Central Junior High
Newsletter February 22, 2019
Ever wanted your comic to be in the newspaper, well now is your time to shine.
Draw up your comic and send it to duprej@centralisd.com.
Here are the rules.
Must be school appropriate
Must be at least 3 panels
You have to draw it ,and it can't be someone else's or based off of a comic already made
Be creative and funny
The deadline for this is the end of March and starts February 25th.
Please submit your comic online. It can either be drawn up on the computer or drawn on paper and photographed.
The top three will be featured in April's newsletter.
-This competition will be judged by Kaleb Hudson.
The Valentine's dance was a huge success!
Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.
Mrs. Chelsi Woods
Mrs. Woods said she enjoys working at Central because it's like a big happy family. She loves helping her students grow in ways they didn't know they could.
A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.
Book Bingo Challenge
The 5th and 6th grade students who completed the Book Bingo Challenge celebrated their success with a pizza party in the library. After enjoying some pizza and cookies, the students participated in a short "book tasting" where they sampled new books in the library. They closed out the party by watching the video announcement of the 2018-2019 Bluebonnet Book Award winner, Sergeant Reckless by Patricia McCormick. The 7th and 8th graders who completed the Book Bingo Challenge will have their pizza party next Thursday, Feb. 28th.