Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
October Parent Update
Happy Fall!
The school year is in full swing at Waite Elementary School! We are looking forward to a month of fall fun and new learning experiences. In addition to moving into a full academic routine during the month of September, teachers took advantage of continued opportunities to further invite students into the Waite learning community for the 2024-2025 school year. As we move forward with an ongoing focus on empowering student ownership of their learning and behaviors, teachers continued to "look for the good" with a focus on acknowledging positive student behavior.
PBIS Rewards:
Students received many PBIS Reward "points" in response to meeting our building expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready to Learn and by"Following the Group Plan." Students are beginning to "cash in" their positive behavior points for shared and individual experiences and other incentives in the classroom. The PBIS School Store will open on October 25 where students can cash in their points to "purchase" a variety of fun items. We are also starting student PBIS PA Announcements Selfies with Waite Educators, and a school-wide popsicle party and extra recess, all purchased using PBIS Reward Points.
Leader of the Month:
I recently recognized our first group of Buckeye Leaders of the Month. Teachers have been nominating students who have demonstrated leadership and exemplary character during the month of September. This award recognizes the leadership qualities demonstrated by these students, and awards students with a buckeye (in honor and memory of Mr. Waite) and certificate to recognize their positive contributions to the school community. All Leader of the Month students will be invited to attend a special Leadership Symposium and Luncheon in November where they will continue to grow their leadership skills with a guest speaker, brief workshop, and a pizza lunch.
WIN Time:
We have launched "WIN Time". WIN stands for "What I Need". This is a 30 minute period of time built into the daily building schedule intended to provide small group support and enrichment opportunities for students. In September we administered several initial screening and benchmark literacy and math assessments across grade levels to determine student needs related to reading and math. Teacher grade level teams then met to review student data from these assessments and grouped students by skill need.
During daily WIN Time, students will meet with a teacher in a small group to work on improving specific reading skills. All students will be part of a group in order to best meet their individual needs as a growing reader. These groups are fluid and will be adjusted as students make progress with the foundational skill areas identified.
This approach is intended to meet the unique learning needs of all of our young learners at Waite. You might hear your child talking about seeing a different teacher during the WIN period. Grade level teachers are all focusing on a specific skill area and students will "walk" to that specific teacher to receive the support they need in a given area. We are beginning to focus on procedures and the "why" of WIN with students.
We are looking forward to this opportunity to do even more in meeting the specific needs of our students at Waite. Please reach out to me with any questions.
New CKLA Curriculum:
We have also launched our new literacy curriculum that supports the Science of Reading with evidence based pedagogy developed to enhance the literacy skills of students. There is a focus on explicit foundational instruction of phonics skills and knowledge topics to foster strong comprehension. Students have been highly engaged in this new curriculum. This new curriculum aligns with our Portrait of a Bee competencies and engenders deep and challenging learning opportunities for our students. We are excited for this new teaching and learning opportunity in Medina City Schools!
Highlights from September:
- Kindergarten Safety Presentations
- School Safety and Fire Drills
KidScripts Writing Rally, Grade 5
- Camp Nuhop, Grade 5
- Spirit Days
- Community Spirit Night and Kindergarten Parade
- Mother Goose Visit with Kindergarten
- Fall Picture Day
- Fire Safety Presentation, Grade 3
- DARE Began, Grade 5
- Choir Began, Grades 4 and 5
- Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge Kickoff
- PBIS Popsicle Parties
Have a great month!
Mr. Mattie
Medina City Schools Operating Levy on November 5, 2024
PBIS Popsicle Party!
Students worked very hard to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn in order to earn an extra recess period and popsicle party!
Mark your Calendars!
Important Dates
10/3/24: Field Trip, Grade 2, McKinley Museum and PTO Meeting, 7:00 pm
10/4/24: Grade 2 Special Guest Speaker
10/7/24: 4th Grade Terra Nova Testing this week
10/7/24-10/10/24: Spirit Days!
10/9/24: PTO Dine to Donate – Chipotle
10/10/24: Homecoming Parade
10/11/24: No School, Teacher PD Day
10/15/24: Student Flu Shot Clinic (optional)
10/16/24: Great Waite Packets Due and Board of Education Meeting, 5:30 (Garfield Building)
10/17/24: Parent/Teacher Conference Night - (others scheduled the first two weeks of October)
10/18/24: Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge PTO Fundraiser
10/23/24: Field Trip, Grade 1, Ramseyer Farm and PTO Saver’s Fundraiser 10:00 – 8:00pm
10/24/24: Field Trip, Grade 4, Severance Hall and PTO Saver’s Fundraiser 7:00 – 10:00 am
10/25/24: Halloween Parties/Parade and United Way Read to Me Day
10/31/24: Happy Halloween
Elementary Teacher Work Days
- September 27 - (No school K-5)
- November 11 - (No school K-5)
- February 24 - (No school K-5)
- May 23 - (No school K-5)
Unity Day is October 16, 2024! Wear Orange in Support!
