June 2024

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s)
Welcome to June! The 2023-2024 school year has been such a wonderful collection of excellent successes - I thank you all for the part that you have played in each of these. Some of these successes include, but are not limited to:
- Richard Butler earned the coveted designation as a New Jersey Schools To Watch
- The Butler School District was once again named a NAMM Best Community for Music Education
- Butler High School was once again designated as one of the top high schools by US News and World Reports
- Richard Butler Middle School was once again designated as one of the top middle schools by US News and World Reports
- Aaron Decker Elementary School continued as a National School of Character
- The Butler School District passed a referendum to address safety and operational concerns in our district
- Butler wrote successful grants to address HVAC concerns at Butler High School
- We completed the Memorial Field project with the installation of the new scoreboard
- We completed both boiler and electrical upgrades at Richard Butler Middle School
- We were recognized as a national leader in Social and Emotional Learning, with our annual SEL week
- Mrs. Chestnutt, Business Teacher and DECA advisor, was a WDHA Teacher Who Rocks
- Mrs. Corsaro, BHS mathematics teacher, was recognized as an Applebee's Above and "Bee"yond teacher
- We continued as a Unified Champion School District, working to provide opportunities for all students thanks to Mrs. Baskett and Mr. Baylor
- Our RBS Band was awarded a Superior Ranking this year
- Jason Murray and Coach Jason Luciani were selected to represent Butler and Morris County in the annual North South All Star Football game
- Taylor Peters was the North 1 Group 1 State Sectional Champion for the High Jump in Winter Track
- Jason Chrostowski won his 100th wrestling match
- Our Bowling team was the NJIC Colonial Division Champions
- 66 Bulldogs were awarded All Conference Honors during our Fall and Winter Seasons (Spring awards have not been completed yet)
- 7 Bulldogs received All Morris County Honors
- 14 DECA Students qualified to compete at the State level - Jessica Markey and Emily Loganchuk placed 4th out of 132 and qualified for the National Competition in California
The next two weeks are going to seemingly fly by, as we have many things planned prior to the end of the school year. Please read through our newsletter to help you plan out your calendar so that you can make as many events as you would like. I am excited to welcome our 8th graders to BHS and to celebrate the Class of 2024 as they graduate. I am hopeful to see many of you at one of these great gatherings.
Be Well
Dr. J.
A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words...
2024 NJIC Sportsmanship Award Recipients
Congrautlations to Ava Assorgi and Bobby Battipede for representing Butler as this year's NJIC Sportsmanship Award winners. Both Ava and Bobby have been outstanding examples of what it means to be a Bulldog!
Morris County Scholar Athletes
Congratulations to Angelina Majer and Matt Shultis as Butler High Schools representatives as this year’s Morris County Scholar Athlete! Angelina and Matt are role models for their peers about setting goals to excel both in the classroom and on the field.
Bulldogs at the College Level
Congratulations to our student athletes who are committed to continuing their athletic careers at the collegiate level
Ava Assorgi - Soccer Kean University
Cassidy Boasso - Soccer Kean University
Jason Murray - Football Montclair State University
NJSIAA Scholar Athlete
Congratulations to Kayla Cajes for being Butler High School's NJSIAA Scholar Athlete of the Year! For four years, Kayla has excelled in all aspects and shows the pride it takes to be a Bulldog!
Eisenhower Leadership Award
Congratulations to the 2024 Eisenhower Leadership Award Winner Veronica Brynczka: The citation recognizes the nation's outstanding high school juniors who have demonstrated exceptional performance in academics, athletics, community service, leadership and moral character and who promote the values of national service as exemplified by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Fred "Doc" Ingold Award
Social Media and Cell Phone Use for Our Children
As cell phones have become more prominent in our society, it is hard to find a time when you do not see people engaged with their phones at all times during the course of the day. While there are many advantages to these devices, it is important to work with your child to ensure that they are safe. The Butler School District has worked to include a variety of Digital Citizenship lessons into our Media curriculum: working with students to help them understand their Digital Footprint; how to navigate the internet safely; and how to discern real from fake information. In addition, we have worked to bring in educational assemblies regarding the safe use of social media and the internet. Now, more than ever, it is important that the partnership between our District and home is strong in these efforts.
