Lion's Link #lionpride
August 16, 2024
Pride in Self, Pride in Community, Pride in Learning
Welcome Back!
Thank you to all of those who came to Open House and our Back To School Fair Thursday night. It's one of my favorite events because the whole community shows up for it! I sincerely appreciate all of the community groups and individuals who help with that--too many to name and I'm afraid I'll leave someone out, but if you were there, you saw all the free supplies and services being offered to students and families. I love that this community takes such good care of our students.
We are all excited for them to be back in the building on Monday, and we're ready! I have to recognize our custodial and maintenance crew: Diane Saathoff, Ethan Wright, Adam Brown, Holly Boggs, and James Luttrell, and we had Matthew Smith as our student worker and Addison Rogers helping part-time. They have all worked so hard to get this building in tip-top shape for our staff and students, and it shows. Everything is clean and in great shape.
Our teachers have also gone all out--their classrooms are student ready, and many were in the office this afternoon getting names of new students so everyone has a nametag and feels like they are part of our Pride from day one. Ms. Hopkins has been busy taking care of schedules, and the administrators have seen to all of the details that have to be taken care of at the last minute. We appreciated the addition of Mrs. Bryan's position, as she did the planning and ran the teacher training this week and will be here to support our staff this year. We are so fortunate to have such an outstanding group. It's going to be a great year to be a Tuscumbia student!
It takes many people to make this place run, and they've all put in lots of hours for the past several weeks as we got ready for the new school year. Becky Wickham and Jan Abbett have the kitchen ready and have great menus planned for our students this year. The bus drivers have attended training, and the buses have all been inspected and are ready to go. Our paraprofessionals have also attended some extra training, and they are ready to take care of students on Monday. Gayla has been busy making sure all of our employees have their paperwork taken care of, and Miss Melissa has put in lots of hours this week to get student records updated and new students registered.
As I get ready to start my 3rd school year in Tuscumbia, I think about how fortunate I am to be surrounded by all of these people who put these students first and who take care of this school--it really does take a village, and I'm so proud to be part of this one. I'll see everyone Monday morning--classes begin at 8:00 a.m. sharp! Have a great weekend.
Dr. Spencer
From the Principal's Office
Dear Tuscumbia School Community,
I can’t believe it…the last weekend of summer break is officially here. Staff members have been working so hard getting classrooms, lessons, and our school ready to welcome students back on Monday. We can’t wait to begin the school year with your student(s)!
Just a few reminders about the first day of school:
If you have a student in kindergarten through 4th grade we welcome you to walk your student to class on the first day of school. If you plan to walk your students to their class this day, please review the following guidelines. There will be building administrators outside to help direct parents and students where to go.
Parents with students in kindergarten should enter the door by the kindergarten class.
Parents with students in 1st - 4th grade should enter the door by the nurse’s office. This is the closest door to these classrooms.
Parents may walk students to their class between 7:30am - 8:00am.
Please do not park in the bus lane. This needs to be kept clear so buses can get in and out easily.
If you need to speak with the nurse or drop any medication off, she will be available at 7:30am.
The dismissal process is as follows:
When the 3:15pm bell rings, bus riders will be dismissed. All other students will remain in their classrooms until the buses have been loaded and have left the parking lot.
Once buses have left the parking lot we will dismiss all other students. Please note, if you have a student in grades K-4 you will need to walk to the sidewalk to check your student out. They will not be able to walk through the parking lot on their own. Please expect the buses to take longer than normal the first few days of school to get loaded and leave the parking lot. We will dismiss non-bus riders just as soon as we can.
We are so excited for this school year and can’t wait to see everyone on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kyla Kirtley
Student MAP and EOC Score Reports will be sent home with students next week.
We're so proud of our 5th grader Grayson Rush!
He's been showing his steer this summer, and he was at the State Fair this week.
Send pictures!
We love to see what our students do when they aren't here with us! Send us pictures of their achievements, and we'll get them in the Lion's Link. You can email them to
Meal Prices and Food Service Information
The following are student meal prices for the 2024-25 school year:
Breakfast: $1.80
Reduced breakfast: $0.30
K-8 lunch: $2.35
9-12 lunch: $2.50
Reduced lunch (K-12): $0.40
Extra milk: $0.45
Extra servings: $0.50 (after everyone is served)
Extra milk and extra servings charges apply to everyone, including those on free/reduced lunch.
One Week of Breakfasts: $9.00
One Week of Lunches:
K-8, $11.75
9-12, $12.50
One Week of Breakfast and Lunch Every Day:
K-8, $20.75
9-12, $21.50
We will be mailing meal account reminders monthly this year. Please deposit money ahead of time for your student to avoid meal charges. A reminder that our Extra-Curricular guidelines do not allow students to participate in extra-curricular activities if you owe more than $50 in meal bills.
If you need help with meal costs, please complete the Free/Reduced Meals Form in your enrollment packet and make sure it gets back to the office. When they are returned with students, sometimes we do not receive them, so either deliver the form to the office or call to see that we received it if you send it with your student. You will be notified as to your eligibility.
Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher?
If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher and you do not have the required 36 college hours, you can do an online course that will allow you to get a substitute certificate. Here is the link to that course, and here is the link to the DESE web page that gives you more information about what you need to do to get a substitute certification. Our daily rate for subs for the 2024-25 school year will be $100/day!
Mission Statement
The mission of the Miller County R-III School District, in partnership with our students, parents, staff, and community, is to promote PRIDE and provide a quality education that inspires our students to be lifelong learners.
Job Postings
- Baseball/Softball Field Prep: Preparing the field on home game days, the school has a 4-wheeler to use; $500 for the season.
- Substitute Teachers, as needed, $100/day beginning 2024-25, must have substitute certificate and pass a background check.
- Substitute Bus Drivers, as needed, $31.60 per route (a.m. or p.m.) and $15/hour for trip drivers, including wait time. If you do not have a CDL, we have an on-site trainer who will train you if you commit to substituting for our district.
- Coaching: Assistant Track, Spring
Interested parties should contact Dr. Spencer at, or come by central office during working hours for an application.
It's always a great day to be a Lion! Come join our Pride!