SMS Weekly Update
February 24-28
Hello Stevenson Families!
The Week in Review
Hello Stevenson Families!
What an amazing week at Stevenson! Here are some of the highlights!
We had our National Junior Honor Society and inducted all of our new members. It was so wonderful to see them honored by Ms. Littlefield, Ms. Morgan, and their families.
At our district spelling bee, our Stevenson spellers were the last four standing! Congratulations to CALVIN BOBO on winning the District Spelling Bee! Congratulations to Lilly King (runner up), Mikaela Leblanc, and Joshua Reynolds for their wonderful spelling in the bee as well. A big thank you to Mrs. Willard for organizing our spelling bee and working so hard with our students!
Today we had our Family Meetings and celebrated several Grammy Winners and nominees:
6th Grade: Elijah Cote-King, Liam Johnson, and Sophia Moyer
Nominees: Adam Fraser, Christopher Johnson, Emma Reid, Colton Ringholz, Alorah Wilcox
7th Grade: Braylen Arnold, Nick Barrett, Jayden Price, and Noelle Scott
Nominees: Ruba Ali, Madilynn Brooks, Gerald Caver, Michaela DeVries, Arianna Maki-Ellsberry, Jacob Spangler
8th Grade: Jackson Brucker, Eli Gross, and Aubree Whitehead
Nominees: Braylan Brindle, Dakota Carpenti, Ayden Johnson, Amari Price, Brayden Talley, Eniyah Thomas, Kennedi Thomas, Na'Talia Walmsley
Congratulations to our Grammy Winners and to our nominees as well!
We rounded out the afternoon with our Pep Assembly. A big thank you to:
- our Lighthouse students for putting on a wonderful event
- the Lighthouse sponsors Mrs. Oberski and Mrs. Vasiloff-Ebbitt for their guidance
- our choir for bringing us beautiful music
- all the students and teachers who participated in the fun and games
- our wonderful DJ Richard!
- our secretaries for holding it down so we could all gather in the gym
- each and every one of our students for demonstrating such wonderful behavior!
It's been a great day!
Please read on for the week ahead when we return on Monday, February 24!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Kasper & Mr. Basista
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday, February 24
- Girls Basketball Game vs Meads Mill - 4:00-6:00 - must purchase a ticket at lunch
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-4:15
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
- Yoga Club - 2:50-3:50
- Drama Club - 3:00-4:00
Tuesday, February 25
- Wrestling Meet vs Franklin - 3:30-5:30 - must purchase a ticket at lunch
- Swim & Dive Meet vs Adams (at John Glenn pool) - 3:30-5:30
Wednesday, February 26
- Girls Basketball Game vs Emerson - 4:00-6:00 - must purchase a ticket at lunch
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-4:15
- Anime & Comic Book Club - 2:45-3:45
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
- Parent University - 6:00-8:00
Thursday, February 27
- Girls Basketball Game at Adams - 3:30-5:30
- Swim & Dive Meet vs Hillside (at John Glenn pool) - 4:00-6:00
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-4:15
- Girls Basketball Practice - 3:00-4:15
- Newspaper Club - 2:45-3:30
Friday, February 28
- Girls Basketball Practice - 3:00-4:15
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, March 6 - 6th Grade Transition Night - 6pm
- Wednesday, May 21 - 8th Grade Ceremony - 6pm - PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE!
- Tuesday, May 27 - 8th Grade Cedar Point Trip
- Friday, May 30 - 8th Grade Dance - 6:30
For more information about this week's sports and clubs, please contact the appropriate coaches/sponsors:
Girls Basketball: Coach McDonald (JV) and Coach Wagner (Varsity)
Wrestling: Coach Fedulchak
Cheer: Coach Britney
Drama Club: Mr. Abate
Chess Club: Mr. Wood
Yoga Club: Mrs. Lindow
Anime & Comic Book Club: Mrs. Willard (formerly Ms. Griffith)
Newspaper Club: Mrs. Cosgrove
For general questions, contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Chad Reed
Student Entry into Home Sporting Events
Students who are interested in attending the home sporting events must have zero tardies AND must purchase a ticket with PBIS points at their lunch.
