Masonboro Monthly
November 2024
Principal's Report
Our students have had a very busy October! For this issue, we are sharing information about the NHC Special Olympics, NC Check-in information, our kindergarten service project, and the upcoming food drive.
Special Olympics - On October 18th, our students that participate in Masonboro’s Specially Designed Academic program participated in the New Hanover County Special Olympics. This event brought students, teachers, and families together for an unforgettable day of activity, teamwork, and joy! This year, students rotated through six engaging stations on their designated fields, where they got to showcase and build on their skills in soccer, bocce, obstacle courses, football throws, and dancing. The atmosphere was lively, with friends cheering each other on and parents joining the excitement. Each station brought its own unique challenges and fun, allowing every child to shine in different ways. Whether perfecting soccer dribbling techniques, navigating the obstacle course with agility, or learning dance moves, everyone had a chance to participate, learn, and have a blast. Thank you to our volunteers, staff, and supportive families for making this day so special.
NC Check-Ins - This past month our 3rd through 5th graders took their first NC Check-in of the school year in Reading (ELA). NC Check-Ins are interim assessments that provide students, teachers, and parents with information about a student's performance on a subset of content standards. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) develops the assessments, which are aligned to North Carolina grade-level content standards for mathematics and ELA in grades 3–8. NC Check-Ins are administered online through the NCTest platform. Each assessment consists of 25 questions, including multiple-choice and technology-enhanced items.
The purposes of NC Check-Ins is to:
Provide immediate data on a student's performance
Help teachers and students adjust their teaching and learning to improve student achievement
Provide an early indicator of a student's preparedness for end-of-course tests
For more information on NC Check-ins, click the following link: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/documents/accountability/testing/nccheckin/nc-check-ins-20-reading-grades-3-8-specifications
Veterans Day Project - Mrs. Green and our kindergarten team are currently focusing on our Veterans Service Project. A large part of the kindergarten Social Studies curriculum is helping students understand their role as citizens in a community. Citizenship includes being a member of and supporting your community and country. As citizens, we take care of ourselves and participate in activities/projects that are dedicated to the common good and that help support others in need. We are privileged to have many freedoms/rights that have been afforded to us by the great sacrifices that veterans have made throughout the years.
We would like to provide an opportunity for our students to participate in a project to give back to those who have served in our community. We will be collecting items that will be used to create stockings that will be distributed to local veterans who are being cared for in local nursing homes. We will have boxes set up to collect donations until Monday, Nov 8. Below are some of the items that are being requested. Thank you to all who have already donated to this project!
Slim Jim's/Beef Jerky
Packages of nuts, trail mix, etc
single-serving drink mix packets (water flavors, hot chocolate, etc)
dried fruit
single serving cookie packages
playing cards
puzzle books (crossword, Sudoku, etc)
portable phone chargers
Slippers or socks with grips
card games
stress balls/Nerf balls
magazines or paperback books
small notepads or journals
shampoo, hand cream, etc,
nail files
travel size games
grooming kits (comb, mirror)
Friends Feeding Friends Food Drive
In November, our school will be participating in the Friends Feeding Friends Food Drive. Starting on November 8th each student will receive a brown paper grocery bag from Harris Teeter or Lowes Foods, and can donate by filling up this bag with canned goods, dry goods, and other nonperishable food items. Students can then bring their filled grocery bags back to school and place them along the hallway. All of the donations will be going towards our local food bank. The last day to fill up your bag and bring it back to school will be November 22nd. Our goal is 2,000 pounds worth of food!
Thank you for helping to support our local food bank and families in need!
Mr. Kilpatrick
PTA Fundraiser at Veggie Wagon 3p-7p
First Friday with Veggie Wagon
5% of total sales are donated to the Masonboro PTA
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 03:00 PM
The Veggie Wagon - Masonboro, Masonboro Loop Road, Wilmington, NC, USA
Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 07:00 AM
Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024, 07:00 AM
PTA Fundraiser at Whiskey Trail ALL DAY
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024, 07:00 AM
Whiskey Trail at The Creek, Masonboro Loop Road, Wilmington, NC, USA
Makeup Picture Day
This is for absences and retakes. All students and staff need to have their picture taken before 8:30am.
