Keeping up with Keller
By: Marcie Dryden, Principal
May 10, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of Helen Keller Elementary School is to establish and maintain an educational community that empowers all students to become principled, independent inquirers who are socially responsible global citizens.
Do you want to see what's going on at Keller? Check out my Facebook page where I frequently post pictures and share events that are happening within the Keller Community. Click on the button below to go right to my page!
*May 13: PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. - In Person/Off Site
*May 15: Late Start for Students & PD for Staff
*May 19: GOTR & STRIDE 5K Race
*May 24 & 27: No School - Holiday
*May 31: Field Day
*June 3: Bike to School Day (Starting at Cody Park)
*June 3: Field Day Rain Date
*June 6: 5th Grade Exhibition @ 6:30 p.m.
*June 7: Cookies w/2024-25 DK & Kindergarten @ 4:30 p.m.
*June 7: Keller PTA Fun Fair
*June 10: 5th Grade Exit Interviews with ROS Administrators
*June 10: Jr. Olympics @ 6:00 p.m. @ ROHS
*June 11: Jr. Olympics Rain Date
*June 12: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - 1/2 Day Dismissal @ 12:15 p.m.
The 4th grade concert was a celebration of our marvelous, musical world. While the students were learning about their own families' migration stories in class, we took a look at the music from the countries they had connections with. The students then determined which songs they would like to sing from each geographical location around the world; in the end, singing in 7 different languages; including Hebrew, Māori, Akan, German, Maylay, Inuktitut, and Spanish.
Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for yet another great performance!
May: Caring
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile encourages students to develop attributes that contribute to their academic and personal growth as global citizens. In May, we will be shining a spotlight on the IB PYP Learner Profile attribute of being “Caring”.
Official IB definition of Caring:
Students who are caring show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and the world around them.
How can families help develop students who are Caring at home?
Here are the key ways families can help develop caring students at home:
*Modeling Empathy and Compassion
Parents who demonstrate kindness and concern for others set an example for their children to follow.
* Encouraging Prosocial Behavior
Providing opportunities for children to help others and engage in acts of kindness reinforces caring behaviors.
* Fostering Emotional Intelligence
Helping children recognize and manage their own emotions, as well as understand the emotions of others, develops empathy.
* Establishing Family Routines and Traditions
Consistent family rituals create a sense of belonging and security that enables children to feel cared for.
*Communicating Openly
When parents make time to listen to their children, it shows their feelings and perspectives are valued, fostering caring relationships.
It is requested that all adults who are arriving and departing from the school be particularly cautious and mindful of the children and adult pedestrians in the school vicinity at all times. The safety of our entire school community depends upon the care and concern of all of us.
Please follow these safety precautions in the parking lot:
- Please ensure that your child is prepared and ready to exit the vehicle promptly upon entering the drop-off lane. Once your child exits your car safely you should immediately exit the drop off lane. This will help to prevent congestion from occurring on Campbell Street.
- DO NOT PARK or STAND in the drop off lane at the end of the school day.
- Obey all traffic signs and follow traffic flow -- map below.
- Please refrain from cell phone calls and texting while driving.
- Drop-off area – there is one lane of drop-off.
- Pull all the way forward to the end of the lane before dropping or picking up children. Do not back up in the pick-up lane.
- Students should enter and be ready to exit on the passenger side of the vehicle only.
- Do not exit your vehicle, thus parking in the drop-off only lane, even if it is to run to the door or drop off a project. If you must exit your vehicle you need to park in a parking spot.
- Adults and students should remain on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks only. It is difficult to see children in the parking lot between vehicles.
- Park in a handicap parking spot only if you have a valid and visible permit
The lane closest to the sidewalk is a drop-off lane. This is for drop-off ONLY. There is no parking, stopping, standing, or idling at any time.
Please find a parking spot when picking up your student.
When parked in the drop-off lane, it blocks the view, exits, and flow of 450+ students leaving the building. Thank you for keeping our lot safe for pedestrians!
Please refer to Keeping up with Keller newsletters and to the Keller handbook on the district website: https://keller.royaloakschools.org/
Join us Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30 at Mojave Cantina to celebrate the end of our year! Please RSVP to rosdpac@gmail.com so we can get a head count! If you need any support you can always email us, or post in our Closed Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RoyalOakSchoolsPAC)
ROMS summer school program for outgoing 5th graders- it's a great way to get comfortable with the building and meet some new friends from other elementary schools!
Middle School Registration Link - For student exiting 5th-8th grade
Families must apply annually to be eligible for Young Oaks Latchkey. Our lottery for the 2024-25 school year can be found here. The links will be live at 9:00am on Monday May 6th. Families will be notified of their status (waitlist or acceptance) Wednesday May 22nd. If you have any questions please contact Addams Early Childhood Center 248-288-3220 ext. 0.
School Learning Sessions
- Session 1: June 24-July 12 (No school July 4-5)
- Session 2: July 15-August 1
- DK-5: 2 sessions, 3 weeks each (M-TH)- 8:30-11:30 AM
Our summer school program will offer math and ELA enrichment programs, as well as a LEGO STEM opportunity for students in grades DK-8. These opportunities will definitely keep your students fully engaged with these enrichment experiences!
The cost to participate is $160, and financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Reach out to Jennifer Knipper for assistance, Jennifer.knipper@royaloakschools.org.