Throughout the past few years, we have seen an increase in incidents due to cell phone and social media usage. I am proud to share that conduct within our schools is excellent - our students are friendly, polite, and, for the most part, accepting of all within our learning community. However, I would be remiss if I did not point out that the vast majority of issues that reach us deal with events that happen beyond the school day through text or social media. A large portion of our harassment, intimidation, and bullying complaints stem from activity in these areas.
According to a research study accessed on the National Library of Medicine website:
Evidence from a variety of cross-sectional, longitudinal and empirical studies implicate smartphone and social media use in the increase in mental distress, self-injurious behavior, and suicidality among youth; there is a dose–response relationship, and the effects appear to be greatest among girls.
Social media can affect adolescents’ self-view and interpersonal relationships through social comparison and negative interactions, including cyberbullying; moreover, social media content often involves normalization and even promotion of self-harm and suicidality among youth.
High proportions of youth engage in heavy smartphone use and media multitasking, with resultant chronic sleep deprivation, and negative effects on cognitive control, academic performance and socioemotional functioning.
In a different study conducted by the Child Mind Institute:
- Eighth-graders who spend 10 or more hours a week on social media are 56% more likely to report being unhappy than those who spend less time.
- Heavy users of social media increase their risk of depression by 27 percent.
- YouTube is widely viewed by teens as a positive force, but teens report Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram increase feelings of anxiety.
- More than twice as many girls as boys said they had been cyber-bullied in the last year (22% vs. 10%).
- Boys’ depression increased by 21% between 2012 and 2015, and girls’ increased by 50%.
- Teens who spent three or more hours a day on electronic devices were 28% more likely to get less than seven hours of sleep, and teens who visited social media sites every day were 19% more likely not to get adequate sleep.
I share this research with you because it is important for us, collectively and in partnership, to work with our children to ensure that their social/emotional well-being is being tended to. The reported incidents of people trying to contact children via text and/or social media has increased; as shared, incidents of bullying and harassment most often stem from social media activity; and anxiety and depression are on the rise in children.
So, how can you partner with us at home? It is important for you to work to create a social media management strategy that works for your family. This should include setting strict time limits, parental monitoring settings, monitoring engagement, and ongoing discussions with your child(ren). Other helpful tips to consider:
- Monitor your child's social media platforms, working to limit platforms that include counts or likes or encourage excessive use, as these are particularly concerning for younger children as it changes brain development, as brain regions in adolescence are heightened with a desire for attention from peers;
- When talking to your child about social media, establish a comfortable, consistent weekly check in during which you discuss what they are seeing, if they understand it, and how they would react in scenarios based on those items.
- Model healthy social media use for your children. Research shows that teens learn some social media behavior and attitudes from parents. Try to prioritize family times, such as dinner, and do not go on social media during those times.
- Watch for concerns with social media use - look for:
- is social media interfering with daily routines and commitments
- are your children choosing social media over in-person social interactions
- is social media preventing your child from getting 8 hours of sleep a night
- you see that they have a strong desire to continually check social media
- they begin to sneak screen time or try to deceive you about their time spent online
As we head into the summer break, it is a good time to work with your children to ensure that they are practicing safe, appropriate cell phone and social media use. Our hope, as a school district, is that all of our children remain safe and grow into wonderful, contributing adults who care for those around them.
For more information, please see the link below:
News From Our Schools
Aaron Decker Elementary School - Mr. J. Manco, Principal
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025 school year continues. Please click on link for more information: Kindergarten Welcome/Registration Letter
ADS Bulldog of the Month
We would like to congratulate Mrs. Anita Loranger for being our ADS Bulldog of the Month. As she prepares to retire, we wanted to recognize the contributions she has made over the years in the ADS school community. Her exceptional organizational skills, warm demeanor, and unwavering support have made a positive difference to our students, staff, and parents. Mrs. Loranger has always been one to go above and beyond to ensure everything runs smoothly in our school. The compassion and kindness she has shown to all will leave a lasting legacy, and her presence will be deeply missed. While we are saddened to see her retire, we are incredibly happy for her as she starts a new chapter in her life. We hope that her retirement will be filled with happiness, relaxation, and all the wonderful experiences she deserves. Thank you Mrs. Loranger for your extraordinary service and for being a true Bulldog at heart. Congratulations once again on being named ADS Bulldog of the Month, and best wishes for a fantastic retirement!!
