OSP Connected
Office for School Performance: September 2024, Vol. 76
Message from Audrea
This year we have welcomed over 90 new teachers, counselors, coaches, and many more to be part of the Hillsboro School District. While it is a smaller group, they are for sure a mighty group with experiences in life and education that will benefit our students and our community. Additionally, we've hired over 130 new classified employees, who are critical to all of the inner workings of our district. We are grateful you all have chosen HSD to be your home!
Each role that we all have in HSD has an impact on the lives of our students. The ability that we all have to know, value and empower students can create a trajectory of amazingness for them. As we move into this school year, please continue to take the time to build relationships with students and their families. Educators (no matter your role) help make connections and motivate students to discover their passions and career interests. I often ask adults if they have an educator in their life that inspired them to become who they are today, and inevitable, just about every single one can tell me about a teacher, an aide, a bus driver, a custodian, a counselor, etc who recognized their potential, gave them the positive affirmation that they needed at the time, and made a difference in their lives. You all help create that for students every day in HSD!
This fall may bring us some unique challenges as the political climate often impacts schools. I encourage you to focus on building community in your classroom. We may have differences as a community of Hillsboro, but I also know that we can be a strong community, better than what is portrayed in the media. Creating a school and classroom environment that focuses on kindness, understanding, empathy, dignity as well as forgiveness makes a difference for our students and ourselves. A few years ago, we had a keynote at Summer Summit, Trisha DiFazio, that highlighted forgiveness was the number one need that students expressed they needed to feel safe in the classroom and in life (and I would argue it might be in the top 5 for adults as well). As we go into a new school year, continue to know your students and each other by name, strength, and need, and focus on ways to value and empower all experiences in our schools. Thank you for all that you do, and here’s to an amazing year!
We, in HSD's Teaching and Learning department, exist to support the work of instructional improvement in our schools. We are here to serve! We have a variety of early learning, elementary, secondary and PK-12 Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) and Counselors on Special Assignment (COSA) funded through various sources to support your work. Please click here to find a TOSA/COSA that can support you!
Do you have a question about the curriculum? Need help finding a resource? Send them an email.
Would you like them to come and meet with you? Support you in your classroom? Please connect with your admin to request TOSA support.
We look forward to supporting your work in the effective implementation of quality instruction and building great classroom experiences for kids.
The HSD CCP team is actively working to identify a number of fall internship opportunities for high school students. A number of positions are posted here. Please encourage students and families to check out the variety of internships that are either paid or provide a scholarship to students. As additional internships are identified, they will be added to the internship catalog linked above. The deadline to apply is September 20th, 2024. Students will be contacted shortly after for interviews if they meet the qualifications.
Suicide Prevention Month
This month, we take time to honor the lives lost to suicide and recognize the millions who have faced suicidal thoughts, along with the families and communities affected. It's also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and spread messages of hope throughout our community.
Each of us can help prevent suicide by knowing the warning signs and risk factors as well as knowing Where to Find Support. To support suicide prevention and awareness, HSD is reminding our community to reach out to those around you to start real, non-judgemental conversations about suicide. Follow the ASK, CARE, TELL model to support anyone who may be at risk:
ASK direct questions
Show we CARE by listening empathetically, respectfully and without judgment
TELL others that can help offer support and connect to resources
If you have any questions about how to support students, staff, families and partners in our community, your Mental Health Care Coordination team can be a resource to you. You can also look into signing up for local trainings in suicide prevention, such as Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) on September 19-20th or Youth Mental Health First Aid on September 26th.
Attendance Awareness Month
Chronic absence has become a national crisis. Data show chronic absence nearly doubled by the end of the 2021-22 school year. It now affects nearly one out of three students. Chronic absence is typically defined as missing 10% of the school year – or just two days each month – for any reason.
Every one of us plays a vital role in ensuring that students attend school regularly. Together, we have the opportunity to highlight the importance of regular attendance for student success and engagement. We can achieve this by delivering positive and supportive messages, initiating proactive conversations with families and students about why attendance matters, and building strong, trusting relationships with families. By doing so, we create a safe space for collaboration when attendance challenges arise.
Explore the resources below as we shift our attention on attendance from compliance to invitation.
Attendance Response Plan_24-25
Our classrooms reflect the diversity of our world, filled with students from different backgrounds and experiences. This diversity is our strength, and it’s our shared duty to ensure that every student feels seen, heard, and valued. Our equity work helps us break down barriers so that all students can succeed. Every student needs access to the resources and support they deserve. As we engage with our students and families, we aim to build strong connections that enhance student learning. Belonging in HSD ensures that we create a school where everyone feels they are an important part of our community.