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 07:30 AM
Report Cards
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 07:00 AM
Family Night at Scooters
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 05:00 PM
Scooters Skating Center
Magic Show
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 04:30 PM
Family Night at the Book Fair
Monday, Nov 18, 2024, 05:00 PM
Hurricane Relief Update!
Thank you Masonboro Elementary community for your donations and involvement in our hurricane supply drive for Western NC. As a result of your generosity, we were able to send nearly 50 assembled buckets along the other additional supplies with MegaCorp (huge thank you to their donation of space on a truck) to the areas that needed it most. Each class was able to assemble a bucket and discuss how their actions were helping someone in need. This was the first big event sponsored by our PTA Outreach Committee and we are so excited we were able to help so many people with these cleaning supplies!!
Save the date for the Book Fair, November 18-22!
Family night at the Book Fair will be Monday, November 18th, 5p-7p. Grandparents' lunch information will be coming out soon!
Sign-ups for Book Fair volunteers will be sent out soon, so make sure to have your Level 1 or 2 volunteer paperwork completed!
See below for the schedule for when the students will be attending the book fair with their library specials class. Allen and McCoan classes will attend during their lunch. Clark will follow split class schedule.
Christmas Shop Donations Needed!
What is The Free Christmas Shop: If you haven’t heard about it from previous years, we are a "shop" for local families who may be struggling to provide Christmas gifts. Our goal is that each family walks away with at least one new gift, and a jacket to keep them warm. However, we have been fortunate enough, in previous years, to provide much more than that (toiletries, stockings, gently used toys, blankets and baby care). The event is held downtown at 1019 Meares Street. We take pride knowing that our hard work goes to our LOCAL children in need. This year we will be hosting the Free Christmas Shop on December 14th, 2024.
Items we normally collect at our donation stations:
- New and gently used jackets
- New and gently used toys (for young infants all the way up to teenagers)
- Toiletries
- Hats and gloves
- Stockings and stocking stuffers
- Christmas wrapping paper/ gift bags
- Presents for parents (we allow kids to choose and wrap a gift for their parent so that they get to participate in the gift of giving)
*There will be a donation box at the Magic Show and the Family Book Fair Night* (see above for dates/details on those events)
Masonboro PTA will be raffling off a Masonboro hoodie and Masonboro water bottle for those who donate!
NEW Transportation Change Form
Masonboro's office staff is kindly asking that you complete the Notification of Transportation Change Form if you are changing your student's transportation, for the day.
The office staff will monitor responses and inform teachers of any changes prior to dismissal.
The form will be located at the above link and also on the Masonboro Elementary School website.
Morning Walking Club For Early Arriving Students
Mon- Fri:
o Mon: 2nd and 3rd Grade
o T/Th: K and 1st Grade
o Wed: 2nd – 5th Grade
o Fri: 4th and 5th Grade
Walking club provides students that arrive before the bell rings an opportunity to walk laps before school starts. It’s a great way to get energy out and visit with friends before the school day starts. A key component to walking club is parent volunteers! Are you an early bird and you are looking for a great way to get involved at school and get to know your child’s peers? Being a walking club volunteer is a great way to be involved in the Masonboro community! If you are interested in learning more, please email Amber Beard at alt3122@gmail.com.
Join the PTA
It's time to renew your PTA membership! There are two simple ways to join:
Paper Form: Keep an eye out for a paper form which will be coming home with your child/ren. Complete the form and return it to school with a $7 check or cash payment.
Online: Visit our website at MasonboroPTA.com to pay the $7 membership fee securely online.
Join Now: https://masonboropta.com/join
Together in Education - Harris Teeter
Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to Masonboro Elementary.
Any VIC member can link their card to a school. Customers can link up to five (5) schools to their account. More linked VIC cards mean higher earning potential.
Cart 2 Class - Lowes Foods
Link your Lowes Foods Fresh Rewards card to Masonboro Elementary.
Lowes Foods guests can link their Fresh Rewards cards and schools will be rewarded based on how much they spend on private brand products. Guests can select up to 3 participating schools when enrolling in the Cart 2 Class program.