Estabrook Buzz
News and Notes from Estabrook School | May 25, 2017
Dear Estabrook Families,
As we turn the corner toward June, it is hard not to notice that last day of school circled in red on our calendars. It is the sign of a chapter coming to a close, and the anticipation of what comes next.
In air travel, pilots know that a smooth landing is an essential part of any flight. Here at Estabrook, our wheels are down, and we're preparing to land the plane. The flight is still in progress, but, we can see the runway out of our windows.Landing the plane is an important part of our flight, too.
The next few weeks will be packed with trips, celebrations, showcases and more. Helping students bring closure to the year, reflect on all they have done and celebrate all they have accomplished is of paramount importance. For all our students, the end of the year will signal a transition as well. For everyone, it is on to a new class and new teacher. For many, it is moving on to a new school. Regardless of the next chapter, the faculty, staff and I are committed to supporting our students, celebrating their success and helping them plan for what is next.
I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend--the last break before our seats and tray tables return to their upright positions!
Jeff LaBroad
Stay connected with Estabrook via text alerts
Warm weather brings traffic safety reminders
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way in all crosswalks.
- Follow all traffic signs (especially STOP and DO NOT ENTER signs)
- Carefully follow the directions of police, traffic personnel or school staff (generally in yellow traffic vests).
- There is no entry into the Estabrook parking lot during arrival and dismissal. All students should arrive and depart using the traffic circle.
Estabrook Office Closed Thursday afternoon
Vote today for the Estabrook School Council Parent Representatives
The Estabrook School Council is looking to fill two parent representative seats that will be vacated at the end of this school year. The School Council serves as an advisory board to the principal, and assists with the creation and review of the School Improvement Plan, among other duties. Individuals serving on the Council will represent the parents of Estabrook School at monthly School Council meetings, and will serve a two-year term.
Voting closes Friday at midnight. Click here to learn more about our candidates and to vote for the Estabrook School Council Parent Representatives.
Run of the Mill 2017 is in the books
Get your colors ready for field day!
Field Day returns Friday, June 2! Our Physical Education department, school staff and parent volunteers are preparing for another exciting day.
Students are encouraged to show their Estabrook Field Day Spirit by wearing their grade color:
Kindergarten - RED
First - GREEN
Second - ORANGE
Third - BLUE
Fourth - PURPLE
Fifth - YELLOW
Don’t Forget:
· Sunscreen (applied at home)
· Bug spray (applied at home)
· Sneakers
· Hats
Morning Club is filling up!
Baby Gordon joins the estabrook family
Please join us in welcoming Jacob Thomas Gordon to the Estabrook family. Jacob was born on Friday, May 19 at 10:16 a.m. He was 7.3 pounds and 19.75 inches long. Mom (Estabrook Second Grade Teacher Heather Gordon), dad and big sister are all doing well!
Check out Lexington's 2017-2018 School Calendar
The school calendar for the upcoming academic year is available for you to review. Holidays and vacations are shaded in grey for your convenience. The first day of school for 2017-2018 is Tuesday, August 29.
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
ALL SCHOOL READ-IN | Thursday, May 25, 9:15-9:45 a.m.
PTO STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCHEON | Thursday, May 25, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Estabrook School Cafeteria
PTO MAKER NIGHT | Thursday, May 25, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Estabrook School Cafeteria
Join us as we build, fidget, collaborate and explore!
GRADE 3 ACT PERFORMANCE | Friday, May 26, 10:30-12:00 p.m.
Schools and offices closed
GRADE 4 & 5 SPRING CONCERT | Thursday, June 1, 11:00-12:00 p.m. & 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Estabrook School Cafetorium
Grade 4 and 5 Strings, Grade 5 Chorus and Band
FIELD DAY | Friday, June 2
THIRD GRADE COLONIAL CRAFT DAY | Monday, June 5, 8:45-11:15 a.m.
GRADE 5 BBQ | Monday, June 5, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Estabrook Playground
KINDERGARTEN VISIT DAY | Thursday, June 8, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
A visiting hour for our incoming kindergarten students joining us this fall.
GRADE 4 TO WHIPPLE HILL | Friday, June 9
Raindate Monday, June 12
SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING | Monday, June 12, 3:45-5:00 p.m.
Estabrook School Conference Room
VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION BREAKFAST | Wednesday, June 14, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Hosted by the faculty and staff of Estabrook School for all our volunteers!
FIFTH GRADE GRADUATION | Wednesday, June 21, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL | Thursday, June 22
Students will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. Report Cards will be released electronically to parents later in the day.
See what we're learning, doing, making and celebrating from our faculty and staff!
Estabrook BUZZ
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520