This year, let’s live our motto: “Know, Value, and Empower every student to achieve their dreams.” By focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, we can help every student reach their full potential and make our school a place where everyone can thrive. Please refer to our internal website for resources and information. https://sites.google.com/hsd.k12.or.us/climate-culture-and-voice/home
In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15th through October 15th, our Hispanic Heritage Commemorations document is ready to share and implement! There, you will find bilingual, English-only and Spanish-only lessons and resources from PreK-12th Grade.
The intent of these offerings is to:
Elevate voices not heard in the mainstream
Remove the dominant culture approach and balance the well-known stories, people & events in our community
Increase celebration of diverse cultures
The Hispanic Heritage Commemorations are ready to be accessed! Please use these lessons as you see fit.
We hope you utilize these resources with your students all year long as we continue to elevate and honor ALL students’ diverse backgrounds, history and culture, making HSD an inclusive and welcoming community in which to grow and thrive.
This summer, the Bilingual Enrichment Program (BEP) in Hillsboro School District stood out as a beacon of academic growth and community engagement; over 800 students from diverse backgrounds were invited to participate. These students, many from traditionally underserved communities, benefited from instruction that included STEM projects, literacy development, and social-emotional learning aimed at accelerating their educational progress.
A highlight of the program was the strong integration of career pathways, with DBEP scholars leading clubs that allowed students to explore future professions. From building sturdy bridges with popsicle sticks in the STEM sessions to bilingual literacy lessons guided by bilingual educators, the program provided a rich, hands-on learning experience that kept students engaged and excited about their education. This practical approach not only reinforced academic skills but also inspired confidence and curiosity among the students.
The program’s success was celebrated in a closing event that brought together over 600 family members, students and BEP staff. The event was a joyful culmination of the summer's efforts, where all students proudly showcased their learning through dance performances and projects, while some secondary students displayed their learned culinary talents by preparing appetizers for the attendees. These performances and showcases were more than just displays of talent—they were a testament to the growth and achievements of the students, made possible by the dedication and support of the BEP staff.
This summer's accomplishments would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the BEP team, including teachers, educational assistants, university scholars, HS volunteers and community partners. Your commitment to creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for our students has left a lasting impact on their educational journey. The growth we witnessed in our students, both academically and personally, is a direct result of your passion and dedication. Special thanks go to our community partners, such as the Library on the Loose, Tooth Taxi, and the Girl Scouts, who played a vital role in enriching the program's offerings.
We also extend our gratitude to the state who provided summer school funding for this BEP experience as it was the biggest in years! We were honored to have Dr. Williams, Director of the Oregon Department of Education, visit our program along with other state and local leaders. They were extremely impressed with the program and our ability to provide for not only to our students but also our HS volunteers, Scholars and Educators a structure of reciprocal mentorship.
As we reflect on the success of this summer, we are reminded of the power of collaboration and the importance of providing equitable educational opportunities for all students. The Bilingual Enrichment Program has once again proven to be an essential part of our district’s efforts to close achievement gaps and support our students in reaching their full potential.
Thank you to every staff member who participated in the program. Your dedication has made a difference in the lives of our students, setting them up for continued success in the upcoming school year. We look forward to building on this momentum and continuing to support our students' growth and development in the future.
For more information on Extracurricular Services or please contact Rian Petrick at petrickr@hsd.k12.or.us
As we kick off another exciting school year, we want to extend a warm welcome back to each of you! The Tech Teach Grow team is here to support your journey in purposeful tech instruction. We encourage you to explore the picture below for information about TOSA support and the premium apps available to you.
Remember, your EdTech Site Coordinator (ESC) is right in your building, ready to assist with any questions you may have.
We’re thrilled to introduce our NEW Kickstart Guides, which serve as optional resources for classroom teachers:
Together, let’s make this year a remarkable one filled with growth, innovation, and enhanced learning experiences for our students. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Teaching Resources: Teaching & Learning 2.0
Link to site: Teaching & Learning 2.0
Teaching Language to Access Learning
Language Central
Three Ways to Scaffold Language for Access to Learning
Academic Vocabulary
Language Objectives
Instruction: Professional Development
Are you looking for ways to gain more knowledge and understanding connected to your work? We have some great professional development opportunities for you! Check out our one stop shopping Teachflix professional development site! We have resources and offerings for all staff.
PK-12 Searchable PD Playlist
All PD offerings are presented on the Teachflix Searchable PD Playlist
Teachflix navigation video: Learn What's Next: Using the Searchable PD Playlist
Extended contract offered for after school synchronous PD sessions on the playlist
A chance to win prizes for attending after school synchronous PD sessions
Access Prior PD Sessions (uploaded with presentations and recordings)