Salk Seahawk Scoop
Week of 12/15/2024
December Town Hall
This week Salk held it's December town hall meeting. The town hall meetings are hosted by a grade level and run by the students of that grade. The purpose of the town hall is to recognize our character trait winners for the previous month and allow our students to share and explain what the new month's character trait means to them. December was hosted by our 3rd grade students and they shared what cooperation means to them. Cooperation is December's character trait and teachers will be looking for individuals that demonstrate cooperation in their classroom. The winners will be introduced next month and be invited to a pizza lunch with the principal. Third grade did a great job!
In addition we also award our classroom winners for the most class hawk cash for the month. November's winners are Ms. Sarah and Ms. Sally's class for lower elementary and our first three time winner Mrs. Jenk's class or upper elementary. Way to go!
Soaring with Character
Congratulations to November's winners who demonstrated exemplary character for November's theme: Gratitude
Students were rewarded with a pizza lunch and a fun game of eraser tag.
Young Five
- Raelyn Abraham – Ms. Amigliore
- Aubrey Siemen – Mrs. Makowski
- Rayleigh Iagnemma – Ms. Sarah
1st Grade
- Brielle Warren – Mrs. Dixon
- A'Maya Matthews – Mrs. Kowalkowski
2nd Grade
- Evelyn Mimikos – Ms. Browe
- Connor Garrett – Mrs. Gallagher
- Ethan Dale – Ms. Sally
3rd Grade
- Gabriel Gonzalez-Mendez – Mrs. Boskovich
- Mara Lempinen – Mrs. Gutow
- Jana Salman– Ms. Hawkins
4th Grade
- Myles Matthews – Mrs. Filie
- Elijah Daffin – Mrs. Monette
5th Grade
- Kemyan Dozier – Mrs. Edmunds
- Katelyn Lyons – Ms. Herrera
- Brandon Couch – Ms. Lasater
6th Grade
- Jimmy Rhoton – Mrs. Armstrong
- DJ Cameron – Ms. Budnick
- Ivanna Montesinos– Mrs. Jenks
- Noah Youngblood – Mrs. Mackezyk
- A'njeliah Garner – Mrs. Gutc
- Christian Nakhla – Mrs. Smith
Resource Room
- James Potter – Ms. Ludeke
- Brandon Springfield-Williams – Mrs. Prestel
Second Step Social & Emotional Learning
As you know, in September we kicked of the Second Step Curriculum in all K-8 classes to further strengthen our social and emotional learning. Second Step offers weekly, age-appropriate virtual lessons for students to help them with a variety of social and emotional skills. These weekly lessons build on and support all of the great work we're doing at Salk to support our students. Combined with our schoolwide restorative practices and consistent PBIS expectations, we are creating a firm Tier 1 foundation for supporting all of our students' social, emotional, and behavioral development.
This week, each grade-level will begin a new unit. Please view the grade-level home links below to learn more about what your child is learning and how to support them at home during the second unit of Second Step.
K-5 Unit 4 Home Links
Change in Learning Modes
At this time, families are able to request to change the learning mode for their student(s) for the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year. Students who are currently attending school in-person in can switch to virtual, and students who are enrolled in virtual can switch to in-person. If you do not wish to switch your child’s learning mode, no action is necessary.
Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Submitting the form linked in this email does not guarantee a request will be granted. Requests will be reviewed by building and district leadership and the parent/guardian will be notified. If approved, the change will be effective for the second semester (January 6, 2025 - June 6, 2025).
Please carefully consider this semester-long commitment before submitting this application, as requests to change during the second semester will not be granted. However, the District may change your child’s learning mode if appropriate academic progress is not met throughout the semester.
If you are interested in changing your child’s learning mode for the second semester, please fill out this application. You will need to submit one request for each student.
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
Don’t forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Salk PTO
The next PTO meeting is January 8, 2025 at 6PM in the Salk Media Center.
