HSHS Summer Newsletter 2024
Hot Springs High School - A Student Created Newsletter
đź—“ Summer Events!
Community Art Hop
Art Hop is a fun activity the community does the second Saturday of every month in downtown T or C. Art and live music is created by community members to see and buy, and show how creative people can be. The next art hope is Saturday, June 8th from 6pm-9pm.
Saturday, Jun 8, 2024, 06:00 PM
Truth or Consequences, NM, USA
Summer Reading Kickoff
The Truth or Consequences Public Library is hosting the 2024 Summer Reading Kickoff, starting on June 5th!
Wednesday, Jun 5, 2024, 11:00 AM
Truth Or Consequences Library, Library Lane, Truth or Consequences, NM, USA
Camp of Champs in Summer of 2024
The Hot Spring High School Camp of Champs will be held on July 3rd-5th at the high school gym from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
- Check in for individual camp will begin at 7:00 AM and will continue all morning on the first day of camp.
- Check in for the shooting camp will begin at 12:00 PM on the first day of camp and continue for the rest of the afternoon.
Breakfast will be provided for K-3rd (no lunch), 4th-8th will receive breakfast and lunch for all three days. Concession stand will be available during breaks. Each camper will receive a Basketball, water bottle, and a camp t-shirt on the very first day of camp. Numerous awards will be given out daily for various competitions. In order for you to hold a spot for your camper and receive an early registration discount, register and pay at Hot Springs High School before May 25th. Please make your payment to: Hot Spring Tiger Basketball.
Here are the costs for each camp:
Individual camp Early Day of camp
K - 3rd $30.00 $40.00
4th - 8th $40.00 $50.00
Shooting camp
New camper $30.00 $40.00
Returning camper $20.00 $30.00
For more information regarding Camp of Champs 2024, grab a flyer in the High school or Middle school office, or contact coach Bean: dbean@torcschools.net or
Wednesday, Jul 3, 2024, 08:00 AM
Hot Springs High School, North Pershing Street, Truth or Consequences, NM, USA
Summer Food Program
Looking for Free Healthy Meals Over the Summer?
WHEN: June 10th-August 2nd
WHERE: Arrey Elementary, Hot Springs High, Ralph Edwards Park, Louie Armijo Park
TIME: 9am-12pm
The district's food service will be providing breakfast/lunch bags for children and teens up to the age of 18
Summer Job Opportunities
Check Out These Fun Summer Jobs for Students
- Pay 12.50 an hour also 13.50 if you work a nightshift
- 8 Hours a day
- 5 Days a week
Black Stone Hot Springs
- pay 15 an hour
- 4 days a week
- hours
- Pay 12.50
- 8 hours a day
- 5 days a week
- Pay 12.50
- 8 hours a day
- 5 days a week
- Pay 12.50
- 8 hours a day
- 5 days a week
Things to Do this Summer:
The Club of Sierra County
Looking for something to do this summer? The Boys and Girls Club located, at 122 N Broadway Street, is a great opportunity for young adults. There, you can interact with peers, participate in lots of fun activities, and keep yourself occupied while you are not in school. This program is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming environment for teens so if you find yourself bored this summer, make your way to The Club to see what they have to offer.
Monday 12pm-7pm
Tuesday 12pm-7pm
Wednesday 12pm-7pm
Thursday 12pm-7pm
Saturday CLOSED
Truth or Consequences Tigersharks
The truth or consequences Tigersharks is the local swim team where children of all ages (from 3 or 4 to 18) come to learn how to swim and compete all throughout the summer. It is a great summer activity for your child to engage in. They learn many things on the swim team. How to swim, how to be an encouraging person who helps the others on their team. They learn assorted styles of swimming and different things to help improve their swimming. Your child could also learn how to perform CPR and save someone's life in or out of water if they take the lifeguard course.
All these activities are lead, taught, and coached by TorC’s very own Destiny Mitchell. She has been coaching the team since 2001, taking up the banner after previous coaches, parents, and other officials. If I were a parent, I would sign my child up to join the swim team for many great reasons. As has been said before, they learn how to swim. They also become great cheerleaders for their teammates. It is also a terrific way to get them physically active during the summer and give them something productive to do during the summer. So, parents, think about signing your child up for the Truth or Consequences Tigersharks swim team this summer.
Go Bowling at Sidekixx!
Sidekixx Bar & Kitchen- Truth or Consequences New Mexico
Open everyday:
Monday-Thursday 4 to 9pm
Friday-Sunday 12 to 9pm
Go on a Fun Vacation!
To all the parents that want to take their kids on fun trips in New Mexico these are some places you can go. Carlsbad caverns is fun an adventurios place you can go. At Carlsbad caverns you can explore caves and underground sites. Another place you can go to is wet a wild in Anthony Texas. This is a water park with tons of fun things to do in it. Another place you can go to is urban air in El paso Texas which is a trampoline and adventure park. There are also tons of trampoline parks you can go to. Those are some fun places you can take your family on a vacation to make some amazing memories with your family and really bond with each other.
Shoutout to Ms. Rolanda!
A special shout out to our retiring lunch lady Ms. Rolanda!
We are going to miss your cheery attitude and positive vibes. It always makes us happy seeing your smiling face.
We appreciate your 21 years of service here in our schools. We always loved your lasagna, that you enjoyed making. Also, even though you didn't like making homemade meatballs, we all loved them. I'm sure all the students, teachers, and your coworkers will miss you, just as much as you will miss them! While you are away from school, we hope you are having fun spending time with your first grandbaby. We hope you will have many adventures, and fun times ahead of you.
Thank you for your many years of loving service to our schools, we all really appreciate it. You and the entire lunch staff worked hard this year and all the ones before. It's sad to see you go but we hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication to the job. On behalf of Hot Springs High School, we thank you for keeping our students' feed!
Lastly Rolanda would like to shout out Daniel who was her favorite coworker for 18 years! She leaves us with this advice “Eat School Lunch, we do are best.”
Our Tips for Next Year's Seniors
As young adults, we are being challenged with change often, changing schools, changing grades and changing classes can be scary. But It's important to remember that at HSHS we are a family. We support our peers and respect all those around us. Its good to respect ourselves through the changing times. We've provided a few tips and tricks for some of our students to help them adjust to these changes:
A word of advice for next year’s seniors:
• Apply for scholarships
• Try new things
• Be present
• Ask for help
• Be mindful of your stress levels
Tips for incoming freshman:
• Surround yourself with positivity
• Be yourself
• Join clubs/ sports
• Stay organized
• Be respectful
Have a great summer and see you all next year!!
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King jr.