Upcoming Events and Activities
Parent and Teacher Conferences
Spirit Week!
October 7, 2024-October 10, 2024
Monday: Hawaiian Day!
Tuesday: Country Day!
Wednesday: Sports Teams/Jersey/Hats Day!
Thursday: Medina Green and White Day! Go Bees!
Friday: No School - Teacher PD Day.
Homecoming Parade
The annual Homecoming Parade is Thursday, October 10 at 6:00 PM. The parade leaves Garfield and goes right on Broadway, Broadway to Union Street, and right on Union Street to the high school. If you would like to join the Waite community for the parade, please join us at 5:30 at Garfield. If you plan to join us, parents must accompany their children in the parade. Waite staff will be in attendance as well.
PTO Savers!
The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge! (Fall Field Day Friday, October 18)
On Thursday, September 26, I visited classrooms with Mrs. Scott, PTO. We kicked off The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge and answered questions. Students were very excited about the upcoming field day events! Your child should have brought home a packet with the following information about The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge fundraiser.
What is the Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge?
The Waite PTO has a "no sell" philosophy for fundraising. The students will participate in events that will combine fitness, fundraising, and fun all in one! The students will rotate through six fall themed stations. Some of the stations are dress the scarecrow, pumpkin roll, and an obstacle course. This event will be held at the school, during school hours. 100% of the money raised will remain at our school to directly support students.
How are donations used?
Our PTO uses the funds raised for various things that directly benefit students and staff throughout the year. Some examples include: teacher grants, assemblies, field trips, staff appreciation events, student giveback, family fun nights, etc.
The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge Goals:
Family Pledge Goal: $40 per family, but no amount is too small!
Reward: Every student who turns in a donation (of any amount) will be entered into a grade level drawing. The winners will receive a $10 gift card to redeem at a variety of local businesses and restaurants (i.e. McDonald's, Dairy Queen, Pulp, etc).
Waite Pledge Goal: $12,000
Reward: Grade Level Spirit Day
Corporate Sponsorship: Would your company like to be a school sponsor? All companies that donate will appear on our Waite digital sign at the entrance to the school driveway and on a sign that will be displayed inside the school. Please make checks payable to Waite PTO. All donations must be submitted by October 16.
The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge Important Dates
9/26: The Great Waite Pumpkin Challenge Kickoff!
10/16: Family pledge envelopes are DUE and corporate sponsorships are DUE.
10/18: The Great Waite Pumpkin event (field day) begins at 1:45pm and ends at 3:00pm.
Would you like to volunteer?
A Sign-Up Genius was sent out. All slots are now full. You must be Board of Education approved and on the approved volunteer list. Only parents who registered on the Sign-Up Genius are permitted to volunteer at this event. This expectation will be consistently enforced.
Halloween Parade and Classroom Parties (Friday, October 25)
The Halloween Parade will be held at 2:25 on Friday, October 25. 5th grade will kick off the parade around the inside of the building. Students will make a loop around the front parking lot outside of the building. Parents are invited to stand outside the front of the building (bus loop parking lot) for the outdoor portion of the parade (weather permitting). Additional details to follow.
Students will be invited to change into their costumes before the parade (around 2:10pm). Costumes must be school appropriate and must not include any fake blood or weapons. Masks are acceptable during the parade only.
Classroom Parties:
Classroom parties will follow the parade (around 2:40). Parties will be held at the discretion of the grade level team/teachers. The focus will be on fun, shared activities (i.e. games, movies, costume parties, and other classroom activities). Due to food allergies, food items will be limited and must be prepackaged, if the classroom teacher decides to include any food or candy as part of the party. This is the decision of the teacher and will be supported by administration. Classroom teachers will also reach out if there is a need for additional help in the classroom. We have a limit of no more than two (2) pre-approved parent volunteers arranged by the teacher per classroom.
Harvest for Hunger Can Food Drive (Oct. 21-25)
5th Grade Camp! (Camp Nuhop)
2nd Grade Field Trip! (McKinley Presidential Museum)
Chamber of Commerce Deeper Learning Expo
Amazing Teachers: Wear Many Hats!
Student Recognition
Buckeye Leaders of the Month!
- Laura Fligor
- Violet Pfeiffer
Scarlett Campbell
- Cameron Coleman
- Kaydin Bemiller
- Jett DeSimone
- Kinsley Prucha
- Cade Glass
- Adelyn Seymore
- Paizley Steigerwald
- Ivy Sexton
- Andy Brinkman
- Nolan Sass
- Madeline Freeland
- Ella Horschler
- Evan Robinson
- Blake Lanzer
- Charlotte Horak
- Grady Gura
- Kate Melberg
- CeCe High
- Madeleine Haynes
- Jace Chavez
- Avery Isley x2
- Evan Waite
- Kate Inglis
- Kinsley Willets
- Grayson Kearney
- Adelyn Chech
School Updates and Reminders
Counselor Corner
As we venture into October, school counselors are excited to share with you an overview of the lessons your child will be engaged in. Lessons and resources are designed to promote personal development, enhance social-emotional skills, and support academic success. Please click on the link below for more information.
