Pleasant Valley Family Newsletter
October 31, 2024

Focus on Respect
Happy Friday, PV Families!
We’ve had an amazing week here at PV, starting with our Veterans Day celebration on Monday. We were honored to host over 25 veterans and their families for breakfast, followed by a heartfelt assembly. Our veterans were welcomed into the gym, where more than 800 students and staff cheered them on with admiration and respect. The 5th-grade council led the assembly, sharing descriptions of each military branch. The program included a few words from the administration and concluded with the playing of taps—a touching tribute to those who have served.
Our newly formed Peer Mediators took a field trip to Orchard Hill Elementary on Wednesday for their orientation, setting the stage for their important role at PV.
Then, we wrapped up the week with our 5K Girls on the Run practice on Friday, where the girls’ excitement and energy shined. Thank you to our coaches, parents who were able to join and run with this children, and all PV staff and students who cheered them on, making the practice run truly special!
A quick shout out to Mrs. Wagner, who visited today to read to our first grade class.
The previous Friday's Bingo Night was incredible! The TEMS café was filled with staff, students, and parents who were genuinely happy to be there, supporting our 5th-grade cohort while playing Bingo and winning fantastic prizes, including 4 tickets to Radio City, a ride to school in a police car or fire truck, a gift card to Bob’s Furniture, and many more. Although we encountered a few sound glitches, everyone stayed engaged, and a parent with a background in sound engineering kindly stepped in to save the day!
Special thanks to Wooster Pizza for their generous pizza donation, and to Abby Bernard, Lindsay Ruszczyk, Jill Marvin, the entire Bingo Committee, and the PTO Board for making this event a great success.
Our PV staff showed up in full support, along with so many families—thank you all! It’s through our collective efforts that we’re making a real difference in our school and community.
Esther and Jenna
Veteran's Day Assembly
Bingo Night
Girls on the Run 5k
Special Classroom Reader in Ms. Devlin's Class
Thursday, November 21st
MOEMS Math Olympiad Club, 8:00-8:55 am, Library
STEM After School Clubs, 4:15-5:15pm
Friday, November 22nd
Wear Purple to raise awareness for epilepsy and support those living with the condition
PV Portal Page
The PV Portal page below has been updated to include sign ups for fall conferences.
Kindly take a moment to review our upcoming events and important links below. Your participation and volunteer efforts with the PTO are highly encouraged as they play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition into the school year and in fostering a strong community connection. The links provided include essential information about arrival and dismissal procedures, FAQs, PTO details, and a link to our school website.
Bike Week Volunteers
Do you love to ride bikes? Are you willing to help 4th graders learn to ride? We would love to have your help. Dates for Bike week are April 23, 22, 24, & 25. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Registration form above and email Kristin Carmon to let us know you are interested.
If your child is going to be absent, please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out the Attendance Monitor prior to the start of the school day. It is very important that the office be aware of your child's absence. Attendance Monitor Instructions can be found under Important Links, below.
If you would like to pick your child up early, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291.
Volunteer Registration
Throughout the school year, there are many volunteer opportunities for parents/guardians (for example - chaperoning a field trip, helping at a PTO event, etc.) If you would like to volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Registration form-