The Edmond Creative
Edmond Public Schools Fine Arts Collective

Director's Thoughts... 💭
Greetings Edmond Fine Arts Educators and Administrators:
November is here and I can already hear the green bean casserole calling my name. Yum. This past month has been so fulfilling with the first performances of the year! I am looking forward to many more as we approach the holidays. I am so grateful to work in a community that understands the value of the arts and prioritizes its role in developing our children. Keeping with the theme of the year of "Shine your Light", I would like to take a moment to discuss another way we shine our light through reflection. One of my favorite artists, Common, has a song entitled - "The Light". The chorus states the following:
"There are times, when you'll need someone.
I will be by your side.
There is a light, that shines,
Special for you, and me."
You are special to each child, family, and colleague that you encounter, and your light reflects in every performance and piece that is displayed for all to see. When times seem dim, don't forget to look toward those who reflect the light you provided, to help brighten your day as well. Sometimes we just need a reminder that the love of the activity and its transformational power can assist in brightening the world for all to see.
Thank you for being that special light. Special for you, and me.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out!
The arts are ALIVE and WELL in Edmond Public Schools!
Lyric Theatre Visits Heritage Elementary!!!
Drama/Theatre PD with UCO Technical Theatre Director - Collin Andrulonis!
Secondary Visual Art PD hosted at the National Western Heritage Museum!!!
Elementary Music Teachers PD with Master Teacher - Lindsey Schroeder!!!
Secondary Vocal Teachers Observe Choral Classes at Norman North during PD!!!
EMHS's "She Loves Me" Lobby Artwork
Orchestra Director David Koehn Named EMHS's TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!!
EMHS Band putting work in a Beautiful Saturday Morning!
Central MS 6th Grade Band Prepares for their Demonstration Concert!
Santa Fe Band Earns Superior Ratings at OSSAA Marching Contest!
North Band Earns Superior Ratings at OSSAA Marching Contest!
Memorial Band Earns Superior Ratings at OSSAA Marching Contest!
Charles Haskell's Rascals Rocked out to an 80's Soundtrack!
Redbud's Roadrunners Taught us the Story of Flight through Rhyme!
Memorial's Orchestra students celebrate Halloween with this Questionable Characters!
EPS 6th Grade Vocal Festival Resonates with Success!!!
On October 29th, all 6th Grade Vocal students from across the district met at Edmond Memorial High School to participate in a clinic with the choral staff from EPS. That evening, a performance was held for families featuring numerous selections from the 6th grade. Students and parents were even serenaded by ensembles from each of our vertical HS programs to give everyone a taste of what choir is like in high school.
Congratulations to all the choral staff for a wonderful evening of celebration of all things choir!!!
UCO Broncho Band Day - November 16th 🎺
Santa Fe Theatre Arts present...PLAY ON!!! 🎭
Cheyenne and Sequoyah Fall Choir Concert hosted at Edmond North Auditorium!
Major EPS Presence at the OkMEA Fall Conference 🍂
North Choruses Shine their Eternal Light at their Fall Concert!
Edmond North Theatre Arts presents...Much Ado About Nothing!!! 🎭
EPS Bands host OBA Send-Off Performance at Santa Fe Wolves Stadium 🎶
OCU All-State Band Worksup - November 21st
Registration is Now Open for OkMEA Winter Conference! ⛄
Memorial Band Makes "First Contact" at St. Louis BOA Super Regional!!! 👽
On October 26th, Memorial Marching Band traveled to St. Louis to compete in the Bands of America Super Regional hosted at the America's Dome. Students had a chance to see the St. Louis Zoo, City Museum, The Gateway Arch, and the campus of St. Louis University. The band had a spectacular performance scoring 22nd out of 76 bands performing over three days. This is the highest ranking that the Memorial Band has received attending this contest. We are so proud of the students, staff, and families for a memorable trip that create memories for a lifetime. You are OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!
OSDE Fine Arts Meeting - Scaling Up: Elevating Your Elementary Music Classroom
The Office of Standards and Learning at the Oklahoma State Department of Education is excited to announce free professional development workshops for the 2024-25 school year.
The fine arts workshop "Scaling Up: Elevating Your Elementary Music Classroom" will focus on elementary music education. Attendees will review the music standards, explore resources in the framework, and leave with new ideas for the classroom. Attendees will also be able to connect with other elementary music educators.
The virtual elementary music regional meeting will be held on
Tuesday, November 12 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Registration is open and the meeting will also be recorded and shared afterward. Hope to see you online November 12!
Science in Art - Art in Science Competition 🧪🎨🔬
Santa Fe named Grand Champion of the Bands of America Arizona Regional Contest
On October 3rd, Edmond Santa Fe Marching Band traveled to Flagstaff, Arizona to compete in the Bands of America Arizona Regional Contest. Bands from 6 states competed at the Northern Arizona University Dome and Santa Fe was named Grand Champion. With a score of 82.95, Santa Fe not only won the contest, but swept all captions including Outstanding Music, Outstanding Visual, and Outstanding General Effect. This will be the first time in history that a band from the "West" side of the state has won a BOA Regional Competition. Congrats to all the families, students, and directors for making history!!!