Celebrating Our 4th Grade Students
On Friday, June 14, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Aaron Decker School will hold a special celebration for our 4th grade students with a schoolwide clap out on the ADS field. The 4th graders will parade through the school one last time, receiving congratulations from students in other grades. They will then exit the building and proceed to the ADS field, where they will meet their parents. All 4th Grade parents are welcome to attend and will be able to take pictures of their children on the field.
ADS Field Day
Aaron Decker School's Field Day will take place on Friday, June 7, 2024. (Rain Date: Monday, June 10, 2024). Please read our Field Day letter for more information on this day. Parents are invited to watch Field Day from 8:45 am - 11:00 am. ADS Field Day 2024
DC Education Solutions
ADS will have a new and exciting opportunity! For the 2024/2025 school year DC Education Solutions will be the sole provider of our onsite before and aftercare. Please click on the link below for more information.
Before/After Care Information - DC Education Solutions
For more information, contact:
Upcoming Important Dates at ADS:
June 5: 4th Grade Picnic
June 6: 4th Grade Picnic (Rain Date)
June 7: ADS Field Day
June 10: ADS Field Day (Rain Date)
June 7 -14: Early Dismissal Days -12:10pm
June 12: Preschool Graduation -11:00 am
June 13: Kindergarten promotion/Concert - 9:00 am
June 14: 4th Grade Clap Out - 10:00 am
June 14: Last Day of School
June 21: ADS Report Cards Posted for Trimester 3
We have several ways for you to stay connected to ADS. Follow us on Twitter at @ADS_Bulldogs and Instagram at @ads_bulldogs for news, announcements, and celebrations. A weekly update will be sent out for upcoming events and important information through Blackboard Communications. As always, thank you for your continued support!
Richard Butler Middle School - Mrs. M. Papa, Principal
We certainly have had an eventful month of May at RBS. Between field day, concerts, showcases, field trips, and all of the other activities, our students have been enjoying their last days of the school year. As teachers begin to finalize grades, please note that the Portal will close on Friday, June 7, 2024. Final report cards will be available to view on the Genesis Parent Portal on Friday, June 21, 2024.
As we wrap up another incredible year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our students, staff, and families. This year has been filled with growth, celebrations, and countless memorable moments. As we depart for the summer break, I encourage you all to reflect on your achievements, enjoy your well-deserved rest, and continue to nurture your curiosity and passion for learning. Have a safe, relaxing, and joyful summer, and I look forward to seeing you all again in the fall, refreshed and ready for another exciting year.
Here’s a list of upcoming events at RBS:
June 3-4 - Grade 8 Gettysburg Trip
June 4 - Grade 7 Trip Camp Mason
June 5 - Grade 8 Yearbook Distribution (Pre-orders)
June 6 - Grade 8 Yearbook Purchases
June 6 - PTA Grade 8 Dance
June 7 - Grade 5 Butler Torch Run
June 7 -14 - Early Dismissal Days -12:30pm
June 12 - Grade 8 Promotion Practice
June 13 - Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony
June 21 - RBS Report Cards Posted to Genesis
August 22 - Bagels & Locks (Grade 6 students only)
As always, please continue to stay connected with us on Twitter at @RBS_Bulldogs, Facebook at Richard Butler Middle School, and Instagram at @RBS_Bulldogs for news, announcements, and celebrations.Please feel free to call us at (973) 492-2079, write to Mrs. Molina at jmolina@butlerboe.org, or write to Mrs. Papa at mpapa@butlerboe.org. Again, we wish all of our RBS students, families, and staff an amazing summer!
