HMS Newsletter
January 17th, 2025

Meet Kendall! Here is why she comes to Holloman Middle School!
HMS Upcoming Events!
January 13: Girls Basketball Game
January 15: Board Meeting @ 6pm
January 20: MLK Day: No school
January 22: HMS Quiz Bowl Competition
February 3-14: CFA #3
February 17: President’s Day - No School
February 19: Board Meeting @ 6pm
March 19: Board Meeting @ 6pm
March 24-28: Spring Break
HMS Students of the Week!
HMS Lunch Menu
This week:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Spaghetti/w Meat Sauce or Turkey Pot Pie Over a Biscuit
Wednesday: Mojo Chicken and rice or Chili Dog
Thursday: Broccoli Chicken and Rice Casserole or Beef Soft Taco
Friday: Italian Dunkers/w Marinara or Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich
Support your HMS Perch Concession while supporting our HMS Falcon Boys!
Perch Concessions will be open at Tuesday's HOME game! Please come out and support both your HMS Falcons and PTO!!
**Cash and Cards accepted ($0.50 surcharge for cards). We can usually take Apple and Google Pay as well.
Ms. Knoedler's class experimenting with wind and erosion! Too Cool!
HMS Anchor 4 Life Goes National!!
Ms. Knoedler's Class Experimenting with Wind and Erosion.
Kiwanis December Students!
The Alamogordo Kiwanis Club is recognizing the Most Improved Student of the Month. The
most improved student is chosen by each of the school faculty. The criteria for each school
selection is based on attitude, behavior, school involvement, and academic grades.
Dominos’ Pizza, The Bluestone, Caliche’s and KHII / KTMN Radio/Pizza 9 joins the
Alamogordo Kiwanis Club in congratulating these students. The following students were honored for
the month of DECEMBER:
Thank you for your cooperation in assisting the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club, Dominos Pizza, The
Bluestone, Caliche’s and KHII / KTMN radio /Pizza 9 in honoring these students and enriching each
of these school programs.
Ned Kline
Chairman, Youth Services
HMS Top ALEKS Topic Growth!!
HMS Track Season is Coming!!
Our long awaited 2025 Track season is upon us, and we hope you all are just as excited as we are to get started! In order to join, you and your parents have to complete the Healthy Roster requirements online. If Healthy Roster is not 100% completed before 10 Feb 2025, you will not be able to participate. Paper copies of required paperwork are no longer accepted. If you have played Volleyball, Football, Cheer, or Basketball and your Healthy Roster is 100% complete you are not required to complete it again. Healthy Roster instructions and Physical Form are available at the front office. More information to come from Coach Kynna Sanchez.
The HMS PTO will have Concessions open out of the AHS Tiger Pit Concession Stand during the January 25th City Round Robin Tournament! We are looking for volunteers to fill 3 shifts throughout the day! If you can, please sign up using the link below, and help support your HMS Falcons and PTO!
Holloman Middle School Invites You to Volunteer!
Inaugural Quiz Bowl Competition
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 9:15 AM- 1:30PM
Location: HAFB CAC at Building 325, West Idaho Avenue
We're excited to announce the first-ever Holloman Middle School Quiz Bowl Competition! To make this event a success, we need your help!
Volunteers will provide support as Moderators, Scorekeepers and assist with coordinating the visiting teams to their events.
Base Access: Required for all volunteers.
POC: Aubriana Lara via text at (575) 404-6302.
Volunteer Letters Available.
We appreciate your time and support in making this a memorable event for our students!