routines and safeguard early learning by focusing on regular attendance.
Did you know?: Even one or two absences every two weeks can affect a young learner’s ability to gain reading and math skills and build social relationships. Helping them show up to learn is the best way to give them a solid foundation to build on.
You cannot learn if you do not attend school.
Daily, regular attendance is essential in learning!!
Please encourage your child to attend school every single school day. This helps your student to be successful and self-assured.
In the event your student is truly ill (high fever, diarrhea or vomiting) bring in a doctor's note to the office to get the absence excused, please.
PLEASE remember!
Gym shoes are needed to participate in Physical Education.
You are welcome to keep your gym shoes at school if you choose.
PLEASE label your students gym shoes with their full name.
Please practice tying shoes!
A very basic and important skill is shoe tying.
Please teach your student how to tie their shoes and practice, practice,practice until they learn how!
Safe kids are no accident!
Safety of your child is our #1 priority:
Drop off/pick up line:
- 5 mph in the line
- Hop out as soon as the vehicle stops! (Do not wait until the front of the line to disembark!) it slows down the whole line!
- Wait at the two designated parent pick up lines. Please wait for staff to bring you your child. (Do NOT cross between the cars
- To cross 10th ave a student MUST use one of the two crossworks (near tiger Drive and near Filmore)
- Students must be accompanied by an adult to cross parking lots and bus lane.
- Written note is needed to ride a different bus or go home with someone else.
- If parking to pick up a student you MUST park in a designated parking stall (Not in center of lot or in NO parking along Forsythe Park side of 10th Ave.)
New to area or Forgot to call in?
Are you new to the Horizon Elementary school area?:
Please stop in the HOrizon school office to register your child/children
Please bring a birth certificate, proof of residence (bill with address on it) and immunizations along with you!
We are at 934 10th Ave E., Jerome
Did you forget to Register and were part of Jerome School District last year?:
Register by phone today!
Please call our Horizon Elementary School office at 208-324-4841
Dress Code
Please review the full dress code in the Parent/Student Handbook:
- School appropriate slogans only
- No short shorts or skirts (must be finger tip of longer)
- Appropriate footwear to play in (no slippers,etc.)
- LABEL all clothing with student's name
No Bullying!
The Horizon family promotes
- Collaboration between all
- Kind words
- Caring Actions
Bullying other is NOT allowed under any circumstances and will be addressed whether in school, on the playground or on the bus.
Free and Reduced lunch Applications
If you haven't done so already
PLEASE fill out the Free and Reduced lunch form.
You can fill out a paper copy or a digital copy online at https://www.mymealtime.com/Apps/signin.aspx .
This really, really helps out our school and the information stays only at the district office. No information is shared with any agency or person at any time.
If you need help filling out the form please contact Vanessa Fitzsimons 208-324-1201 or Guadalupe Mercado at 208-324-1203 our district office and they will be happy to help you!
FREE breakfast!
It is hard to learn when you are hungry!
Breakfast is FREE again this year!
Serving starts at 7:45 am until 8:05am
See you there!
Don't miss this delicious opportunity!