Students of the Month - Bulldog Award
Grade 5 - Jeiren Alburquerque & Treisi Escalante Jolon
Grade 6 - Daniela Loving & Sofia Cruz Pesantez
Grade 7 - Aiden Hague & Yamilet Perez
Grade 8 - Emily Yearwood & Gideon Gonzalez
RBS Bulldog of the Month - Ms. Koptyra
Please join us in congratulating RBS Teacher of Science Ms. Marigrace Koptyra as she has been named Bulldog of the Month for May here at RBS. Ms. Koptyra is a leader on Team 5 and in the building; she supports her colleagues in every way. Ms. Koptyra just completed her 22nd year in Butler and has continued to show how dedicated she is to the students and families in our community. From throwing eclipse viewing parties or T. Swift listening parties, she goes above and beyond for our kids. Ms. Koptyra shows how much a love of teaching makes a difference each day. We are grateful for her contributions as she has had such a lasting impact on all of the students with whom she's worked. Enjoy your award, Ms. Koptyra!
Butler High School - Mr. R. Fitzgerald, Principal
As the school year draws to a close and summer approaches, we're thrilled to reflect on all the incredible achievements and memorable moments our school community has experienced. From outstanding academic performances and inspiring athletic victories to creative artistic endeavors and meaningful community service projects, this year has been one for the books. As we head into June, let's celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, and families, and look forward to a bright, exciting future ahead. Thank you for being a part of our journey along the way!
The testing season is officially behind us and we look forward to our milestone events coming up this month. Here are some of the major ones:
May 31 - Senior Athletic Breakfast - 8:00 am in Cafeteria
BHS Prom - @ the Brownstone 6 pm
June 5 - Senior Awards Night 7 pm
June 10 -14 - BHS Final Exam Week
June 14 - BHS Graduation Ceremony - 6:00 pm Memorial Field (Turf)
Students who choose to report to school if they do not have an exam will report to the cafeteria for a supervised study hall.
~A testing schedule will be followed from 6/10 to 6/13
~Make-up Exams will be administered in the Library on Monday through Thursday from 12:15 - 2:00 pm
Vo Tech Students will take their exams during their scheduled exam time.
An all meet schedule will be followed on June 16, 2023 for any student who reports to school
Congratulations to BHS Music Teacher Dr Ed Nishimura for receiving the May Bulldog of the Month Award. Dr. N. is always a positive influence on our students. Whether it is in class, in the hallways, during study hall, or even when he visits gym classes to play the kids in floor hockey, Dr N. is a positive force and a great role model to our students. His positive attitude is contagious, and he is an asset to our Butler family. He wants the best for all of his students and creates interactive lessons, experiences and opportunities for his music students. We are very lucky to have a staff member like Dr. Nishimura.
Our PEER Leaders had a busy month with our underclassmen and incoming freshmen. They organized Freshmen Field on May 3rd with lawn games and other activities for our freshmen students. Additionally, the PEER Leaders met with our 8th graders at Richard Butler School on May 10th to talk about their experiences at Butler High School.
- Jack Hou 1st place in 2D Works
- Mia Boasso 1st place in 2D Works
- Jack Hou 2nd place in 2D works
- Liana Torres 3rd place in 2D works
- Margaret Gryglak Honorable Mention in 2D Works
In addition, the Butler High School Art Department won 1st place overall for the quality of work that was exhibited.
The BHS & RBS Annual Art Expo was held on May 23rd in the high school media center and it was a great success! So much talent!
On May 02, 2024, Butler High School held its NHS Inductions. We graduated 28 seniors and inducted 34 juniors. It was an awesome night! Congratulations to all of our inductees and good luck to our graduating members!
BHS had another great baby day on May 17th with over 30 children visiting the BHS Media Center. Great job Mrs. Reda and students
Most School Spirit: Mrs. Reda
Most Quotable: Mr. Fischer
Best Dressed: Ms. LeBlanc
Coolest Classroom: Ms. LeBlanc
Biggest Bookworm: Mrs. Baum
Best Gal Pals: Ms. Groder & Ms. Phillips
Best Smile: Mrs. Conkling
Best Advice: Mr. Feinsinger
Most Contagious Laugh: Mr. Groeger
Most Likely to Have Snacks in Their Classroom: Ms. H. Corsaro
Best Shoe Game: Coach Luciani
Most Likely to Know the Score of Last Night’s Game: Coach Luciani
Most Likely to Win Jeopardy: Dr. Allen & Mrs. Neville-Greenwood
Most Athletic: Mrs. Morgese & Mr. Fischer
Chattiest: Mrs. McNear
Most Likely to Show You a Picture of Their Pet: Mrs. Chestnutt
Most Likely to be Found Enjoying Nature: Ms. Roman
Biggest Comedian: Dr. Nishimura
Most Likely to Win a Grammy: Mrs. Bocchino
Most Tech-Savvy: Mr. Honig & Mr. Miller
Most Likely to Brighten Your Day: Mrs. Baum & Mrs. Reda
Best Hair: Mr. Flynn & Mr. Tobin
Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Student: Ms. Nash
Best Bromance: Mr. Strong & Coach Luciani
Four DECA members attended the International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California this past month. Emily Loganchuk, Jess Markey, Naomi Espinoza, and Rachel West had a fantastic time attending competitions, leadership seminars, trading pins with other states and nations, along with visiting some local theme parks! Overall, it was a successful trip!