School Based Health Services
School based health services (SBHC) are provided to students in person monthly on the 1st Thursday of every month and virtually EVERY SCHOOL DAY. The Nurse Practitioner can provide well visits, immunizations, sports physicals, sick visits and chronic disease (such as asthma) management. For virtual visit days she uses a special telehealth equipment called tytocare. This equipment allows her to do a more complete physical exam using attachments that let her assess the ears, throat and skin with a special camera. She can even listen to heart, lungs and belly sounds with a stethoscope attachment. The SBHC even have the ability to test patients for things such as strep throat or a urinary tract infection without them leaving the school building.
School Based Health Services Video
Students and families can refer themselves to the SBHC by calling to make an appointment or turning in a completed consent form to their nurses office. School nurses offices can directly refer students who may need or services. School staff can also refer students or families that may need assistance with care. Services are billed though medical insurance. Families without insurance will receive help in obtaining insurance and will not get billed for services rendered before they obtain of medical insurance.
See the forms below for further information regarding this optional service for students.
Akron Children’s Hospital will be offering the Flu Vaccine
Akron Children’s Hospital will be offering the Flu Vaccine to
Medina City Schools for the 2024-2025 Flu season
WHO? Any student in kindergarten through 12th grade
WHERE? Your student’s school building
WHEN? Tuesday October 15th during school hours
HOW? If interested in participating, fill out the 2 consent forms attached and send back to school no later than Monday October 7th. Only those with completed consents can receive the Flu vaccine at school.
COST? Flu vaccines are covered by most insurances and are at no cost for those who are uninsured. Please make sure your insurance covers vaccinations given at school!!!
If you have additional questions, please contact the School Health Services at 330-543-7242 or Jaclyn Warner the District RN. We hope to see your child at the clinic!
Breakfast and Lunch
We offer an online free and reduced-price meal application through PaySchools Central for families that believe they may qualify.
Remember, all students are able to enjoy breakfast at school every morning. Doors open at 8:35 AM for breakfast in the cafeteria.
PaySchools Central has provided How-To-Guides to set up your account and to complete an online free and reduced meal application. If you choose not to use the online application you can fill out the paper free and reduced meal application and return to the Food Service & Child Nutrition Department located at the Board of Education Office, 739 Weymouth Road.
The form can also be obtained and returned (completed) to any school office. You will be notified by email of your child's status. Until notification is received, you must provide your child with breakfast/lunch or money in their student accounts.
Also new this year, the signed Ohio Budget Bill included the provision for the State to cover the cost for reduced-price breakfasts and lunches for this school year. This means if you qualify for reduced-price meals, you do not have to pay the $0.30 for breakfast or the $0.40 for lunch.
School Meal Prices
Elementary $3.25
Milk $0.50
Students $2.50
Milk $0.50
Payment of school meals can be made by cash or check at each individual school. For your convenience you may also pay online by ACH Check or Credit Card through PaySchools Central. You will be charged a small fee if you use PaySchools Central. Note: You cannot combine lunch payment with payment of school fees.
Absence/Tardy Procedure
If your child is going to be absent or tardy, please call the attendance line at 330-636-4504 before 9:00 am. Please do not email the teacher or secretary. Please remember to call the attendance line only.
If a student is returning to school from an appointment or arriving late to the building:
The parent and student will enter the vestibule together.
The parent signs the student in on the attendance log which will be located in the office vestibule.
After signing the student in, ring the buzzer & the office staff will unlock the door for the student to enter the office.
If a student needs to leave school early:
The parent will enter and remain in the office vestibule.
The parent will speak through the intercom to provide the name of the student they are picking up. The parent/guardian will be required to show ID through the office window.
The office staff will call the student down to the office.
The parent will sign the student out on the attendance log.
The parent waits in the vestibule for their student.
Electronic Devices - Student Code of Conduct
As cell phones and smart watches continue to grow in popularity, we like to remind parents of the expectations for these devices during the school day. From the student discipline code:
● Electronic devices such as (laser pointers, video cameras, cameras, etc.) are prohibited in
● Cell phones, smartwatches, electronic devices such as (Ipods, MP3 players, Ipads, Nooks,
Kindles, Gizmos, etc) and any video game devices must be turned off and in the student’s book bag during school hours.
Please make sure to have a conversation with your child about this expectation so that
everyone is on the same page in regards to these devices!
Weekender Bags
Waite Elementary School is excited to participate in the 2024-2025 Weekenders program! The Weekenders for Children program is made possible through a partnership with Feeding Medina County. The purpose of this program is to support elementary children who qualify by providing a bag of food to eat over the weekend. Weekender Bags will be given to your child to take home every week during the school year, except during breaks.
If you are interested in your child/children participating in the Weekenders program, please fill out this form as soon as possible. Please call the office with any questions. Thank you!
Portrait of a Bee
Have a Great Month!
Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
Email: mattiem@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 4765 Cobblestone Dr, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: 330-636-4500