Frenchtown's Friday Message
January 31, 2025
Gina M. Prisco, Principal
Dr. Randi Petersen, Asst. Principal
Morning Drop Off Line
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to the safety of our students and staff.
This Week's NEW Happenings
Spelling Bee Finalists
First Annual Spelling Bee
What a great success! Thank you to all 35 of our participants(pictured below). They helped each other study, cheered each other on, congratulated each other and even consoled each other. Congratulations to Darius as he will represent Frenchtown and to Zara who was our runner up.
Muslim Heritage Month
Pizza! Yum!!!
Winter Math Fun: Engaging Activities for Families
Dear K-5 Families,
Winter is here, and it’s a great time to bring math into your home with some fun and authentic activities! Whether it’s the snow outside or the cozy indoors, there are plenty of ways to make math a part of your family’s daily routine.
Here are some simple ideas you can try at home:
1. Winter Weather Graphing
Track the daily temperature or snowfall in your area over a week. Have your child create a bar graph or line plot to show the changes. This helps with understanding data, patterns, and graphing concepts.
2. Winter Sports Math
Watch a winter sports event like skiing, ice skating, or snowboarding. Ask questions like, "How long did they skate? How many jumps did they do?" You can use these as opportunities for practice with time, measurement, and counting.
3. Building Snowflakes and Symmetry
If you have snow, encourage your child to build snowflakes or other snow creations! Talk about symmetry—how both sides of the snowflake are identical. If you’re indoors, use paper and scissors to create your own symmetrical snowflakes.
4. Hot Chocolate Fractions
Make some hot chocolate and have fun dividing up toppings (like marshmallows or chocolate chips) into fractions. For example, “If I put 8 marshmallows in my cup and give you half, how many do you get?”
5. Winter Nature Walk Measurement
Take a walk and explore the outdoors. Have your child estimate the length of a snow-covered path, then measure it using a ruler, tape measure, or by counting steps. It’s a great way to practice measuring and estimation.
Math is all around us, and with a little creativity, winter can become a perfect backdrop for learning. We hope these activities inspire you to incorporate fun math moments into your everyday routines.
Happy Winter Learning!
Margaret Boyle and Theresa Carley
Frenchtown Math Specialists
Having a Ball!
Kindergarten started their Force and Motion unit in Science!
The Big Chocolate Milk Debate
5th graders have been conducting research on the subject of chocolate milk being served in schools. Students have read multiple articles and have been taking diligent notes on both sides of the argument. We have been engaging in Flash Debates - where students are paired up and are asked to argue one side. Students are encouraged to respectfully disagree with each other, and they are given the opportunity to refute the other's claims during the rebuttal part of the debate.
Student Council Volunteers
Student Council members are volunteering to be recorded while reading a book for all Frenchtown students to watch and listen to during dismissal. Students are choosing books that follow our T.R.A.C.K.S. and Vision of the Graduate themes.
PJ Day for LA
Thank you to all who participated in our Student Council sponsored PJ DAY for LA. We raised $1136!
Superbowl Pancake Breakfast
Please be on the lookout for the Superbowl Pancake Breakfast Flyer. We will also be collecting soup for the Trumbull Food Pantry.
This remains in the New Happenings as it is very important for incoming families
Kindergarten Registration
Calling all incoming kindergarteners
Please make sure you register for the 25-26 school year using the link below. Please share this information with anyone you know who has a student that meets the age requirement for kindergarten.https://www.trumbullps.org/general/student-registration
Fifth Grade Families
Special Events
The time has come to start marking your calendars for the events leading up to Middle School.
Parent Orientations:
- Madison Middle School : April 24th @ 7:00 pm
- Hillcrest Middle School: April 24th @ 6:30 pm
- 5th Grade Chorus Concert (All Band and Strings as well) May 21st @ 6:30 pm
- YMCA Trip June 2nd- Send in Volunteer form NOW if you plan on attending
- Tentative Promotion Ceremony: June 10th @ 9:15 am (will change if there are snow days)
We Need Your Baby Photos
Important Dates to Remember
February 9 - 8am-12pm - Father's Club Superbowl Breakfast (flyers were sent out today)
February 14 /17- President's Day/ Washington's Birthday - School Closed
March 8 - Bridgeport Islanders Hockey Game (more information to be sent home)
For Grade 5 Families Only - Last Call
Please complete the form below for your child to receive their complimentary 5th grade tee shirts (one from Frenchtown and one from Hillcrest or Madison). Please complete and submit this form by January 31st.
Congratulations to the 5th graders for raising $1,514 in Penny Wars! Great teamwork and creativity!
January 31, 2025
Please renew your membership or become a member of the Frenchtown PTA by visiting the PTA website HERE. Please login if you are a returning member or create an account if this is your first year joining us. Our next meeting will take place on February 19, 2025 on Zoom. Meeting info will be out soon.
TICKETS ON SALE for the Fathers' Club Super Bowl Pancake Breakfast taking place on Sunday February 9th from 8am-12pm at the school. The gym will have games and the NEW Fathers' Club inflatable. There will be a 50/50 Raffle, Silent Auction & the Winter Extravaganza Gift Baskets!
You can purchase your tickets on Membership Toolkit today! Link below.
If you are interested in helping out at the event, joining the Fathers' Club or have any questions about it, please contact Rob Finn at Rfinn80@gmail.com
Yearbooks are for sale! $25 until the Early Bird Deadline, February 29. Purchase your 2024-25 Yearbook HERE. All fifth grade students will receive a yearbook courtesy of the Frenchtown PTA, no order or purchase required. We are in need of photos for the yearbook. Please send your photos of the first day of school, Halloween Party, Pink Pledge, Class Parties, Concerts, Spirit week, Superbowl party, etc to frenchtownyearbookphotos@gmail.com
We need your 5th Graders Baby Photo for the 2025 Yearbook! Please ensure that the file is labeled with your child's name and is a JPG or PNG file, please do NOT send a screenshot or a PDF as those will not work. Please upload your photo by February 15 using the link below. If you have any question please email Bridget at bridgetmdial@gmail.com
February Lunch Menu
Reminder from Food Service
A la carte items cannot be purchased if a student has a negative balance.
The negative balance must be paid in full before any a la carte items are purchased.
Happenings and Information from Past Weeks
Smart Watches and Cell Phones
Parents we need your support.
Smart Watches:
Smart Watches can be quite distracting. Students should not be contacting parents via their Smart Watch during the school day. In addition, we ask that you refrain from sending your child text messages. We do not encourage the wearing of Smart Watches at all, especially due to their value. There is not a need for access to the technology features of a Smart Watch during the school day, including on transportation.
Cell Phones:
If you have decided to provide your child with a cell phone, please note it must be off and out of sight the entire day. This includes ON THE BUS. There have been several reports of students using their phones while riding school provided transportation. We request that you have continued conversations with your children regarding this topic.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Frenchtown Student Handbook
Sign the pages required in the handbook and return to your child's teacher
Volunteering at Frenchtown
We welcome Volunteers at Frenchtown.
Volunteers: Visitor Form must be completed
All individuals seeking to volunteer in the Trumbull Public Schools must fill out and sign this “School Volunteer Security Check” form prior to any volunteering. Please put N/A in any areas that do not apply or the form will be returned to you to complete.
Please read the detailed information in the Frenchtown Handbook.
School Year Calendar 2024-2025
News from TLC
Follow us on Twitter
Follow Frenchtown on twitter and see what students and staff are up to! @FrenchtownElem
https://twitter.com/FrenchtownElem #frenchtownwolves