If you cannot make it in-person, you can join online this year:
Salk PTO Online Meeting Link
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
This meeting is locked with a password : SALKPTO24-25
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 940-797-093
Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
Dial in or type: or
Meeting ID: 940 797 093
Or dial directly: 940797093@ or
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Salk PTO Information
The 2024-25 Executive PTO Board:
Jackie Lempinen - President
Amy Wiederhold- Vice President
Nicole Demura and Sara Sabon- Secretary
Christina Burrows- Executive Assistant
Christine Ireland - Treasurer
To contact the PTO -
Parking Lot Reminders!
* Please remember that the drop-off lane is not for parked cars.
* The bus loop is for buses only!
* If you want to walk your child to their door, please park in a parking spot and walk up together.
* The church graciously allows us to use their parking lot. Please do not park in reserved spaces.
Thank you for helping to create a safe parking lot for all our students!
Canvas- Parent Access
All Fraser classroom teachers provide instruction, resources, activities, and assessments to students utilizing the Canvas LMS. As a result, students have continuous access to the course materials and information regarding their achievement.
Parents/Guardians can also have continuous access to their student’s course materials and grades in Canvas by creating a parent/observer account. In addition, parents of multiple students can easily switch between their students to view grades and assignments within the same parent account.
All sign up information and resources are provided on the Fraser website.
Important reminders when using Canvas:
- Canvas works best in Chrome
- Please do not install the Canvas app (for parents or students). We are not supporting it as our staff and students are utilizing the web-based version of Canvas and it looks and works differently.
- If you signed up and paired with your students last year, you still have access to those students and their new courses this year.
- If you need to add more students to your account this year, please follow the directions provided below.
- If you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgot Password? link on the parent sign in page. Then, enter the email address you used to set up the account to receive a password reset email.
- If you have forgotten the email you used, please reach out to Kim Keith,, for additional assistance.
Downloadable directions are linked below. In addition, helpful videos and walk-throughs may be found linked HERE.
We're starting to see MANY students bundled up each day, which is great! Please be sure to send your child to school dressed for the weather each day. Students will start needing warm coats, gloves, hats, scarves, and/or boots daily throughout the winter.
Please take time to label each and every item- because our lost and found gets bombarded with lost winter accessories throughout the season
Please note that, per Board Policy, we will be having outdoor morning lineup and heading outdoors for our 25 minute recess(es) if the windchill is 10+ degrees.
Time outdoors is time well spent for kids, in all seasons.
Charlie the Therapy Dog
Charlie has made visits to Salk the last couple of years with great success. Students are happy to see him and he really brightens the mood. Charlie will make his next visit on Thursday, December 19.
Charlie's purpose is to ease student's anxieties and increase positive emotions. We do not want his presence to cause fear or anxiety. As a reminder, parents have the ability to opt out of having their student interact with Charlie. If you DO NOT want your student to be around Charlie, then please fill out the opt out form linked here.
For the safety of students with allergies and Charlie, he will not be in the lunch room. Charlie will also remain out of classrooms in which parents have a student who opt out. Charlie will be under my supervision and kept on a leash at all times.
Rules for Interacting with Charlie:
Use calm bodies and inside voices when around Charlie.
Always ask before petting Charlie.
Don't take food around Charlie/feed Charlie
Free Meals for All
Although not required, we do ask that families complete the Education Benefit Form located HERE. By doing so you help ensure the school receives additional funding.
December and January Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Save the Date
12/23 - Winter Break
1/6 - School Resumes
1/8 - PTO Meeting (6 PM- Salk Media Center)
1/20 - MLK Day - No School
Access the full District Calendar HERE at any time!
Contact Us
Main Office: (586) 439-6800
Absentee Phone Line: (586) 439-6890
- 24 hour recorded line, please leave your child's reason for absence and length of time out. Absences reported to this line ensure most timely and accurate record.
Principal: Mr. Anthony Birkmeier,
School Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Marcy Krebs,
Building Hours - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:35 am – 3:30 pm
First Bell: 8:30 am
Instructional Bell: 8:35 am
Students must be in class by 8:35 am or they are marked tardy