Central Park Cougar Chronicles
October Edition
A Message from Central Park Administration
Central Park families,
This month brings exciting opportunities to once again collaborate and build community with our wonderful families!
Below you will find a link to our student and family handbook. This will continue to be available to families to reference throughout the course of the year. We thank you again for your attention and support in reminding your child to do their Cougar best each day!
In this installment of the Central Park Cougar Chronicles, you will find many important pieces of information including the following:
- Upcoming Events
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Harvest Celebration
It is our hope that the Cougar Chronicles will continue to be a resource for our Central Park families. If you should have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or administration if we can provide any further support or assistance.
Central Park Administration
Mr. Williams, Principal
Mrs. Cordoba, Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Dates:
October 11
- 1st Quarter Ends
- 2nd Quarter Begins
October 23
- Career Fair (3-5)
- Conferences from 4:30-7:30PM (scheduled times)
- Conferences from 12:30-7:30PM (scheduled times)
October 25
- No School
October 29
- 2 hour late start- Students may enter the building at 10:35am, school begins at 10:50am
October 31
- Harvest Celebration- parade to start @ 3PM
- No School- Teacher Planning Day
- Central Park Picture Day!
- No Early Childhood Classes
- Parent Coffee
- Fall Family Night
Central Park Facebook
Central Park families, join us on Facebook! Check us out at Central Park Elementary
Learn more about the great happenings occurring at Central Park as well as reminders of upcoming events.
Central Park Student Handbook
- The behavior matrix highlights the behavior expectations for each common area of the building. These behavior expectations are taught and practiced daily throughout the course of this school year to empower students to do their Cougar Best!
- These behavior expectations: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.
- Please review and reinforce these school expectations with your child at home!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please join us for Fall Parent Teacher Conferences! Our goal is 100% attendance, meeting with each of our families!
Conferences are intended to provide an update on your students' education. We look forward to having a productive conference with each of you.
Classroom teachers are reaching out to families regarding setting up a conference time to meet on October 23rd or October 24th. Please reach out to your classroom teacher or the office to set up a conference time.
Harvest Celebration
Central Park’s Harvest parade will begin at 3pm on October 31st. If you wish to observe the parade around the building, please find an observation point using the below areas. If your child chooses to bring a costume to school to change into prior to the celebration and parade, the costume is to be appropriate in nature (no weapons or makeup will be allowed). If you wish to donate snacks for your child’s room, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher prior to the event.
We welcome parents and guardians to observe the parade from the following vantage points.
- on the west side of the building, grass area as students will parade using the blacktop
- along the south side, main entrance concrete before you enter the entrance stairs
- along Saratoga, please be sure not to block the sidewalk as students will utilize the sidewalk to parade around the building
Attendance Matters!
The school day begins at 8:50AM! Every Minute Counts!
Attendance is a vital component to the success of Central Park Elementary students. Attendance will be taken daily. If your child is unable to be in attendance, we ask that you please contact the office at 531-299-1200.
Families with children not in attendance before 9:30 AM will receive an automated phone call alerting the parent that their child is not present, requesting that the parent contact the school to follow up on the absence.
Please contact the office should your child be absent to report the reasoning for the absence. Doctor’s notes can be provided to the front in order to excuse your child's absence.
Did you know that children who attend school 95% of the time are significantly more likely to graduate from high school and achieve on or above grade level? In addition, attendance habits developed in school impact attendance once students enter the work force? It may seem to be in the distant future, but ensuring your child is at school on time, each day, is just one way you can help your child be successful!
At Central Park we are dedicated to celebrating student achievement, which includes that of attendance! Please reach out to the office with any questions you have regarding attendance.
A Note from Ms. MJ ~ Central Park Counselor
Dress for the Weather!
Chilly weather is approaching! Please ensure your child comes to school with proper attire as we will continue to go outdoors for fresh air each day (weather permitting).
Digital Resources
Did you know that your child can access district digital resources in reading and math at home? They can! Your child utilizes many phenomenal resources provided by the Omaha Public Schools each day, from learning in a hands on engaging classroom atmosphere to utilizing their district provided iPad using resources such as iRead, Amira, Lexia and SuccessMaker.