Alice Smith PE PULSE
Check Out What's Been Going On In The Gym?
Ms. E Update. We hired a new PE teacher and she will begin soon.
Hello Alice Smith Families!
I have some big news to share with you all. On Jan 6th, 2025 - I accepted a new and different opportunity within Hopkins Public Schools. I will be a Developmental Adapted Physical Education teacher.
Some may ask - why now? Full-Time DAPE positions are rare like majestic, rainbow unicorns. Openings in DAPE are even more rare. Trust me - I know the timing is weird. However, I also know that one does not get to choose when an opportunity presents itself.
Being a DAPE teacher has always been in my future plans. It is what I have my Master’s Degree in. My elementary and K-8 PE teaching experiences throughout the last 26 years have really prepared me for this new role. I am very excited about this new challenge.
My new role as a DAPE teacher will begin after we hire and train in my replacement. I’m committed to making the transition as seamless as possible and to set the next PE teacher up for success.
I have absolutely loved the last 2.5 years here at Alice Smith. I came in with the promise of creating a positive, joyful and inclusive PE experience for every child at Alice Smith. I feel proud that I kept that promise. It has been such an honor and privilege to serve as your student’s physical education teacher. I teach your kids everyday how to be brave and take healthy risks and try new things - to keep growing as a person and never stop learning something new. Well, the opportunity has come along for me to practice what I preach.
Luckily, I will still be able to serve Hopkins families and students with the same passion - just in a different and new capacity.
Thank you again for all your support for both me and Alice Smith PE. Feel free to stop into the gym anytime for a fist bump, high 5, or a “see you soon” hug.
Be well!
Julie Ellingson
I am excited to share some awesome news . . . I was able to reschedule and arrange for Dazzling Dave - The Yo-Yo Master - to come to Alice Smith during the week of Feb 4-7.
A little background info. Dazzling Dave is known around the world as one of the greatest Yo-Yo Masters in the world. He actually lives locally a few miles from here. He travels around the country and world teaching the Art and Science of Yo-Yo's. I am lucky to be able to call him my friend. In addition to his expert Yo-Yo skills, he is a kind, patient, kid-centered mentor and community member.
Dazzling Dave always starts out with a fun and entertaining assembly to get the school motivated. Then he comes to every class (2-5) and gives Yo-Yo instruction to the kids. He makes himself available for the entire week to teach and to problem solve Yo-Yo mishaps as well. Dave came 2 years ago and WOW was this place hyped about Yo-Yo's!!! It was so cool to see kids interested and hyped about a "non-screen" activity. Dave does not charge for his time. He makes Yo-Yo's available for purchase. He also gives a portion of the proceeds to the PE department to buy gym equipment. +++ PLEASE NOTE THAT YO-YO PURCHASES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS UNIT. DAVE BRINGS ALL THE MATERIALS FOR US TO HAVE FUN AT ALICE SMITH!
K-2 Alice Smith PE Warm-up Songs
Alice Smith PE Champions Leadership Opportunity
K-5 Phy Ed
SEL Focus Of The Week: Perseverance
Academic Connections & Health Focus Of The Month:
How Can I Help My Student Experience Success & Joy In PE . . .
- Does your student know where their gym spot is?
- Does your student know that music on = GO and music off = STOP?
- Does your student participate in the Fitness Focus Warm-up each class?
- Does your student come to PE class with an open mind willing to try new movement activities?
- Is your student willing to be anyone's partner or be in any group and not just with their favorite people?
- Can your student walk, speed walk, jog, run, gallop, skip, hop on one foot, jump on two feet?
- Can your student balance on one leg at a time?
- Can your student throw an object while stepping with their opposite foot?
- Can your student catch an object with two hands?
- Can your student move their bodies for a minute or more without stopping to rest?
- Is your student able to play a game by the rules and fairly even if it means that they or their team may lose?
- When your student is in a group, do they make sure that all the kids in their group are involved and getting a chance to participate and have a turn?
- Does your student clean up when the activity is completed?
- Does. your student express any favorite ways to move their bodies outside of school?
Check Out Alice PE In Action!
Physical Education E-Learning
Alice Smith PE Could Use . . .
1. Laundry Baskets for Hungry Hungry .
2. Plastic Organizing Containers that are less than 10 inches tall.
3. Ramdom balls, baseball gloves, or other recreation equipment.
4. Random Fitness Equipment for Fitness Stations.
MN Elementary Physical Education Standards Summary
- To develop “physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
- To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual
- To learn the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities
- Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement in various types of physical activities
- Participates regularly in physical activity
- Is physically fit
- Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle
MInnesota PE Standards by Grade Level
Julie Ellingson
Email: julie.ellingson@hopkinsschools.org
Phone: 952-988-4683
I pride myself in creating a positive, joyful, and inclusive physical education experience for every child at Alice Smith. Please feel free to connect with me if your student is not having a positive PE experience. We will work together to make it better! Thank you! Ms. Ellingson