April 2021 Newsletter
Career Center
Let the Sun Shine down on our Wonderful Campus!
Good Day family and friends of the D51 Career Center Campus. Our Spring campus clean-up has begun! Picking up the winter’s blow-ins resting in the parking islands and flower beds are starting points. Soon we will have water to green our grass and bring to life our flowers and trees.
As a reminder with the warmer weather, Career Center Campus does have a dress code which is based on the career pathway your child is enrolled in. Things like ripped jeans, belly shirts, short shorts, tank tops; male or female does not really work for us. We encourage everyone to model the professional dress of their chosen career pathway.
Important dates to remember on Career Center Campus.
Seniors Last Day: 5-14-21
Campus Activity Day: 5-14-21
Student’s Last Day: 5-20-21
CC Transportation Last Day: 5-20-21
Do not forget next year's enrollment for CC is OPEN… sign up now if you have yet to register!
Have a great Spring and remember to call the Career Center Campus for questions or concerns that you may have.
Cam Wyatt
Career Center students recognized as Outstanding Vocational Students by Altrusa International!
SWAP Job Fair hosted by Career Center
Hungry? Call Fresh Side Cafe'!
ServSafe Course
Exciting stuff from the InSTEPS Crew!
Breakfast and Lunch being provided daily.
Early Childcare Program Student Celebration!
Bianca Gifford and Gigli Holmes both independently completed grant applications which they learned about through the Early Childcare Program at the Career Center. A part of the Career Center's program goal is to open up possibilities and career opportunities for students who may not take a traditional pathway. Through collaboration with the Mesa County Early Childhood Partnership this opportunity was opened up to them. Each girl will receive a crash course leading them through the Child Development Associate certificate in early childhood. This is a nationally recognized credential for childcare workers. They will, upon completion of this certificate, be qualified to work as an assistant teacher in the early childhood field. In addition, this certificate and class is the "stepping stone" to further traditional coursework on the pathway to becoming a lead teacher in a preschool program or further.
Each student is entitled to $600 for course work ,books, and mentoring in the field. As a piece of the experience, they will have the opportunity to explore developmentally appropriate equipment and purchase that equipment with $375 each for the Career Center's Colorado Preschool Program where they will be doing an internship. "Hands on" learning at its best with two talented students who are on a pathway to teach some of Mesa County's youngest! Career Center is so proud of these two students and what they have accomplished in such a short period of time.
Bianca Gifford has been in the Early Childcare Program for the past two years. Bianca is currently a Junior with a full schedule of classes. Initially, ECP wasn't her first choice for a career but after spending time in preschool she has discovered that she "loves it"! She is interested in pursuing her education at WCCC in Early Childhood Education. She sees the opportunity that this grant has given her and is willing to rearrange her current class schedule so that she can fully participate in this learning venture. Always cheerful and optimistic she has shown that she has great potential and will be an asset to any early childhood program.
Gigli Holmes has been in the Early Childcare Program for the past two years. She is currently a Junior. While in the preschool classroom she has shown that she can command the classroom environment and assist young children in many areas of their growth and development. Gigli works well with students who have different abilities with her intuitive style. She is all about adapting to the environment and helping wherever is needed. This grant opportunity she sees as a challenge to her own abilities, but one that she is facing with determination and perseverance.