NPS Engage News

June 14, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
Look ahead to next school year.
SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE: Happy Last Day of School!
Dear Natick Students, Families, and Staff,
Congratulations on completing another school year! Congratulations to our students on all their achievements this past year in classrooms and beyond–including stages, fields, courts, pools and rinks. We are very proud of you!
I thank all of you for what has been a very special year for me. I thank you for welcoming me into your classrooms and as an audience member to your many performances. I have thoroughly enjoyed and have been so impressed by everything I have seen. I have been impressed by your commitment toward being inclusive of one another. I have been impressed by the way our students are respectful of their community and the way this community cherishes its students. Our students are bright, talented and kind. They certainly reflect the community in which they are being raised.
In addition to the ‘regular’ traditions of the school year, I have been uniquely privileged to have been a part of the following memorable events:
- The 100th Transfer of Flags ceremony;
- The re-dedication of Memorial Field;
- The final concert of the beloved Peacemakers; and,
- Many moments at the historic Johnson Elementary School in its final year, including the celebration of its 75th anniversary last week.
A very special memory I’ll take with me was the unexpected meeting of my father’s former Korean War army comrade at the annual Veteran Day breakfast at Kennedy. It had been more than seven decades since my father had served in the military with his high school classmate. To me it felt like a sign that I was meant to be here in Natick for that moment. I have had an absolutely wonderful experience this year learning about the town, the schools, the students and our staff.
I extend a special appreciation to the district and building leadership teams as well as the Education Association of Natick. A big thank you to the members of the School Committee, along with every town board, department and leader, especially, Town Administrator, James Errickson. EVERYTHING we were able to achieve this year was a team effort.
Thank you!
Bella Wong
June 14 School Newsletters
Chromebooks Collection
A reminder that all students (including those that are taking Summer Academics or AP Classes) who have been assigned a school owned Chromebook are REQUIRED to turn in their device, in good working order, prior to the end of school, June 14, 2024.
Incoming Superintendent Dr. Melissa Spash Visits NPS in May
Orientation for 9th graders attending Natick High in '24-'25 will be on Aug. 20 at 10:30 a.m. All students must RSVP for orientation using this link. See you there!
The Johnson Peacemakers Put On a Performance for the Ages!
The Final Clap Out Ceremony at Johnson Elementary School
The ceremony brought claps, laughs, tears and some memorable, one-of-a-kind musical numbers! We hope to post a video soon. In the meantime, check out this article that the Natick Report published about Johnson.
NPS Summer Learning Guides
Congratulations Maggie Hale!
What a special award! The Glass Apple Award highlights a member of the Natick High School staff for their dedication, passion and commitment to students. Students are asked to nominate one member of the staff. This month Maggie Hale, NHS Social Studies Teacher (pictured center surrounded by students) was recognized with the Glass Apple for 2023-2024!
*Not all retirees pictured. However, every retiree deserves our heartfelt thanks for their years of service! Congrats to our educators receiving professional teacher status as well!
Update on U.S. Department of Energy Grant
In 2023, Natick Public Schools received a $2M Renew America’s Schools grant to provide critical cooling to students and staff at Bennett-Hemenway Elementary; to replace aging HVAC equipment; and to electrify the building. Natick's Facilities Management team and its Sustainability Office are partnering on this project and will finalize project design this year. Project completion is expected in 2026. Sign up for Natick's sustainability newsletter to learn more about this project and other local environmental initiatives.
ICYMI: The Town of Natick's Sustainability Director, Jillian Wilson-Martin, was featured in a Boston Globe article last week.
Summer Programs Start July 8
Check out https://naticksummerprograms.my.canva.site/ and register on Active.com. Don't forget—we consider financial aid eligibility, if you complete this form.
Reminder: Summer Strength & Conditioning is Back!
Open to all students, especially student-athletes preparing for next season. Our program can provide the much-needed push from the video game + couch way of life to an active lifestyle! Register here and watch our video for details. Starts Monday, June 24.
