Westwood Elementary Newsletter
Welcome Back Edition- August 2024
Hello WWES Families,
Welcome back!
We are gearing up for a great school year! We hope you all are enjoying your summer and are ready to come back. The hallways and classrooms are clean and shiny; ready to welcome everyone back. We have a few new faces that we are very excited to welcome to our Westwood Elementary family:
Mrs. McCall- School nurse
Ms. Berzins- Paraprofessional
Ms. Henderson- 1st grade teacher
Mr. Wenzell- 1st grade teacher
Ms. Plas- Title/Reading teacher
This newsletter contains important information, and I will send only one each month. Please take the time to read it each month- it is packed full of information. We also will have printed copies in the main office, should you need one. Please make sure you have an email listed in PowerSchool that you check regularly- we frequently communicate electronically.
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student, you should have received a letter in the mail about kindergarten screening- it is very important to attend this screening. Kindergarten screening is August 12th and 13th. If you did not receive a letter, please call us as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call @ 284-8002.
If you drop off or pick up your student- please make sure you are only doing so in the designated pickup and drop off area where staff are located. We do this to ensure your student is safe and supervised by an adult, thank you for your cooperation. You can see more details below in the drop off and pickup procedures.
Regular attendance at the elementary school level is crucial to each student’s success, as it sets up a good pattern for your child’s entire school career. Please make sure your child is here every day that it is possible.
Please follow us if you are not already: Westwood Elementary-Elyria City Schools;
Your Partner in Education,
Ms. Stacey Gatten
Happenings this Month
12/13- Kindergarten screening @ WWES
15- Open House and Title Night 5:30-6:30 (Door open at 5:30)
19/20/21- Staggered START
- Monday, August 19: K-9th grade students with last names beginning from A to G only.
- Tuesday, August 20: K-9th grade students with last names beginning from H to O only.
- Wednesday, August 21: K-9th grade students with last names beginning from P to Z only.
22- First day for all students- ALL K-9 students will have their first full day together.
Staggered Start- August 19/20/21
We will have a staggered return schedule that impacts students from kindergarten to ninth grade. The district has successfully used a staggered return for years, and this year, ninth graders will also have a staggered start. This phased approach allows students and staff to connect in smaller groups, creating stronger relationships and providing students with a more immersive introduction to their new schedules, school routines and expectations.
School starts on Monday, Aug. 19. With the staggered return, K-9 students will come back to school for their first day alphabetically by their last name.
The staggered return schedule is as follows:
- Monday, August 19: K-9 students with last names beginning from A to G only
- Tuesday, August 20: K-9 students with last names beginning from H to O only.
- Wednesday, August 21: K-9 students with last names beginning from P to Z only.
- Thursday, August 22: ALL K-9 students will have their first full day together with their classmates.
Elyria High School students in grades 10-12 will resume full-time classes on August 19 without a staggered return.
All preschool students will return to school on August 26.
All this information and many more details--including information on school meals, bussing, conferences, school
Drop off and pick up Procedures
To ensure drop-off and pickup run smooth and effective:
· You may ONLY enter at 42101 Griswold to enter the car line. Adelbert entrance is only for Preschool. Please do not cut through- this creates additional traffic for EECV, and we want ALL students to be safe. Also please only drop off and pick up in the designated area, do not use the visitor parking for drop off as it it not an area that is supervised by staff.
· Please do not plan to arrive earlier than 8:55 for Elementary School drop off in the morning. If Elementary students arrive early you will need to keep your student(s) in the vehicle with you until staff comes out to unload students at 8:55am.
· Please do not plan to arrive earlier than 3:00pm for Elementary pickup in the afternoon.
· Once in the lot, please pull up to the car in front of you, as this will allow more cars to enter the lot, and keep cars off the street.
· Please be ready and prepared so that we can keep cars moving efficiently in the lot.
· Follow all directions from staff, they are there to help.
· Please drive safe and slow- this is a school zone and we need to keep all students and staff safe.
· You will exit at Griswold also.
We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe.
Building Information-
School hours are 9:10am-3:10pm.
Doors do not open until 8:55- please do not drop off early or allow students to walk early.
If you are dropping off, please hold your child in the car with you until 8:55am.
Please call the office to report your child(ren)’s absence at 284-8002 before 9:30AM. Our phone has 24-hour voicemail so that you may call and leave a message anytime. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone in the office; voicemails are frequently checked and the office will receive your message.