Tickets will cost 20 PBIS points. Students must not have any tardies on the day of the game for Monday games, or any tardies the week of the game for Wednesday games. Any tardies in those time frames will disqualify a student from attending the game.
When at the game, we have the following expectations:
1. Students are seated in the student section, unless seated with a parent or guardian.
2. No outside food or drink is allowed. Students will not bring in food or drink from local stores.
3. We will use appropriate language.
4. We will clean up after ourselves.
5. We will encourage our team in an appropriate manner, and will exhibit good sportsmanship.
Failure to meet these expectations will result in dismissal from the game.
Be ready to cheer on our team! Go Saints!
Parent University - Wednesday, February 26, 6-8 pm
On Wednesday, February 26, we'll be having a Parent University from 6-8 pm. DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED.
We'll be covering a variety of topics for parents of all middle school levels, including scheduling for current 6th and 7th graders, PSAT prep and end-of-year information for our 8th graders, what it means to be a Title I school, how to access Parent Connect, understanding NWEA scores, and more!
If you are planning on attending, please RSVP below! We can't wait to see you!
Welcome our new Science teacher, Mr. Wiley!
On Monday, February 24, Mr. Wiley will be joining Stevenson Middle School as our new Science teacher! Mr. Wiley is a 27 year veteran teacher. He has held positions as an elementary homeroom teacher, elementary & middle school Science teacher, middle school Social Studies Teacher, and computer teacher and coach. He received his undergraduate degree from Eastern Michigan University and his Masters’ Degree from the University of Michigan Dearborn. His teaching certifications are in Science and Social Studies. His goals as an educator are to inspire and empower students so they can make informed decisions and be productive citizens throughout their lives. When he is not teaching, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters. He also likes playing sports, video games, and learning about new technology and current events.
Incoming 6th Grade Transition Night
Book Fair! March 3-7
RAPS Focus Areas for February
Take a look at our focus areas for RAPS in February. In each class every day, students are able to earn 2 PBIS points for following the behavior expectations in this area. Students will be able to use their PBIS points to purchase items in our school store, replacement IDs, and admission to sporting events.
Bus Cancellations
If your child’s bus is canceled, please make sure to inform the school by calling the attendance line or speaking with our counseling secretary Ms. Greenshields. Let them know that the absence is due to a bus cancellation. The secretary will mark your child’s attendance with a “B” for bus cancellation, which will not count against them for truancy purposes. You can send Ms. Greenshields an email at greenshieldsn@wwcsd.net.
Early Middle College Applications - 8th Graders
Students interested in earning college credits while in high school should consider Wayne-Westland's Early Middle College for the fall of 2025. If you think this might be a good fit, please check out the EMC website. Applications are due February 23rd.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Ted Booker or Ms. Chris Swanson.
Order Your Yearbook NOW!
Free Parenting Classes
Annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament
Join us for the second annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament!
📅 Student Divisions: Open to 4th grade and up
📅 Adult Division: Bring your A-game!
Don't miss this exciting event. Register today and be part of the action!
Warming Center Resources
If you are in need of a warm place to stay, please check out the following resources:
Wayne-Westland (and surrounding areas) Warming Center Resources:
Emergency Warming Centers: City of Westland
Daytime and Overnight Warming Centers Flyer
Need Help Navigating Resources? Please Call:
Wayne-Westland Community Schools Family Resource Center (Call: 734-419-2709)
For WWCS attending families only, open when school is open.
Resources Available to Anyone in Need of Help (available when schools are closed):
United Way (Dial 2-1-1 on your phone, available 24/7/365)
The Information Center (call: 734-282-7171)