Principal's Message March 18-22
Dear Peabody and Watkins community,
If you are reading this Friday night, STOP what you're doing and start getting ready for the Cluster Auction and Party at Ivy City Smokehouse at 7pm. The PTA annual fund raiser is to bring our entire community together for fun and fund raising to support the enriching opportunities for students that the PTA funds. Will we see you there?
If you're reading on this on Saturday, please continue...
If you haven't heard yet (please follow us on Instagram) Watkins are District Champions! Our basketball team won the championship in true dramatic fashion - lead changes, tie scores, and free throws for the win in the remaining seconds. Our team overcame so many obstacles but their grit and sense of teamwork prevailed to bring the championship back to Watkins. We are so proud of our team!
After the party for caregivers, the PTA is also hosting the second annual Panther Party at Watkins at 5:30 on Thursday, March 28. Our Cheer Squad will kick the party off with a performance, followed Mad Science, and a dance party. Pizza dinner is provided by the PTA. Students must be accompanied by an adult.
Calendar note: DCPS has confirmed that the last day of school remains June 17.
Please see below for more information about:
- March 25 - 29 Peabody Book Fair
- March 28: Panther Party at Watkins
- April 4: Peabody Family Engagement Night
- April 7: Cluster-wide Kickball!
- Recurring Reminders
- Peabody, Watkins, and Stuart Hobson Open Houses
- Peabody Anti-Racist, Anti-Bias Curriculum Extension read aloud and reflection
Key Dates for families
Aspen Parent Portal Update from Central Office
Greetings DCPS Families! As we prepare for the launch of online enrollment, the District will be centrally resetting the passwords for all users who have not accessed the ASPEN Parent Portal on March 25. The email will be titled "Welcome to the ASPEN Parent Portal". Please test and save these credentials, as families will use the same log in ID email and password to access the online enrollment platform starting March 29. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Montgomery or Mr. Roy.
National Social Workers Month
"Empowering Social Workers: Inspiring Action, Leading Change!"
aligns with the theme set forth by the National Association of Social Workers. This is an acknowledgement of all that social workers do to support wellness and mental health across all facets of society. The skillsets and education of social workers make them uniquely qualified to help others and deserving of the utmost respect as professionals.
Our incredible social workers are often working behind the scenes to teach students coping and relationship skills or working with families to remove obstacles for their wellness. Our team is also out in front of our staff teaching us all how to better support the social-emotional needs of our students. Please take a moment to send our social workers a note of appreciation.
Peabody - bernadette.wittschen@k12.dc.gov
1st - 3rd Grade - lauren.kraemer@k12.dc.gov
4th - 5th Grade - denzelle.Carter-Crawley@k12.dc.gov
Anti-Racist, Anti-Bias Curriculum Extension
Peabody is implementing an Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias curriculum extension this school year. For more information, visit our website https://www.capitolhillclusterschool.org/equity-inclusion
Nex week we will read: Our Skin by Meg Madison, Jessica Ralli, and Isabel Roxas.
Some discussion questions you could have with your child at home are: Continue the conversation about skin color. Try this suggestion from the authors: Every person has a unique skin tone. You can talk about skin tone in the same way you notice all the parts of your body. Introduce different skin colors during playtime when you may already be talking about physical attributes like size, shape, and color.
Staff Reflection: Reflection Jamboard Link
As you may know, we are encouraging us to reflect as a staff throughout our equity work. Below is the reflection for this week's read aloud.
DC CAPE Testing for 3-5th Graders
DC CAPE (formerly PARCC) is starting soon! As usual, 3rd-5th grade students will take the DC Science assessment (5th grade only) and DC CAPE for ELA and Math.
The science test includes 4 units that will be completed in three testing days. The ELA and Math tests include 3 units each that will be tested one day at a time. We have been preparing at school and caregivers can help students prepare at home by
- Re-emphasizing the importance of doing their best on the test
- Be aware of the testing dates and ensure a good night's sleep
- Come to school on time and eat breakfast
- Practice at home
Below is our testing schedule:
April 9 - 11 - Science for 5th graders
April 23 - 25 - ELA for 4th graders
April 30 - May 2 - ELA for 3rd and 5th graders
May 7 - 9 - Math for 4th graders
May 14 - 16 - Math for 3rd and 5th graders
Make up testing with be ongoing on Mondays and Fridays and other non-testing days through May 22.
Recurring Reminders
School Year 2024- 2025 Open Houses for Prospective Families
We look forward to welcoming new families to our schools. Please promote the below flyers broadly within your networks.
Peabody on Thursdays
Watkins on Wednesdays
Look Ahead to Stuart Hobson Middle School
Sports and Class Dojo
Back by popular demand, we are restarting the Watkins WatchDOGS (Dads [& Others] of Great Students) Volunteer program!!
What is WATCH D.O.G.S.?
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads [& Others] Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative.
What is the goal of a WATCH D.O.G.S. program?
To provide positive caregiver role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
Who are WatchDOGS and how does WATCH D.O.G.S. work?
WatchDOGS are fathers, mothers, grandparents, and uncles/aunts who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school. WATCH D.O.G.S., a K-12 program, invites caregivers to volunteer at least one day at their child’s/student’s school for part or all of the day during the school year. Identification will be checked upon entrance.
Is this program only for Dads?
Absolutely not!! We welcome all caregivers to volunteer.
What do WatchDOGS do (while they are at school)?
During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, patrol the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Many school principals have reported that the mere presence of a WatchDOGS volunteer dramatically reduces reports of bullying. On the day of their participation, WatchDOGS participants are given a brief review of their involvement and they wear an official WATCH D.O.G.S. name tag identifying them as a WatchDOG.
What days can I volunteer and how do I sign up?
WatchDOGS participant days will be every Wednesday. Please sign up at least a week in advance so we can notify school administration and teachers of your visit using this link to the WatchDOGS sign-up list: https://signup.com/go/xxkWcuc
Support our Teachers!
FoodPrints Caregiver Volunteer Sign Ups
Hello parents and guardians! We're back again for another year of FoodPrints at Peabody and Watkins Elementary and we are looking for parents to volunteer in our classroom and garden!
We'll have a maximum number of four (4) slots available for parent volunteers for each class. We'll be adding more dates in the coming weeks so be sure to check back frequently if you don't see your child's class as yet. Please reach out if you have any questions to ms. Natasha natasha@ffm.org at Watkins and Ms. Aubryn aubryn@ffm.org at Peabody.
The sign up genius also has the schedule for classes.
Thanks again for your support of FoodPrints!
Email issues with Smore? Unsubscribed from Blackboard?
If you somehow are unsubscribed from Blackboard, please email your appropriate school inbox above and Adia.Howard-Stroud@k12.dc.gov who will fix the issue on Blackboard.
Field trip chaperones- Complete a Clearance application
Exceptions may be granted to the DCPS Clearance process in the following situations:
- You are volunteering for a one-time, on-campus event, like Career Day or Field Day. Please email the Clearance Team at dcps.clearance@k12.dc.gov to confirm whether you qualify for a clearance exception.
- You are a potential volunteer with an active secret or top-secret federal security clearance. Individuals in this group should complete the Federal Security Clearance Verification letter in lieu of being fingerprinted with DCPS. The original signed verification form and a copy of a state issued photo ID to dcps.clearance@k12.dc.gov