Please make sure you always have a photo ID with you, when you come to the school, this is for the safety of our students.
The Main Office of any school building is a hub of activity. Students and staff are always on the go, in and out of the space throughout the school day.
It’s an active place for regular check-ins and meetings with students, as well as staff conferences and daily interactions with school principals and counselors. The Main Office is also a confidential space at times for conversations and interactions between school personnel and students.
Parents and caregivers are part of the equation, too. For any number of reasons, parents may be asked to come to their child’s school during the day. When that happens, parents should follow the district’s visitor procedures by using the school’s main entrance buzzer and intercom system to gain entrance to the school, and then signing in at the front desk.
If parents/caregivers do not have a meeting at the school but still need to come to the school during the day to see their child or to speak to a staff member, call-ahead notice or an appointment is required.
This ensures parents will be seen in a timely manner and upholds the safety practices of the school. To contact the Main Office, please call 440-284-8002
Our school address is: Westwood Campus, 42350 Adelbert St, Elyria, OH 44035
Our phone number will stay the same: 284-8002
Westwood Elementary Open House and Title Information Night
Please join us at Westwood Elementary school for Open House on
Thursday, August 15th from 5:30-6:30pm.
You will have the chance to meet your title teachers and receive more information on Title 1 services and stop in your student’s classroom and meet their teacher.
Whose class will my child/children be in?
Class lists will NOT be displayed on school grounds. You can see and access your child's teacher by logging into PowerSchool on August 15th. We are working hard finalizing class lists now- thank you for your patience.
Here is the PowerSchool link https://ps-elyr.metasolutions.net/public/
Bus info
You can also find more information here:
Follow us on Facebook!
Westwood Elementary- Elyria City Schools.
Also follow Elyria City School District for district information.
Food Services
Find contact info, menus, and other information on Aramarks page.
Direct Link here: https://www.elyriaschools.org/departments/operations/food_services
Sending in treats......
Families may bring in prepackaged treats (with ingredients listed by the company that packaged it) BUT we are really encouraging non-food items. We have to be very careful of food allergies, to keep all students safe. Birthday treats ARE not required or encouraged, but okay, if you choose.
Birthday/Holiday treat ideas include:
Pencils, bookmarks, fidgets, pop-its, bracelets, crayons, squishes, pencil toppers or erasers, glow sticks, play dough, slinkies, stickers, prepackaged snack with ingredients listed (from the company that produces it).
Information is Just a Text Away!
Have you opted in to receive text messages from Elyria Schools?
If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to receive automatic text messages from Elyria Schools. This is a valuable tool in an emergency or when there's important, time-sensitive information to share.
The service is free and opting in is easy. Parents or guardians simply need to send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district's short code number at 67587.
Just as simple, you can opt out at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop.”
The text feature and the robocall system are tied directly a student's contact information that is on file with your child's school. Please make sure this information is kept up-to-date to ensure you continue receiving calls or texts from Elyria Schools.
School attire and cell phones
Hoodies, and similar tops or jackets with hoods, are "fan favorites" when it comes to school attire. We like them, too, but not when they are worn up and over the head during the school day.
The district's Student Code of Conduct provides direction on headgear, stating that it may not be worn over a person's head or scalp (excluding headgear that's worn for religious or medical reasons.) Hoods can make it difficult to identify an individual in an emergency, and they can also be a distraction in class. Please remind students that hoods may not be worn up during the school day.
The Student Code of Conduct also offers guidance on attire. Clothing must be school appropriate and may not present a health or safety hazard or disrupt the educational environment. Pants and tops must fit properly and be in good repair; crop tops are not permitted.
Additionally, footwear must be school appropriate--slippers and slipper socks are not permitted. Blankets also may not be worn in school.
Students may bring their cell phones to school but they must be turned off and put away during the day unless they are used as a part of a teacher-directed lesson in class. Same rules apply to Bluetooth headphones--they may not be worn during the school day.
If you need to reach your student during the school day, please contact the main office and our staff will convey a message or assist you in reaching your student.
School Picture Day
School pictures are scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th. More information will be coming home with your student after the school year begins. Mark your Calendars!
Stay Connected
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/domain/30
Location: 42350 Adelbert St, Elyria, OH 44035, USA
Phone: 440-284-8002