The band and choir 2024 spring concert was a fantastic success, featuring outstanding performances that captivated the audience. The choir and the band's energy were exceptional, making for an unforgettable evening of music and talent.
The Butler High School book club @butlerbookmarks hosted a Meet and Greet with the author, Jennifer Walkup. The book the club read was Second Verse , and Ms. Walkup shared her experiences with writing and creating with the members. Butler students asked some excellent questions and they were very interested in learning about the authors' writing process.
News From Our Health Offices
Have a happy summer! As we enjoy each summer day remember to utilize summer safety techniques such as but not limited to wearing sunscreen, wearing bug spray, staying hydrated, and wearing a helmet.
Students who have medication in the health office need to have all medication picked up prior to/on the last day of the school year (June 14th). Medication that is not picked up will be properly disposed of over the summer. Medication/health concern paperwork for next year will be distributed at the discretion of the school nurse. All medical/health forms can be found on Butler Public Schools website.
Please coordinate with the school nurse for each perspective building.
All students need to be up to date with their age recommended immunizations prior to the first day of school. Non compliance of immunizations will result in school exclusion. Please reach out to your child's school nurse directly for more information.
Attention 5th Grade Parents/Guardians
Immunization of Pupils in School rules, New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4) issued by the New Jersey Department of Health has mandated that all students entering 6th grade must have the following immunizations: T-dap (Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine), and the meningococcal vaccine.
Proof of immunization must be submitted to the school nurse by August 31, 2024. Non compliance of immunization will lead to school exclusion.
Students should stay home when ill to prevent the spread of germ to others. Students need to be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Students must remain home for 24 hours after vomiting or having diarrhea.
Students need to be called out when they are going to be absent for any reason.
ADS: (973) 492-2037
RBS: 973-492-2079
BHS: (973) 492-2000
Butler School District Summer Hours
The Butler School District will operate on summer hours starting on June 17th and continue through August 30th. All schools and offices will be open 5 days a week from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
During the summer, varied members of our staff will be on vacation. We will continue to follow our efforts of returning all communication within 24 hours, but ask that all understand that, at times, individuals may be away from the District enjoying time with their family, friends, and loved ones. In these instances, communication will be returned when that individual returns to the office. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Upcoming Events
June 1 - SAT @ BHS at 7:30AM
June 3 & 4 - 8th Grade Trip Gettysburg
June 4 PC Val/Sal Breakfast - 8:00 am
June 4 MC Val/Sal Dinner - 6:00 pm
June 5 BHS Senior Awards Night
June 6 - RBS 8th Grade Dance
June 7 End of 4th MP
June 7 - 14 - Early Dismissal (Final Exams - BHS)
June 8 - ACT Testing @ BHS 7:30 am
June 12- PreK Graduation 11:00am
June 12 - RBS Final Grades Posted
June 13 - Kindergarten Spring Promotion Ceremony/Concert 9:00 am
June 13 - RBS Promotion Ceremony - 6pm
June 14 - BHS Graduation Ceremony - 6 pm
June 14- ADS/RBS End of Trimester 3
June 14 - 4th Grade Clap Out 10:00am
June 14 - 8th Grade Promotion Picture 10am
June 14 - RBS PTA Stony Brook
June 21 - ADS/RBS Final Grades Posted
June 21 - FG/MP 4 Grades Posted BHS