- For more information click on this link
PTA Corner
Hi PTA friends! Here's some important upcoming info:
Our last PTA meeting of the year is this Monday, May 13 at 7pm. It will be held at Lockhart's BBQ in downtown Royal Oak! This is an adults only meeting to wrap up the end of the school year. PTA will be purchasing appetizers for attendees to share. PLEASE RSVP to cariehookerpta@gmail.com or click "going" on our Facebook event so I have a head count to order food. Other food and drink items are available for purchase. We will be meeting in the lower level of Lockhart's. Hope to see you there!
We have a few fun Restaurant Nights in May and June, and it's all about ICE CREAM!
Friday, May 17th is Ray's Restaurant Day, from 11am-9pm. 20% of sales will be donated to Keller PTA if you mention us at checkout!
Wednesday, June 5th is Jim's Frostie Treats Restaurant Night, from 3:30-8:30pm. 15% of sales will be donated to Keller PTA if you mention us at checkout!
Keller PTA Fun Fair is Friday, June 7 from 6-8pm. Check out the flyer for more information. We cannot have events without volunteers, so look for the Sign-up Genius, coming soon. If you have questions, please reach out to the co-chairs at funfair@helenkellerpta.net
LOST & FOUND will be donated next week. If your student is missing any items, please visit the vestibule during school hours to look before it's donated to kids in need.
We have MANY open committee chair positions available for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be advertising them soon on our website. Keep an eye out for an updated list. This list will also be emailed to all current PTA members soon.
All my best,
Carie Hooker
Keller PTA President
All My Best,
Carie Hooker, President
Students should not be communicating with parents/families using their phones or Smartwatches during the school day. If a student is wearing a Smartwatch they are to use it as a watch only. All phones are to stay in the student's backpack in their lockers. Please refrain from texting your child during the school day as it is a distraction from instruction. All communication during the school day should be done through Seesaw with the teacher or through the front office at (248)542-6500. Thank you for your cooperation.
All absences should be called in to the Safety Check number. Absences that are not reported are considered unexcused. Please make sure to indicate if you are ordering lunch the next day if the call is before 10:00 a.m. Calls after 10:00 a.m. we cannot guarantee your A or B lunch choice.
Safety Check number 248-542-6500 option #1
Please be aware that Board Policy 5330 (below) requires a doctor's prescription as well as parental authorization before we can dispense non prescribed (over the counter) medicine as well as prescribed medications.
For purposes of this policy, "medication" shall include all medicines including those prescribed by a physician and any nonprescribed (over-the-counter) drugs, preparations, and/or remedies. "Treatment" refers both to the manner in which a medication is administered and to health-care procedures which require special training, such as catheterization.
Before any medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written prescription from the child's physician accompanied by the written authorization of the parent. This document shall be kept on file in the administrative offices. No student is allowed to provide or sell any type of over-the-counter medication to another student. Violations of this rule will be considered violations of Policy 5530 - Drug Prevention and of the Student Discipline Code/Code of Conduct.
Our staff works so hard everyday focusing on our students and school community. If you would like to say thank you to any staff member, please fill out and submit the form linked below. I will be sure they get your messages, which I know will make their day!
Studies have consistently shown that many girls and young women struggle with feelings of low self-confidence. This unfortunate trend seems to persist across various aspects of life, including academics, body image, and career aspirations.
In the realm of academics, girls often exhibit lower levels of confidence compared to their male counterparts. They may doubt their abilities and hesitate to take on challenging subjects or leadership roles. This lack of confidence can impact their performance and limit their academic achievements.
Body image is another area where girls often feel inadequate. Unrealistic media portrayals of beauty standards, combined with societal pressures, can lead to body dissatisfaction and a decrease in self-confidence. This can have long-lasting effects on mental and emotional well-being.
Furthermore, many girls struggle with confidence when it comes to career aspirations. They may underestimate their skills and downplay their ambitions, leading to a smaller presence in traditionally male-dominated fields. This self-doubt can hinder their pursuit of fulfilling careers and limit their potential for success.
It is crucial to address these issues and foster an environment that empowers girls to believe in themselves. By promoting self-acceptance, resilience, and a growth mindset, we can help girls develop the confidence they need to thrive and reach their full potential.
Click on the link below for the first-ever, large-scale national 2023 survey designed to develop a deeper understanding of the thoughts, experiences, behaviors and attitudes of teen girls throughout the U.S:
The 2023 Girls’ Index Executive Overview
Keller continues to be recognized as a No Place For Hate School 2023-24 by the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). One criteria to meet this is to have student-led activities that empower our students to use their voice and create a culture of inclusion.
One of the many student-led initiatives has been our Student Council's SGS Club (Students Guiding Students) during lunch recess. This is an opportunity for our older students to help our younger students to problem solve on the playground, a place to report bullying or help someone who needs a friend to play with.
Up next for us is our Student Council will be developing and teaching one of our future Husky Packs which will include the No Place For Hate Pledge below.
At Keller we take pride in making sure we have a kind, caring, environment. Our parents play a large role in helping us to achieve this goal. Before posting to social media or any other venue, please consider the feelings of all our community members . Before you post, remember to T.H.I.N.K...
Essential Agreements
*We are respectful
*We are safe and in control
*We are responsible learners
Keller Creed
I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me too.
I came to school to learn and I will learn.
I will have a good day.
Learner Profile Highlights
Don’t forget that the highlighted monthly learner profile and weekly behavior focus is on the Google calendar (every Sunday).
Marcie Dryden
Email: marcie.dryden@royaloakschools.org
Website: https://www.royaloakschools.org/our-schools/elementary/keller/
Location: 1505 North Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Phone: (248)542-6500