HMS Choir "Shines Brightly" at their Fall Concert ✨
On October 29th, Heartland Middle School Choirs presented their Fall Concert at Santa Fe High School Auditorium. They revealed their newly branded Show Choir - "Thunderstruck", vocal soloists between large ensembles, and performances from Tenor/Bass, Treble, and Mixed Choirs. Fantastic work shining your light for the community and great work to everyone involved!
Check out a "Snapshot" from Edmond North Photographic Arts!!! 📸
Memorial Choruses - A Class Act of Excellence and Musicianship!
The Fatheads are back at Heartland MS!!!
Central's "The Suessification of Romeo and Juliet" is No Tragedy!!! 🎭
Upcoming Art Camps with Edmond Fine Arts Institute 🎨
Educational Program Opportunities with the OKC Philharmonic 🎻
Our Fall Youth Concerts will be on November 12 and 13, 2024. We have two concerts each day at 10am and 11:40am. The programs are specially geared towards 2nd through 6th grade students, and beginning Band and Orchestra. Choir students are absolutely welcome as well. Of course, these programs are designed for everyone to enjoy, not just music students! The entire orchestra will be performing a 50-minute program of exciting music highlighting every instrument at the Civic Center Music Hall stage. The concerts are completely FREE! Schools are responsible for providing transportation to the Civic Center (please do let us know if you need help arranging transportation for your students). If the Fall dates do not work for your school, we also have Spring Youth Concerts on March 11 and 12, 2025.
Additionally, our "We've Got Rhythm" program in which a small ensemble of Philharmonic musicians visits your school. Performances are fun and interactive!
You may email me at angelica@okcphil.org, or contact our Education Manager directly at chase@okcphil.org.
The Month at a Glance...
November 2nd
Oklahoma Bandmasters Association State Marching Contest
Broken Arrow HS Tiger Stadium
10:15: Edmond Santa Fe
11:00: Edmond Memorial
12:00: Edmond North
Finals Begin @ 7:00 PM
November 2nd
OkCDA/OkMEA 1st Round Auditions
Enid HS
All Day
November 4th
COCDA Vocal Festival
Bethany First Church of the Nazarene
All Day
November 4th
EPS School Board Meeting
6 PM
November 7th
HS All-City Orchestra Clinic
Edmond North HS Siberian Gym
November 7th
Centennial Elementary Music Program
Centennial Elementary
6 PM
November 7th
Cross Timbers 2nd Grade Music Program
Cross Timbers Elementary
6 PM
November 7th
Heritage Elementary Music Program
Heritage Elementary
6:00 PM & 7:15 PM
November 7th
John Ross Elementary 3rd Grade Music Program
John Ross Elementary
6 PM
November 7th
Russell Dougherty 4th & 5th Grade Music Program
First Christian Church
6:30 PM
November 7th - 8th
Summit Theatre Arts present "The Con"
Summit MS Cafeteria
7:00 PM
November 9th
CODA Auditions
Edmond Santa Fe HS
All Day
November 11th
Sequoyah MS Veteran's Day Assembly
Sequoyah Gym
9 AM
November 12th
Sunset Elementary 4th Grade Program
Sunset Elementary Cafeteria
6:00 PM
November 12th
Cheyenne 6th Grade Band Demonstration
Cheyenne Gym
6:30 PM
November 13th
OKC Philharmonic Field Trip - Cheyenne MS Band
OKC Civic Center
November 14th
Northern Hills Elementary Music Program
Northern Hills Cafeteria
6:15 PM & 7 PM
November 14th
Washington Irving Elementary Music Program
Washington Irving Cafeteria
November 14th
West Field Elementary Music Program
West Field Elementary
November 14th
Redbud 3rd Grade Music Program
Redbud Elementary
6 PM
November 14th
Ida Freeman 3rd Grade Music Program
Ida Freeman Elementary
6:30 PM
November 14th
Scissortail Elementary 4th Grade Music Program
Scissortail Elementary
6:30 PM
November 15th & 16th
Sequoyah Theatre Arts present "Junie B. Jones"
Sequoyah MS Cafeteria
November 15th & 16th : 6:30 PM November 16th : 2:30 PM
November 15th & 16th
Santa Fe Theatre Arts present "Play ON! "
SFHS Auditorium
7 PM
November 15th & 16th
Speech and Debate Contest
Southern Nazarene University
All Day
November 18th
Santa Fe Orchestra Pre-OSSAA Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7 PM
November 19th & 20th
OSSAA Fall Orchestra Contest
Santa Fe HS Auditorium
All Day
November 19th
OkCDA 2nd Round Auditions
Rose State College
All Day
November 21st - 23rd
Edmond North Theatre Arts present "Much Ado About Nothing"
Edmond North Auditorium
7 PM
November 21st
Santa Fe HS Treble Festival
SFHS Auditorium
All Day
November 22nd
Frontier Elementary 4th Grade Music Program
Frontier Cafeteria
6:00 PM
November 22nd & 23rd
NHCO Clinic and Performance
Oklahoma City University
All DayNovember 23rd
OkMEA Jazz Auditions
Midwest City High School
All Day
November 25th - 29th
Thanksgiving Break
No School