Glenknoll Gazette
What's Happening This Week: March 24 - March 28
Thank you for making our annual fundraiser a great success!
We are so grateful to our wonderful PTA and all of the volunteers who made our Move-A-Thon fundraiser such a great success! Thanks to your generous support, PTA will be able to continue to provide enriching programs for our students!
Principal for a Day: Mayor Janice Lim!
Mayor Janice Lim was our Principal for a Day on Wednesday. She loved seeing all of our wonderful classrooms. She said, "This feels like a real family here."
Learning About Ancient China
Sixth grade students fashion their own Terracotta Soldiers as part of their study of Ancient China. The tomb of Qin Shi Huang contained thousands of terracotta warriors.
Move-A-Thon Fun!!
The Move-A-Thon was an incredible success and so much fun! Even the visiting firefighters joined in the line dance!
What to know for the week of March 24 - March 28
- Our Cougars are practicing their Personal Best!! Go Cougars!!
- Do you have PE today? Remember to wear appropriate shoes and clothes.
- ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) 3:30PM
- Elementary Honor Band/Orchestra Concert 7:00PM at the Performing Arts Center (El Dorado High School)
- Gr. 4-6 Instrumental Music - Remember to bring your instrument.
- Strategic Kids at Lunch Recess - Masters of the Field (Your PTA Funds at work)
- Cougar PAW store open at recess!! Bring your Cougar Cards! (Your PTA Funds at work)
- Tuesday Folders go home today - Check your student's folder for important information.
- Early Release 1:15 Dismissal for K-6 (TK Schedule does not change)
- Do you have PE today? Remember to wear appropriate shoes and clothes.
- Comic Creators 1:15 - 2:15 in Room 403
Thursday, March 27
- Family Literacy Night 5:00 - 6:00pm
- Strategic Kids at Lunch Recess - Legos in Room 403 (Your PTA Funds at Work)
- Grades K-3 Music today
- Cougar PAW store open at recess!! Bring your Cougar Cards! (Your PTA Funds at work)
- Strategic Kids at Lunch Recess - Masters of the Field (Your PTA Funds at Work)
- Gr. 4-6 Instrumental Music - Remember to bring your instrument.
- Do you have PE today? Remember to wear appropriate shoes and clothes.
Mark Your Calendar: Lunch With A Loved One - April 2
Please join us on April 2 for Lunch With A Loved One. April 2 is a Wednesday, early release (1:15pm) day. Lunch will end at 1:15 with The Inflatable Teacher Race! Students will be dismissed at 1:15.
It's Time to Order Your Yearbook!
This has been a wonderful year and you will want to save the memories by purchasing a 2024-2025 yearbook! Use the QR code to place your order!
Our Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING! Ask your child to check for lost items.
Attend to Achieve: Students Must Be Here to Learn!
When your student is absent from school, they miss important instruction that is very difficult to recover. When students have a fever, a rash, or have vomiting or diarrhea, they need to stay home. If getting your child to school represents a challenge, please let us know. We have strategies to help.
New Student Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year
We are accepting new student enrollment for the 2025 -2026 school year beginning on February 1, 2026. Please register early!
Birthday Announcements on Our Marquee
Celebrate your child's birthday with an announcement of their special day on our marquee! See the flyer attached for details.
The Cougar PAWS store is in need of more rewards.
Our students work hard and we like to reward them for their hard work! They can earn Cougar cards for Practicing Personal Best, Acting Responsibly, Working and Playing Safely, and Showing Respect! These cards can be redeemed in our Cougar PAWS store on Tuesdays and Fridays during recess and students love to shop for fun rewards!
Our Cougar PAWS store is in need of rewards for our students. If you have left over (new) party favors, or small trinkets that are cluttering your home, we would love to have them for our Cougar PAWS store. Please feel free to bring them to the office and we will get them to the store. If you are looking for a fun way to help without spending too much time, you can order PAWS store items from our Amazon Wish List.
If you love helping children and have an hour to spare once or twice a week, consider being a PAWS store volunteer. We need parents to help our students with "purchases" in the store. Please email Mrs. Mulcahy (tmulcahy@pylusd.org) if you are interested!
BoxTops - Earn $5 for Glenknoll for buying things you already use.
Box Tops is having a promotion where you can get $5 donated to our school by connecting your BoxTops and Walmart accounts.
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone! Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online. Twice a year, Glenknoll PTA will receive a check and can use that cash to help support our school! Click HERE to download the Box Tops app.
Connect your Walmart and Box Tops accounts so you can earn cash for your school when you purchase Box Tops products in-store or online using your saved Walmart payment method — without scanning or submitting your receipts! For more information check out this video.
Heelys are NOT permitted on school grounds.
In keeping with our school PBIS value of "Work and Play Safely", we do not allow Heelys to be worn on campus. Please make sure your children don't wear them before, during, or after school.
Order Your New Glenknoll Spirit Wear Now!!
Tired of losing jackets, water bottles, and lunch boxes?
PTA has a solution for you! Oliver’s Labels offers a high quality, customizable label and better yet, you can still take advantage of their sales! Just shop http://www.oliverslabels.com/glenknollpta