'24-'25 Bus Registration Late Fee Notice
Please note that if you register your student after Sunday, June 30, 2024, you will pay a late fee regardless of whether or not your student would receive free transportation. There will be no exceptions. Students who have been registered but have not completed payment (if applicable) will not be assigned to buses until payment is made in full. If payment is not made in full by June 30th, you will be responsible for the bus pass fee plus the late fee.
If you have not already registered, please register ASAP. Go to the following link for registration & payments: NPS Transportation/Bus Registration.
Late fee schedule
Registered by 6/30: NO LATE FEE
Registered from 7/01-7/31: LATE FEE IS $100 per family*
Registered after 7/31: LATE FEE IS $125 per family*
*An assessed late fee and second bus pass fees will not be included when determining the family cap of $400. The $400 family cap is for transportation fees only.
Email the Transportation Department with any questions.
Leadership Update
As you may have seen from our job listings, Natick is in the process of hiring our next Director of the Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunities (METCO) program.
We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many years that outgoing METCO Director Rasheedah T. Clayton, M.Ed, has served all NPS students. Thank you!
Congratulations and best wishes to Ms. Clayton as she moves onto a different leadership role out of district.
Latest District Jobs Program a Success!
Natick was among ten districts who participated in METCO's District Jobs program. These jobs were made possible through a $66,900 SuccessLink Jobs Program Grant from the City of Boston.
An NPS Staffer who worked with METCO students in this program stated, "Each student was able to work one-on-one with a member of the Natick High staff in their respective departments. They were able to build a relationship with them and learn different tools to help do their jobs." Congratulations to these student workers and thank you to everyone involved!
Students who participate in the METCO program are thriving from the elementary to high school grade levels. Natick became a partner METCO district in 1969. Learn about METCO's history.
Next meeting: June 17.
Location: The third floor meeting room at Natick Town Hall and through hybrid virtual viewing or on Pegasus local access TV.
Parent Academy
Transparency Center
News from Our Community Partners
Sunday, June 16 is the family bike ride event hosted by the Rotary Club of Natick. Go to https://natickrotary.org/tour-2/ to learn more. (If you encounter difficulties with registering, please email dcarberry66@gmail.com.)
The Charles River Rotary Club's 11th Annual Scoopapalooza
is on Saturday June 22 on the Natick Common from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
SURVEY ALERT - Help Shape the Future of Main Street!
The Town of Natick is conducting a study to improve multimodal transportation facilities and streetscape design along Main Street in Natick Center and we want to hear from you!
Click here to learn more about the project and let us know your thoughts on current and potential future conditions along Main Street! The survey will close on 6/20/24.
Questions? Please contact Morgan Griffiths at mgriffiths@natickma.org.
Connect with SPARK Kindness on the Natick Common
June 19: Juneteenth Celebration
July 18: Natick Nights
August 24: Multicultural Day
Virtual Event Scheduled for August 13: Webinar on Shame Proof Parenting
Natick Soldier Systems Center Open House Event
The NSSC Community Open House will be held on June 15, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 10 General Greene Ave., Natick, MA 01760.
Entry is free.
Learn more.
The Natick Board of Health wishes to inform its citizens that Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project personnel will be in Natick to Respond to residents’ concerns about mosquitoes in their area on the following dates in June: June 5, 6, 12, 13, 20, 26, 27. Please open and read the attached file for further details. Contact info: health@natickma.org.
Is someone in your household not receiving the Engage biweekly district newsletter or important notices related to bus transportation? Direct them to communications@natickps.org to let us know.
Smore.com newsletter HYPERLINK + FILE & ATTACHMENT notice: Files and attachments download best on a desktop computer. These files should be viewable on most mobile devices as well. While images might be hyperlinked, this is done in addition to inserting key links throughout the text. The links and files inserted in the newsletter are included in order to condense the space used.
Natick Public Schools does not discriminate in employment nor its educational programs, services, and activities based on race, creed, color, age, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, physical and intellectual differences, immigration status, homeless status, or any other basis prohibited by law. Please be aware all electronic communication to and from Natick Public Schools is public record and subject to public disclosure per Massachusetts General Law Chapter 66, Section 10.